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Demo licensed
It is as simple as this;

Demo licensed
Any comments in the end? Will release it otherwise. I think it looks quite good, what do you guys think?
Demo licensed
Last work for tonight, threw the Evostar-logo on the side and thought it didn't look to shaby.

Demo licensed
I will work some more with it either tonight or tomorrow depending on the free time I have. It looks quite nice at this point but I feel it is a tad bit empty. Any ideas?

The Nissan Z-lettering (UF GTR) didn't look good at all. So I need something new. Just pasting logos onto it would looks stupid as I feel it's more then just a logoviewer.
Demo licensed
J@tko: Thanks. Nice idea, but I'll pass. Although from what I have heard about it's racing ability it might be needed. I heard that it tips and flips easily in corners, especially if you hit the curb, I hope this is not true since I would love it to be a really good race car. The exterior just looks a bit to hot to be a crappy road-acting car.

Just tried to something with the UF GTR lettering on the side like the Nissan. Looks like crap to me. I might not have the right font or something, but it surely looks like crap to me. So a no-no for that. Yet.
Demo licensed
The hood and trunk are now carbonfibre for low weight, also to add something to the backend. Doesn't look to bad in the viewer, no idea how it will look ingame though since I'm only demo. But I guess it will look pretty much the same.

LFSn00b: I was thinking of that, but I couldn't think out a way to do it good on the other side. Nissan made it so it said "Z Nissan" but how would that look with UFR? Since the name really is "UF GTR". Will it look OK to have it "GTR UF"? Will look into it directly.

(The lines look jagged, but that's just my shitty computer.)
Demo licensed
Hope you will be happy with S2.
Demo licensed
Quote from N1Te :I like your idea, but I don't know for sure if any of my friends, or friends family have one, and i feel bad asking them, or getting them to ask. Because then they feel they'll get scammed or something.

You feel bad asking your friends or family if they will make the payment online and get the money for it but you are totally okey with asking some totally strangers you have never met to do it for free without getting anything for it?

I somehow can't grasp your way of thinking there.
Demo licensed
Why scan with Symantec anti-virus when you were looking for spyware/adware?
Demo licensed
Quote from Fredthebest :Its a hard quiz, 12 is good ! :P

Well, not good enough. I'm out of the "race", I'll move on and stop posting in this thread.

Have a good one, who-ever wins.
Demo licensed
YESH! I got 12 points? Oh hell no. Am I really that bad?

I got to start learning. :P
Demo licensed
This guy must be on something really strong.

Can I have what you are having?
Demo licensed
Quote from garph :What the hell are you on about?

Sadly, we will never know.

Never seen such a turn-around though, going from hating the game for it's "unrealistic" things and after a few quick comebacks from other people the guy suddenly loves it.

Hmmmmm.. Low selfesteem?
Demo licensed
I actually liked the first skins, they gave it a personal look. Why change it? It was pure awesome.

(I will probably get a reply saying "You are a demodriver, your oppinion doesn't matter." but meh.)
Demo licensed
The text on the side is much better now!
Demo licensed
Just sent the PM with the answers, I hope I did good.

(Hope you get the more fun-oriented answer on the last question DK. I don't actually think like that. :X)
Demo licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :You don't HAVE to sing/record it...I may do that for you


I don't? Huh. Then I'm back in the running. Will start on the questions right away.

Btw. The "design your ultimate LFS-car and track", is that design in photoshop etc as really creating it or just telling you about it?
Demo licensed
I just love how you coloured the bottom of the bodykit red, it gives an edge.

Although, try to fit the text in more, atm it's a bit all over the place if you get what I mean.
WIP: The UFR-racer
Demo licensed

started to work on a replica of a Nissan 300Z racecar and tried to fit it on the UFR just because I love the UFR's body. The body gives a small feeling of racing but still don't seem to be a totally hardcore racecar so I was trying to get it a bit more race-feeling.

Somehow I ended up scrapping the idea and turning it around a bit. Still using the same colourscheme (Blue, red and white) but a bit of changing in the design. The UFR just didn't have space enough to do the Nissan-design correctly.

The Nissan 300Z

This is how far I've gotten atm. There is some more work to be done but the basic mapping is done so it matches up. Now I need to figure out how to do the backend and fit some logos, a number and some other stuff.

Any comments so far?
Demo licensed
I did the questions until I saw the "create a pomen/song about LFS AND record it!"

That made me pull of a deep sigh and trash my answers. Singing or reading pomens isn't actually my strong part. Too bad, S2 sure does sound nice.

DK; You are a nice person to keep doing this to strangers over the web, hope you won't stop doing it. The world needs more people like you.
Demo licensed
I'm getting some good tips here, thanks.

CRC-rules helped clearing some things out and you, geeman1, cleared out some more.

Use a brain. Stay calm. Don't try to force a passes and blocks.

I think your starting line there summed it all up.
I've gotten the help I asked for here, but if someone got any more tips how I can improve my racing it is always OK to say!
Demo licensed
Hmm, okey. One move and that's it. Good to know.

CRC-rules? Tell me more about it please.

Good tips there, thanks alot for them.
Need help improving my racingskills
Demo licensed
Hello everyone here at LFS-forum.

I've been around playing demo for a while, started drifting on demoservers due to the rush of pulling of a powerslide through a long turn.
One day I tried just racing, got me a decent racingsetup and started practicing and found that it was much funnier then drifting!
Racing has really caught me but I got a few questions about it.
I get around the track quite ok even with my old DeXXa steeringwheel and some floppy plastic pedals but I would like some tips on how to improve how to behave on the racetrack.
  • If a racer behind me tries to overtake me, am I allowed to block him by turning into his path? Not crash him, just turn ahead so he can't go past? If he then nudges me and we both crash, whos fault is it?
  • Am I allowed to overtake anywhere, as long as it's not dangerous or will give risk to crash out several other racers? Like in the middle of corners etc.
  • If I am ahead of a racer and I starts to brake heavily because I see that I will not make the corner without doing it. He nudges me and we both crash out, whos fault is it?
You see that mostly these questions is about maners on the racetrack, what I am allowed to do and have the "rules behind my back" so to speak.

I got the driving part sorted out, I just drive pure and simply so I don't really need any tips there but if you think that I could use a good tip you have, don't hesitate to say it!

/ Dalarna
Demo licensed
For the love of god, search!

This is also at the top, read it BEFORE you post as it say in the title.