The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :OK, I've made it so the axis display shrinks down if you have so many axes. This fix will be in this evening's version.

I'm just making a special note now to make sure you see it and check it this evening, as you are the only one I've heard of with so many axes!

ok thanks i will check it out in the patch, and yeah i do alot of gaming lol, got joysticks for flight simulator n all sorts lol

*EDIT* just tried it, can see all axis, works great thanks!
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :go back a page neer the bottom posts i put a picture of befor and after, no settings changed just started lfs like normal with all screen settings the same

The numbers are taller, making them easier to read. That's all. Personally, I always thought the old numbers looked a little squished.

It's a difference of 3 pixels. That's it. Is that really such a big deal?
The interiors are going to change anyway. Atleast they are all readable now. So let's wait for the interior updates and then start complaining how the new interiors are all wrong.
I allowed X30 to auto update to x33 before unlocking it..
then when I tried to unlock it, LFS thought it was an incompatible version So I reinstalled X30 unlocked, then updated.. problem, but only a little one

Sorry if I missed this in a previous post
Quote from Cue-Ball :The numbers are taller, making them easier to read. That's all. Personally, I always thought the old numbers looked a little squished.

It's a difference of 3 pixels. That's it. Is that really such a big deal?

Its not unbearable but it makes it feel like playing on a portable telly when you go to look at your speedo/rpm
Never ending mpr
Sorry, this is not really an interface bug, but I didn't find a more appropriate thread to post it.

Running X33, I left a server during the first lap of a race, after I got crashed, and when I checked the replay (temp.mpr, which was saved automatically) I found that it doesn't end, like it used to do. Instead, at the moment when I left the server, the cars start displaying the lag label, with an increasing count that seem to never stop. See the attached replay.

This is on XP Pro sp2.

P.S. Thank you very much for the adjustable quick look!
Attached files
never_ending_replay.mpr - 184.6 KB - 284 views
Quote from FL!P :Sorry, this is not really an interface bug, but I didn't find a more appropriate thread to post it.

Running X33, I left a server during the first lap of a race, after I got crashed, and when I checked the replay (temp.mpr, which was saved automatically) I found that it doesn't end, like it used to do. Instead, at the moment when I left the server, the cars start displaying the lag label, with an increasing count that seem to never stop. See the attached replay.

This is on XP Pro sp2.

P.S. Thank you very much for the adjustable quick look!

it happened to me... with x10 too
I think I found a bug. my screen is squished. see the digital speedo and the gear indicator. I'm running hte screen at 1920x1200 if that helps. it was fine in X32 nad this issue apears in X33.

picture attached.

EDIT: meh, duplicate bug! still the picture may help.
Attached images
Zachary Zoomy: what car were you driving? If its some GTR, i think that speedo is there normally
Quote from Flame CZE :Zachary Zoomy: what car were you driving? If its some GTR, i think that speedo is there normally

He mean's that it's strechted..
hey i just got patch X33, launched LFS and when it loads it says in the top left hand corner


what does that mean?

also no ffb now

edit: fixed, was new logitech drivers hmm
Important Timeout Issue
I kept timing out then.. after a few attempts trying to race
then this happend
and i could not leave the server or anything
Attached images
Quote from Arrow. :I kept timing out then.. after a few attempts trying to race
then this happend
and i could not leave the server or anything

That is a VERY big lag bar
Quote from ScHiZ :I allowed X30 to auto update to x33 before unlocking it..
then when I tried to unlock it, LFS thought it was an incompatible version So I reinstalled X30 unlocked, then updated.. problem, but only a little one

Sorry if I missed this in a previous post

My mistake, I forgot to upload the X33 exe to the master server.
Not really bugs but annoyances:

I really hope that something will be done about the restart votes which are not automatically cancelled after a while.
We had a discussion about that in the Server options wishlist thread.

And also a server option to disallow the use of AI's.
Some people are adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race on racing servers and guess what is the result...
Quote from Lotesdelere :And also a server option to disallow the use of AI's.
Some people are adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race on racing servers and guess what is the result...

