actually it seems do not - UseUsernameForAuthentication = true; in config, but all username commands are interpreted as (log): /kick {Username} - really exactly that, instead /kick [d9] (for example)... on my s2 server its working well of course...
Hi All,
Can someone help me setup the ranking system that shows on servers like (FM) Oval Junkies. It shows in middle of screen saying "You are ranked #148/512. I would like to add it to my servers.
Thanks for your reply, I can see it now on my server, not sure why I am showing as rank 0/0, also it says RankFO8 0/0 which is the car I am driving. Just been back on the (FM) Oval Junkies Server and drivers get warned about newbies. Can someone post the code I need to add it please.
You are right about that. You have to use Y and N as stated in the help of that section:
# Control Allowed #
# Racer flags
# Y = Yes
# N = No
# * = Yes or No
I also want to make clear that Lapper isn't my program. It's developed bij Gai-Luron so any bugs should be submitted to him. I try to help people as good as I can since I use this program myself and want to do something back to Gai-Luron.
I tried the ranking-system again and everything is working like a charm on this side. Make sure you selected the correct default-car and that PB.txt could be written on the server.
The system for a 'newbie warning' is already included in Lapper but is disabled by default.
See this section in your config file:
# To Slow user #
# MaxAllowedTime1 = % Max allowed time to complete a lap relative to MaxLapTime on trackInfo.cfg
# MaxAllowedTime1 = 100 # 100% of MaxLapTime
# MaxAllowedTime1 = 80 # 80% of MaxLapTime
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {MaxAllowedLapTime1} - Max Allowed Time
# {MaxAllowedLapTime2} - Max Allowed Time
# You can use /pm here
#MaxAllowedLapTime1 = 100;
#OnMaxAllowedLapTime1 = /pm you are to slow! Max : {MaxAllowedLapTime1}|/pm kick on {MaxAllowedLapTime2};
#MaxAllowedLapTime2 = 150;
#OnMaxAllowedLapTime2 = /pm You are very slow, spectated!|/msg {Nickname} to slow, spectated|/spec {Username};
Hi Yisc,
The "Too Slow User" doesn't actually do what I am after, I want Lapper to display a message saying " !WARNING! Driver Name is a beginner " so as users connect it checks PB.txt for previous lap records and if None it displays the warning message.
So far regular expressions can't be used to search for words etc.
It can only by used to search usernames.
Please put this request on your list Gai.
Yesterday I tried to clean my own SPB but this function still doesn't work in 5.54, put is on your list too please.
Please check if your DriftPB.txt is updated when someone scored points. When that's not happening, there's something wrong with your file-rights (to say it simple, Lapper hasn't got the autority to write in that file). When your file is updated normaly, you have to check your Lapper.cfg to see if something is wrong. If you need help with that last step, please upload your CFG-file so I can check it for you.
!kick&./users.txt|/kick {*}|/msg {Nickname} is kicked for ...
!kick&./users.txt|/kick {*}|/msg {Username} is kicked for ...
If you want to specify the reason, you should make several kick-commandos, like:
!kick_spam&./users.txt|/kick {*}|/msg {Nickname} is kicked for spamming
!kick_swear&./users.txt|/kick {*}|/msg {Nickname} is kicked for swearing
!kick_wreck&./users.txt|/kick {*}|/msg {Nickname} is kicked for wrecking
Lapper can't do that at the moment. (maybe in a later release)
I almost finished an addon for Lapper (requested by Clio) where you can upload a PB-file, make modifications and then download the edited file. I'll sent you the link in a PM so you can check it out.
Hi All,
Stuck on 2 things at the mo.
1) Want to create a batch file to start 4 servers and LFSLapper for each server.
2) Want to add a line to Connect Messages -
/pm LFSW - PB by {Nickname} in {Car} - {LapTime};