Oooohhhh... DON'T say this. It depends a lot on how you look at it, and therefore it's probably also a neglected aspect in the debate if everything with the development is alright.
YOU joined in the very beginning, probably paid for S1 and enjoyed a physics engine that was superior to all other games for a while. Then you paid for S2 and had some more content. The superior "gameplay" was reason enough to overlook the things other games were better at (i.e. graphics, sound). It was an ok price at that time.
From then on your LFS was updated a bit now and then which was an added bonus considering the fact that a few years back the original S2 probably was almost up to date.
Bottom line, YOU've had a lot of product for the price YOU paid.
For the ones who bought S2 just a couple of weeks ago the reality looks a bit different. They paid the same price as you did years ago for a product that is only a tiny bit better than its predecessor... it actually IS its patched up predecessor. For them it's probably not an ok price anymore if things stay as they are. Sure, some don't think about this because it's only 24£ and it's under there "think before you buy"- or "thoughts on price/performance"-threshold.
An analogy: Buying S2 now is like buying a 2004 PC that has been modded to 2006 specs for the price of 2006... and then you wait for some free updates the salesman implied.
Or you buy Microsoft Flightsimulator 2002 heavily 'patched' to be something like FS2004 for the price of FS2004 a couple of months after its release, NOW. Great deal, hu?

Wow, I didn't want this to get so long.