They get banned for being muppets?
Quote from Lotesdelere :And also a server option to disallow the use of AI's.
Some people are adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race on racing servers and guess what is the result...

I think there already is such an option - just set "number of AIs per guest" to zero.
Quote from xaotik :I think there already is such an option - just set "number of AIs per guest" to zero.

Unfortunately there is not such an option... yet
The 'carsguest' option is about the max number of cars (real + AI) per guest. So if I set it to 0 no one can join the track...
Yesterday I have a strange problem. In the middle of a long race, suddenly MOMO lost the connection 1/2 second and I hit the wall. Am I the only one?
Quote from Cue-Ball :You either need to buy another controller or use another input on the controller you've got. For instance, you could use one button for gas and one for brake or you can use the throttle slider that many joysticks have as the throttle. But there's no way to make a third axis on a controller that is, by definition, two axis.

Actually, it's a 4 axis joystick, but that's not the point. If I set both a button and an axis as throttle then I should be able to accelerate using either and I am so NOT using a button as my regular throttle.
Quote from Lotesdelere :Unfortunately there is not such an option... yet
The 'carsguest' option is about the max number of cars (real + AI) per guest. So if I set it to 0 no one can join the track...

Ah - corrected I stand and poo to my bad memory.

Quote from TRM.13 :Yesterday I have a strange problem. In the middle of a long race, suddenly MOMO lost the connection 1/2 second and I hit the wall. Am I the only one?

Most likely. This is not X33 related - probably your USB acted up.
Quote from JasonJ :I think he (MaxH) and some others are just trying to say that maybe we could have limited viewing angles in Cockpit view only and the custom view allows us to look back as before in all cars. Then if people want to race against people with the same limited vision disadvantage then the FCV server's can accomodate that. It's almost like we are heading that way, well I hope so anyway, 'cause at the moment we can have people in chase view racing against people with limited views.

If this happens then possibly eveyone is happy, Both the "Hard Core" and "The Leisure racers/cruisers/drifters/draggers/police/robbers etc"

I hope I'm not sounding too ungrateful, I love LFS and would have paid tripple for what I have so far got out of it. Even learning the new clutch has been nicely frustrating, (like a new game level :schwitz

Yes, thats what i mean totally fnkz for clearifying that!

I'd do the same really, LFS is the reason my computer exist!

Edit: uhm, this post aint totally inrelevant to this thread.. but was intended to go to another thread initially. I think tabbed browsing just owned me.

:banghead: :dnfnoob:
Quote from Resound :Actually, it's a 4 axis joystick, but that's not the point. If I set both a button and an axis as throttle then I should be able to accelerate using either and I am so NOT using a button as my regular throttle.

If it's really a 4 axis joystick, then what's the problem? You have one axis for steering, one for brake, one for gas, and that still leaves one left over.
Quote from Flame CZE :Zachary Zoomy: what car were you driving? If its some GTR, i think that speedo is there normally

itsv an XFR
This was done in X33 last night. Dunno if X35 fixed it, but cant test now since im away from home and on laptop.

Tried out to have 20ish AI drivers with BF1 on KY oval, 15 laps with mandatory pitstop. Found several bugs in their behaviour, the first two being quite serious:

* All but one driver got penalties due breaking to late on their pit entry.

* At least one driver got to a pit that was already taken, pushing the first driver out. The second driver's pit was finished earlier and after that he kept pushing the first driver until he too was done with his pit.

* One driver that had a smashed front wheel kept doing donuts on grass (since turning the other way didnt help). IRL driver maybe would tried to use reverse some.

* On the more advanced driving, the driver that were immediately behind another kept keeping max gas and then releaseing it all, in intervalls, to not drive into the driver ahead (due to slip streaming).
IRL drivers would probably try more of the times to drive by, specially in the corners.

pleasepleaseplease let us be able to look backwards in all cars whilst using custom view?

Edit: Managed to do a test on my lap anyways (3fps while all in view, okayish ), with RACE_S setup though. The new path in x35 helps a lot, but not totally. A few (5-7 drivers maybe) managed to get a penalty. But now all managed to clear it by another pitstop at least (in x33 non did since they never managed to get speed down). The rest of the issues are still there though.