The best mountain track that has it all, hills step gradients weird cambers etc is of course Bathurst ( Mt. Panorama ) why everyone claims the ring nordshif etc are the greatest etc is beyond me, tracks that are no longer used have litte to do wu=ith what they were years ago is sad.
The mountain is the greatest challenge in road racing today, it epitomises the production class cars you rarely see any open wheel crap there as they break too easily. which is how it should be, keep open wheel stuff on flat scalextrix type tracks and put real cars on the mountain.
I lament the descision back in the 80's to include Caltex chase and reduce the speed and flow of the cars and take away the 'hump' on conrod, it was awesome to scram down over the hump and get airborne
I also support a call for a pikes peak type area, after watching that famous video of the guy that has balls the size of coconuts blast up there, it would be awesome. knowing if ya missed in LFS ya can get back in a try harder