The online racing simulator
Quote from RalliArtRacer :you know i might be askign for the world on this one but i might also speak for others.. this is a great mod which i thank everyone for helping others with but would it be possible for some one who has a great deal of knowledge to just type out a step by step "how to" for all of us who dont get it as clear as day? i mean i can read and understand directions simply put but as far as having little bits and pieces to use as far as "how to" doesnt always work call me stupid call me a noob say what you wish but it would also solve alot of repeated question and alot of further "newbie" questions if you ask me as far as graphics go ive always been good at that.. as far as programming well..... im decent with VB6 as far as certain codes. but reading thru all 10 pages i found myself more confused but still as ready to learn with some assistance as be4

what do you wanna know ? how to improove the program or how to make your own gauges to work with it ? be more specific.
That's not a very hard thing to work with...

Anyway, making a real tutorial wouldn't hurts...

About the directions, some dials (like fuel or turbo) can't display as digital / bars, the values are explained in the list in the .doc.
Download the latest version and install... they don't work with numbered folders anymore... they work with a folder for each car... the "strg" is the "ctrl" button, and i'm pretty sure it's explained anywhere here in topic...
Quote from 1303s_vortech :You will get help if you make this more "readable"...

and he's supposedly american... imagine us... Brazilian and French guys...trying to read this... thing...

about your problem, your RPM gauge should be made square-shaped ( 20x20, 400x400 ) and your needle file should have the same size, even if you paint everything with the alpha layer and only the needle appears.

a nice trick is to paste your needle over the RPM gauge and moove it so it sets just the way you want in the gauge. Then you find in the image what will be the needle rotation point ( in the center of the gauge I assume), paint your gauge flat black, set the visibility (so only the needle appears ) using the alpha layer, and your code is going to be something like that :


Gauge_Dim_X=256.0 <<<<<<--- Gauge
Gauge_Dim_Y=256.0 <<<<<<--- Dimension

Needle_Dim_X=256.0 <<<<<<--- Note that the needle dimension
Needle_Dim_Y=256.0 <<<<<<--- is the same as the gauge's one

Rot_X=128.0 <<<<<<--- Rotation point you've
Rot_Y=128.0 <<<<<<--- found in the image





Used arbritrary values i got from one of my gauges...

to find "where" your gauges are in the screen, just close the gauges.ini file, go to the game, go to the track w/ the car, hold the ctrl button and just play with the arrows till it is in the middle of the screen... then press ctrl + Home. It'll save the position settings for you at the gauges.ini, if it's opened, it will not save...

Why in the middle of the screen ? because when i'm setting the position of the needles, i use LFs in screen mode (shift + F4 ) so i can program with notepad and see in the game just hitting ctrl + end, don't have to stay using alt+tab all the time ( messes the gauges up though ). When everything is in it's right place, you poen the game full screen, and do the same "ctrl + arrows" thing to put them where yopu wan't and hit "ctrl + Home" again with the gauges.ini closed. Then you're done.
Argh! I have edited millions of times this message..
But here's my final question:
InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password
This happens me when I put insim 29999 into that lfs shortcut..
How to fix?
How to make backround transparent?
Alpha layer is the answer.
...Pm is the answer then....
I seem to be having an issue as of late. Up until my computer crashed [hdd failure], the gauges worked beautifully, I'd made several faces and needles, and everything was working perfectly. I've since reinstalled LFS and AnaGauges, as well as my old gauge packs. Now, the gauges will only show up in the first race I enter [either online, single player, or practice], and if I change tracks, they disappear.

All my settings are identical to the previous installation. Am I the only person having problems with this?
D'oh! I should probably read the thread before I post, huh.

Thanks for putting up with my ignorance, guys.
For some reason my gauge location save function [ctrl+home] isn't working. I'll get the gauges where I want them to be [via ctrl+arrow keys] and when I press ctrl+home they go back to the default location [which is halfway cutoff on the bottom of my screen].

I've manually modified the gauges.ini files of a couple cars, but it's just too tedious, and I know something's not working right. I've checked all folders to make sure they're not Read-Only, thinking that was the problem, but to no avail.

Any suggestions guys?
Does any one know if/how I can get these gauges to display on a separate display?
If you mean display on an other monitor, yes, just move them to the chosen area then press ctrl + home keys.

@Davictus: what kind of gauges is that? (downloaded, your work, ...).
Quote from 1303s_vortech :@Davictus: what kind of gauges is that? (downloaded, your work, ...).

Most of mine are downloaded, but a few I've modified myself a bit more to my liking.
you may be pressing "end" instead of "home"... the "end" puts them on the previous position...
Quote from Daviticus :For some reason my gauge location save function [ctrl+home] isn't working. I'll get the gauges where I want them to be [via ctrl+arrow keys] and when I press ctrl+home they go back to the default location [which is halfway cutoff on the bottom of my screen].

I've manually modified the gauges.ini files of a couple cars, but it's just too tedious, and I know something's not working right. I've checked all folders to make sure they're not Read-Only, thinking that was the problem, but to no avail.

Any suggestions guys?

I have the exact same problem and I found that version 0.17 is responsible for this. If you use only ver 0.12 then ctrl+home saves the last position.

Also, while ver 0.12 makes a "Gauges" folder with separate car subfolders in it ("GaugeCAR"), ver 0.17 makes a "GuagesFXR" folder NEXT to "Gauges" and I doubt it works at all. You end up with 2 "GaugesFXR" folders, one inside "Gauges" (from ver 0.12) and one next to "Gauges" (from ver 0.17). If you replace the former with the latter (or just extract ver 0.17's "GaugesFXR" inside the existing "Gauges") then the whole thing gets screwed up.

On anothet note, I never managed to understand how that "Alt cycles through gauges" feature works!

Finally, it could be really useful to have a way to resize the gauges ingame, instead of manualy tweaking so many lines in the ini file (the scale stuff).

This mod seriously needs decent documentation (and a decent graphical front-end, ingame or not).

Forgot to mention that for me the mod works without openning the insim port 29999 (or any port at all) upon calling LFS. Just setting Outgauge Mode to 1 (or 2 if u also need them in the replays) in LFS's cfg.txt is enough.
Quote from migf1 :On anothet note, I never managed to understand how that "Alt cycles through gauges" feature works!

If you press ALT + PgUp or Alt+ PgDn, suppose you're driving the UF1... and press Alt+PgUp ( or Dn, don't remember wich one ) it'll change to XFG gauges, press again, it'll change to XRG gauges, and so on... the other "Pg" goes back... if you use the exact same gauge to all cars, that function makes no sense at all...
Here is the same bike-like gauge kit for mrt you can get in a previous page, with some improvements.

Comments are welcome, enjoy.
Attached images
Attached files
MRT_bike_type1_Gauges.rar - 359.9 KB - 567 views
thanks for the tip about the PgDn/Up notions, although I'm pretty sure they are not listed anywhere, neither in ver 0.12 nor in ver 0.17 docs.

A pretty cool set of instruments. Thanks for sharing!
Quote from 1303s_vortech :If you mean display on an other monitor, yes, just move them to the chosen area then press ctrl + home keys.

How do you mean 'just move them'?

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )