The online racing simulator
tested and have to say... done an AMAZING job... but, i'm a complainer... and as a complainer, i have to complain

could you make the gauges' dials all going clock wise ?

and put positions as percentage... because mine's always stays on top of the screen or away from the screen... with percentages you'll be generalising the positions... for the one who uses 600x800 res or the one who uses 1152x864

BTW : The position saving stuff isn't working here... the dials go back to the original position... what's happening ?
Quote from screama :im almost done with the gauges...

You can easily adjust the turbo/fuel to be outside of the other gauges



I found an error with the XRR gauges, where the rev needle wasnt even pointing to any numbers, it was just moving between 0 and 12 on the speedomete side, or something. Replaced it with the FXR gauges anyway, since they work good.
yeah there was an error with the XRR-gauges .... the "SHIFT"-light was on the wrong position. but the needle was moving fine
Maybe it was a bad download its no problem anyway as I said
Quote from screama :im almost done with the gauges...

You can easily adjust the turbo/fuel to be outside of the other gauges


hi, I downloaded your gauges, but how do I make it were the LFS ones were? Im talking about custom view, so its a virtual LFS gauge. My screen is 1024 by 768 I want it in center bottom where the old LFS virtual ones were, help.
This evening I will release Version 1.0. Will make a new thread I guess.
I made some "rtf" documents to explain everything from installation to shortcuts with nice pictures.

It will be released with screama´s Gauges.

Hope you all can wait until and read the documentation then.
As you can see my english is not the best, so if anyone can help me with the text please PM me.

Your Anagauge's are really awesome
Can Anyone make these gauges work for me ? I want someone to do just the programming part, that i couldn't do... background and needle are attached. And a pic of the original cluster wortking attached too...

just added the Turbo and Fuel gauges that in the original cluster are Electroluminescent, then, i can't make the speedo + tach as analog and the Fuel + Turbo work EL... so, i just made them analog too...

The Turbo is the one on top, made it as BAR scale... and the Fuel one is the bottom one, made it Percent scale.
Attached images
Prelude Cluster.jpg
Attached files
Prelude Cluster.rar - 104.9 KB - 765 views
Is there any way of using them WITHOUT having to overide a dll windows file?
Quote from HellBoy99 :Is there any way of using them WITHOUT having to overide a dll windows file?

Well you could hack your graphics driver and overlay it on top of LFS.
Quote from HellBoy99 :Is there any way of using them WITHOUT having to overide a dll windows file?

Dude.Put the .dll file in the LFS folder.
Quote from Dudles :Can Anyone make these gauges work for me ? I want someone to do just the programming part, that i couldn't do... background and needle are attached. And a pic of the original cluster wortking attached too...

just added the Turbo and Fuel gauges that in the original cluster are Electroluminescent, then, i can't make the speedo + tach as analog and the Fuel + Turbo work EL... so, i just made them analog too...

The Turbo is the one on top, made it as BAR scale... and the Fuel one is the bottom one, made it Percent scale.

Just did it. Whoever tried, Thanks, but i managed to do it... gonna make a few changes on the turbo and fuel gauges BTW.
Hey, I just downloaded this today and it is really cool! I havnt seen anyone do this before but I just modded it a bit to fit inside my dashboard, at first i notice when i go off jump car would move but not guage, so i changed options head tilt, and now i go off jump and car stays still with guage and it works the same as stock just looks better, all tho i have only worked on it for like 10 mins but if anyone has any sweet guage that would look good inside could you send it! here a pic of what i got
That looks cool but does every car have the same gauges then???
No, you can switch through a number of differnt set of guages. You need to program each guage where you want it for each car, but then you can switch through them at anytime, its really cool! i been working on this stuff for hours, im a noob when it comes to this kind of stuff but I am trying to learn, heres my newest creation :P
I like the other one more, but i really don't understand how this works
Mine has a little problem... if i start LFS and go to a server, works perfectly... but if I log out from a server and enter another, AnaGauges no longer show... i have to close LFS and start it again... what could it be ?

P.S.: It started after i tried the head movement thingy that someone posted here, and it uses Insim too... but activated ingame ( typing /insim xxxx ) dunno how to fix it...
My needles are of centre with the gauge is there anyway to move the needle that would be very helpful. tnx guys.
yea.....but where do i get the tools?.....

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )