Typical Kyoto 500 post race stuff.
One team blames another flame war ensues.
Two drivers have a disagreement on actions during the race and are gun ho neither of them are incorrect which is normal.
But no one mentions the winner of the race. Who stuck it out through the stupid amounts of yellow flags which should never have happened in the first place. ect ect ect. Please continue ill get my popcorn xD
Well picked Yuri And Mustang that usually covered by the drivers head. So any colour would be silly let alone theres still yellow on it :P So please GTFO
Most times the race has 20 million safety cars :P
Id also like to protest the penalty received as the rule states "2. All skins must also contain all elements required by the published skin kit." Which my skin does! Decal placement is never mentioned and can be open to interpretation.
Regardless i didnt make it but that is still absolute crap and you know it!
I actually had fun regardless of all the cautions in Session 6, but i am peeved at Car 45 that always insisted on being in front of me during cautions even though he was behind me when it started aka caution came out. Happened for about 3 or 4 of them.
Not that i mind to much where i start on cautions but thats just not on.
I actually agree. I checked before i went to sleep last night no new sessions wake up and find ive missed two...Advance warning would be lovely
So session 6? Like tomorrow?
Oscar please GTFO all you've done is come into the thread and started blasting Tristan and offerd nothing at all in criticism bar a small thing above saying "The recent ones" Which is true. The recent NTM is the best ones yet.
But what your really doing is forcing your oppinion on people and not listening to others. How very dictating of you.
Tristan is telling it like it is. From his racing background and personal experiences he knows his shit. So if you dont like what he is saying about iRacing to bad cause his more or less right.
The V8 model though (This isnt against you Tristan) Is spot on which why i feel it handles like a boat hur hur hur.
Though iRacing is clearly a Oval racing simulator with road racing tacked onto it to appeal to the masses. Seeing as they have only got 1 Tire model right for the road cars. ONE!
I think the Caddy skates on ice. I drove around mid Ohio with no feel of what the car was doing i held my breath at every corner hoping it wouldnt slide out cause i didnt know what it was going to do. I think the road cars dont give you any feel of what the car is going to do Bar the V8.
I took my boat out for a race today at Philip Island...the thing didnt want to turn to save itself. This continues my love hate relation ship with Philip Island.
:O Un amused about the V8 getting the NTM lets hope its not ice skating like the Cadi....i seriously have nfi what the Cadis doing even with FFB up.
Also unamused that some dick a lap down was blocking me while i was racing for the win. Seriously if your a lap down and there are 3 laps left GET THE **** OUT OF THE WAY! Such a dick move.