I think your mis-enterpreting what im saying, otherwise how is saying that Lewis cant hide behind a small budget, mid-pack expectation team's car as the reason for doing 'ok' in a race considered giving him an excuse. He's got everything available to challenge for wins, and so really when he doesnt then people generally question why he wasnt faster, they dont say 'oh well, he's only in a BMW/TR, he did the best he could' because people know what its capable of and he's expected to fight for the win, just as both the Ferrari boys are.
If Kubica is so great, why wasnt he consistantly pushing for wins, the BMW is far from crap, infact i was reading yesterday was the first time in 2 seasons where they havent picked up a point, they're in the 3rd best team by a fair distance and were on a really challenging pace at the start of the season, but they were gifted 1 win, while Renault won twice and TR won once. Kubica picked up reasonable points here and there, Lewis & Massa faught for the title, Kubica found himself in with a chance, but only by their misfortune. We havent seen anything of Kubica to say he's a great racer, he hasnt really been involved with the top racers, blame the car all you like, but until he's in a car that can challenge for a title and he's able to race an earn wins by beating the best, how can anyone say he's a better driver or deserves to win anything.
Bobby deserved 4th, he wasnt screwed by the FIA, wasnt rammed off the track by a rival unable to accept he was being fairly passed, and he finished 4th. I highly, highly doubt he's the best driver in F1, he's maybe the 5th best, so he's got more than he deserves IMO. Alonso is a far better driver, but he doesnt deserve anything more than he got, he is where he is, in a worse car than the BMW, got better 'left-over' results, but im sure he doesnt expect consider himself deserving of much more than he got.
He's done well, but he certainly doesnt deserve to win the title this year, theres no pity points in F1, no points for trying, and rightly theres no title of World drivers he did well considering the car he's in Champion. Maybe he was the best driver given the circumstances, im not sure, plenty of drivers have done well considering the car they're in, Glock being one who's been overlooked (though the moany sods will dismiss him as being the sole reason Lewis is WDC and thus crap). Theres plenty of good young talent in F1 at the moment, but if you put all of them in an identical car, im betting that Lewis would come out on top 8 times out of 10, i think only Schumi would be able to consistantly beat him at the moment.
Considering in his first season he should have won the title, and the 2nd season he did, i think its quite possible that we'll enter another dull Schumi-type period in F1 when things become predictable. If he's currently making mistakes and should have won titles both seasons then god help everyone when he stops making them.