The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from oldnavy :so anybody knows why friendly rank wont works?

Most likely caused by having the wrong car set as defaultcar in Lapper.
Other reason could be the PB-file not written on the disk.
To make sure you have to upload your config-file (remove password and/or pubstatID, save it as TXT)
Friendly rank works only with the default car?
Yes, friendly rank is showed for the default car.
Hi again,
Thanks for trying to help me out Tim, and for confirming that premium thingy is not needed
I've tried all that kids stuff . Thing is - it don't work!

Have you tried it on your side, with your Idk?
Just to confirm it really works, and that the problem is on my side
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Yes, friendly rank is showed for the default car.

Ah, hadn't even realised. Thanks
thanks helped me to
and another question.What to write if i have instaled pitboard and want a text at server in top of screen.Becouse if i put standart buton code it wont works propertly.
Quote from oldnavy :and want a text at server in top of screen.Becouse if i put standart buton code it wont works propertly.

Yupz, that doesn't work as one would want at this moment. On my servers I used a small workaround to get as near as possible to the desired effect. The intended button is constructed in a MsgAction Sub, which is being called in RaceStartAction by a cmdLFS. So the "host" will provide for the button.

Register MsgAction("!inf",MA_inf);
Sub MA_inf()
closeGlobalButton( "infbar"...etc...);
openGlobalButton( "infbar"...etc...);

Event RaceStartAction()

One could also do such things in other events. The "OnConnect" might be such a location. Didn't test it there myself..
Quote from KassadGLA :i've got an error when i try to use the PHP lapper viewer.

Not knowing the viewer: Do you have to provide some parameters to it when starting it? Looking at the contents of the SQL-statement there seems to be one "USERNAME 02" too many, causing the other parameters to shift to the right. Result is wrong data in the wrong parameter.
Quote from Nilex :Hi again,
Thanks for trying to help me out Tim, and for confirming that premium thingy is not needed
I've tried all that kids stuff . Thing is - it don't work!

Have you tried it on your side, with your Idk?
Just to confirm it really works, and that the problem is on my side

It works ok here with my Idk
Did you tried my ConvWr.bat?
You have to run the ConvWr.bat file not the .exe

@echo off
rem ConvWr.exe -l licenseName -p pass -c coef -o outputFile
rem Or
rem ConvWr.exe -t idk -c coef -o outputFile
rem coef = multiple coef possibility separated by ':'
rem ex : 100.5
rem : 100.5:101:101.5
rem licenseName = Your license Name
rem pass = Your pass of license Name
rem idk = it's your idk. you can obtain it on lfsworld 'My LFSW Setting'
rem it's more safe to use idk instead of login/pass

rem ConvWr.exe -l yourLogin -p yourPass -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200

ConvWr.exe -i [COLOR=red]Put_your_Ident-Key_here[/COLOR] -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200

Attached files - 23.5 KB - 247 views
Quote from Tim NL :
... Did you tried my ConvWr.bat?
You have to run the ConvWr.bat file not the .exe ...

Yes. Don't work.

Anyway, I'm not convinced anymore that problem is on my side:
- contradictory information inside of ConvWr.bat (-t instead of -i; missing -mlc)
- contradictory information after launch of ConvWr.exe ("only" -t instead of -i this time)
- "Input string was not in correct format" error message indicates faulty programing (many things can change since June 2007!)

Just to be sure I'm talking about trackInfo1.3 (only version available to me), that has been ran right after un-ziping, as in: DEFAULT state! (with my own Idk)

Thanks again for all help Tim, but problem isn't that simple.
EDIT: I know now I really DO have a working version (confirmed by Tim NL - Thanks ), but I still can't get it to produce me a trackInfo.cfg on my PC, despite everything.

Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Not knowing the viewer: Do you have to provide some parameters to it when starting it? Looking at the contents of the SQL-statement there seems to be one "USERNAME 02" too many, causing the other parameters to shift to the right. Result is wrong data in the wrong parameter.

ok, a lot of thanks

I will see it when i have time
ConvWr.exe -l licenseName -p pass -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o outputFile"
ConvWr.exe -i idk -c coef -mlc maxLapCoef -o outputFile
licenseName = Your lfs license Name
pass = Your pass of lfs license Name");
idk = it's your idk. to obtain it in lfsworld 'My LFSW Setting'");
coef = multiple coef possibility separated by ':'");
maxLapCoef = one coef possibility, to generate MaxLapTime

Only work with last version of Lapper

What is your result file???? ( Only th beginning )

This utility don't work on vista or XP 64. You must recompile it prior to use it with this systems

Quote from Gai-Luron :
... This utility don't work on vista or XP 64. You must recompile it prior to use it with this systems ...

I have XP Sp2. Recompile? My programing skills = 0
Quote from Gai-Luron :
... What is your result file???? ( Only th beginning ) ...

ConvWr.bat starts, connects (in 3rd line on screen - " ... ; is a valid LFS username), then crashes. There is no result file (trackInfo.cfg).
Quote from Gai-Luron :
... Only work with last version of Lapper ...

Do you mean:
a) trackInfo.cfg works only with last version of Lapper? (Yes, I know)
b) trackInfo utility works only with last version of Lapper?
If b), then must I unzip in Lapper folder?
Also, my trackInfo utility folder is not read-only.

Do you use a pubstat IDK? Don't use login and pass it's more safe!

If Yes try this in your browser[B]your_pub_idk[/B]&action=wr

Do you have a child protection?

Quote from Gai-Luron :
... If Yes try this in your browser[B]your_pub_idk[/B]&action=wr

Do you have a child protection?

I use Opera - this works great, cool

Child protection - can't find that, probably OFF
Windows Firewall - OFF

Also, if this is relevant:
Automatic Updates - OFF (since day 1)
Internet Explorer - Version 6! (I never use it)
Maybe newer versions add parts that I must have in order for trackInfo to work?

I've also played with Windows Internet Properties settings (Security & Privacy tabs) - changed everything to LOW. Then ran ConvWr.bat - no results.

Quote from Gai-Luron :

This utility don't work on vista or XP 64. You must recompile it prior to use it with this systems


I run Vista and have no problem's to use the utility.
Do you need framework .net to run this util?
I have a question.
My script in Lapper is a little bit big now but at the moment i get a number (43) in my lapper screen when lapper startup.
Everything work's fine but i was wondering what the number mean's.
Is there a limit of the number of line's or the number's of button's in use??

Kind regards,
Attached images
I don't know, maybe a trace i forgot to remove in Lapper . Don'tWorry, no problem.

@Nilex Send me in MP your not working .bat with your pub_stat_idk. I try if it work here ( don't worry is only for try, i have my pubstat_idk ^^ )

I have a problem. When i start the lapper, this message appears (ingame):

IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts and no commands work

Whats wrong?
Quote from Rascar13 :I have a problem. When i start the lapper, this message appears (ingame):

IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts and no commands work

Whats wrong?

A friend had this problem, to solve it he reconfigurate the "setup.cfg" of the dedicated host

Sorry for the bad english

A little question about "AND ( && )" and "OR ( || )".

I'm trying to make something like,
IF $Username equals $player1 OR $Username equals $player2 OR $Username equals $player3 THEN do_something ELSE do_nothing.

I wrote this but it will not work.

IF( $player1 || $player2 || $player3 == $Username )

I also try this one but it will not work to.

IF( $Username == $player1 || $player2 || $player3 )

I get no error's in lapper, it look's like it's ignored in the script
What do i wrong?

When i use this in lapper it work's but with OR || my script will be a bit shorter

IF( $Username == $player1)
IF( $Username == $player2)
IF( $Username == $player3)

Thanks in advance
IF( $Username == $player1 || $Username == $player2 || $Username == $player3 )

Quote from NotAnIllusion :
IF( $Username == $player1 || $Username == $player2 || $Username == $player3 )


Thanks that was quick , but still the same problem

EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED thanks NotAnIllusion i was missing a ELSE to and your script works
Ban and kick
Hello!, I installed latest lapper recently but when I use it in the server he players that aren't admins can't ban or kick anybody. How can enable ban an kick in lapper for anybody?

I didn't find it in config file

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )