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S3 licensed
This is amazing Scawen, excited to try it!
S3 licensed
Quote from neozixxs :There is already some tools to ripp mods yes , but you need some knowledge to...

Everyone will have access to it, doesn't mean everyone will steal.

Now for the few that rip the models!!.. Uploading a non textured, no wheels model onto sketchfab and asking for $ doesnt scream stolen?? Id love to see how many “sales” they get lol

The people who already had malicious intent will look for ways to rip and inevitably find the popular programs.
My Tegra was stolen 3 times and PUBLISHED on LFS ( without a export OBJ feature ) before i just made it open derivatives.

Now i get it we dont want our models to be stolen and sold to.. *checks notes* Other popular 2003 racing games…………..

So let me review the cycle here; people export the OBJ’s, reupload a untextured grey low poly car model to sketchfab for MONEY, people will then buy these models and use them for their own personal!- LFS mods.

Listen the tools are already available so its no big deal to not implement it into the LFS editor.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :oh ! calling me selfish while not even having bought the game ... Cool

“Demo Racer” says it all haha, looking forward to the new Kyoto and the update should bring with it some
new modern optimizations so fps variation may not fluctuate that much. 2025 I’m glad to see LFS get a new push
Into the spotlight for Sim Racers and hopefully compete with the larger names like Assetto, GT, Beam, etc!
Exporting OBJ / FBX's from LFS Editor
S3 licensed

From myself and the good ol boys at AHPP, we're wondering if it would be possible for an update to the LFS EDITOR that allows the exporting of OBJ / FBX file formats?

Would be greatly appreciated 🤝🏼
Last edited by Jake_Blasted, .
S3 licensed
Make sure to credit AHPP for any parts used!

Sweet car!
S3 licensed
This is super cool, good build! Reminds me of cappuccino time attack builds in Japan Smile
S3 licensed
Absolute blast to drive! Love a og rally car styling, need some desert runs!
S3 licensed
Hey man, dont forget to credit ahpp in your description if using our parts!

Cool mod!
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :LOD2 model needs some work, right now it's the same as LOD3.

done Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :I like this mod, it just needs a more detailed LOD2. Smile

Thumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :When I try to download something it takes me to a store page where I have to...

Yea thats just how online stores work, Im not sure how to get around it… kinda sucks to fill out when it really just needs your email.

Origin is the ahpp discord, share progress & feedback its all made in LFS editor / blender.
Modellers name is credited under the part if i include it on the site.

All wheels are under lfs 4200 tri limit too, i didnt include tri numbers in the descriptions for them.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Good effort...

Nice, good call Flame. Ill add something to the digital product pages
REFLUX WORLD - LFS Modding & Events Website
S3 licensed
Hey guys,

Its fairly known now, but I thought I would make a forum post so its shared and linked on the actual LFS site.

For some background on who me and all the guys are... We run the AHPP Racing & Drift events online, it started years ago hosting drift competitions, racing series, and just driving online with the community. During Covid back in 2020 the online events blew up, and with the development of mods, we started to build and model the cars we always wanted in LFS. From all that I created...

With AHPP (Autohouse Performance Project) Being the main spot for our videos, events, community, etc. The website was a link to all that, to provide this "garage shop" you can go to and download ready to install parts for your LFS mod builds.

3D Modelling can be difficult and time consuming so I wanted to provide players a parts catalog you can use to build your own personal mod like legos haha. The mod list has a good amount of derivative vehicles available as good bases to build off of, from AHPP community members or public uploads, to make it easy to jump right in.

If you would like to be apart of events or the modding community in general you can join our discord here or checkout the youtube channel here!

Thanks for the support guys Thumbs up
REFLUX WORLD - LFS Modding & Events Website (Modding Section)
S3 licensed
Hey guys,

Its fairly known now, but I thought I would make a forum post so its shared and linked on the actual LFS site.

For some background on who me and all the guys are... We run the AHPP Racing & Drift events online, it started years ago hosting drift competitions, racing series, and just driving online with the community. During Covid back in 2020 the online events blew up, and with the development of mods, we started to build and model the cars we always wanted in LFS. From all that I created...

With AHPP (Autohouse Performance Project) Being the main spot for our videos, events, community, etc. The website was a link to all that, to provide this "garage shop" you can go to and download ready to install parts for your LFS mod builds.

3D Modelling can be difficult and time consuming so I wanted to provide players a parts catalog you can use to build your own personal mod like legos haha. The mod list has a good amount of derivative vehicles available as good bases to build off of, from AHPP community members or public uploads, to make it easy to jump right in.

If you would like to be apart of events or the modding community in general you can join our discord here or checkout the youtube channel here!

Thanks for the support guys Thumbs up
Last edited by Jake_Blasted, .
S3 licensed
With the beam center point being the average of all mapped points, you could then adjust light beam height, like you would in real life, in the settings menu.

Same origin point but the simulated light cone” can just tilted/rotated around the origin point. 👌🏻
S3 licensed
Lookin sweet im hyped to see try it! Full permission to use any of the AHPP parts! 👍🏼👍🏼
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Mr. Flame asked me to report this directly here - LOD2 is missing both front and rear wings,while also part of rear is also missing,which leads to this weird shadow. Since you made variable wings designs,best solution probably would be to create some "average" desing for LOD2 that casts approximate shadow.
Only with new shadows system shadow will be casted from currently visible LOD (like in LFSE),until then it's highly suggestable to make proper LOD2.

Also the LOD3 seems to be default auto generated,for sake of quality it should be more similar to actual car's shape.

Ill look into it, lod 2 is just a shadow and has been more limited after recent update so dont expect any high detail shadows.

LOD 3 is not auto generated and is also limited to very low poly as its only hitbox.
Ill take a look at some point.

Rony love ya brother.. but just drive the damn thing, 2003 game finally got mods and it seems that people are here to complain about every little thing, does the shadow really break your immersion on a game that looks like it couldve been on the gamecube. Seriously nobody plays this game its like 80 total players on a weekend midday peak hours. We hop on for a few hours (its been weeks or months, rare occurrence now) race, drift, etc. have fun with the boys and get off. Tired of chasing after mods and getting spammed emails about this game. If you dont like the free mod ive included in the game dont use it or i can delete it simple as that I haven't used this mod in months maybe a year now.

(I will look into the small changes tho, if you leave a comment about small details like that it shows you care about the mod quality. )
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well you can discuss amongst yourselves, but I am only one programmer and I think the priority is completing the new graphics and physics version. Limits were discussed and set long ago. Unfortunately, hackers learned to get around the limits. I've spent the last two years working on improvements for mods, delaying the big release that everyone wants. I worked right up to the limit of my health before the Christmas holidays, to allow me to get back to the main task.

Now I have learned half the mod creators use a hack to bypass the limits, while other people complain about glitches when people leave the pits. My job is to make sure that doesn't happen, then get back to what I am supposed to be working on. The game is supposed to run smoothly and that is the most important thing.

I'm not going to drop what I am working on to continue working on more updates for mods. I hope you understand.

Just leave what was current, its been like this for the past couple years, bringing more people to the platform with quality mods!

Doing a blanket mod ban and unpublish affects approved mods, which im not sure if some modders are still as active or are motivated enough
To re-do their mod creation. We stick with this old game because we like the physics, community & ease of use before modding was a thing!

We model brand new vehicle creations (even downloaded models take weeks to develop to be quality) taking weeks & months to provide free content for you guys to capitalize from,
Feels like were always being fought against. If you can see that our/customers perspective we just want to make cool stuff.

Many have switched long ago iracing, assetto, dirt, forza, etc etc. Check the comments on LFS update videos lol
“this game is still alive?” Yea were still here

Focus on the main updates. if it aint broke, why fix it. Its your game though 👍🏼
S3 licensed
Hey Scawen,

We understand the benefits of the rim editor, but for me ive never been a huge fan of how it functions in its current state although in concept is great. In spoke editor, you can continue to extrude circle points again and again and finish a fully stepped lipped rim nice and clean with a good rim edge and bead while moving the camera around and then texturing how you want + sometimes ive deleted triangles in the lips for air valves or other rare cases (creating odd vintage rare wheels)

When using the rim editor, you have to

- no extrusion function to continue building surface, same as an exhaust system (rim editor is pretty minor so this is more just something that ive been used to for modelling/ time saver if small)
- Cant select multiple points with square selection like spoke editor (if i recall)
- no camera movement so if you want to zoom in or out, you cant.
- texturing was always odd, i seen the rim can now have more texture freedom recently so that was beneficial
- No point connection to actual wheel, so rim to wheel triangle connections just clip through each other sometimes gives weird connection lines depending on poly quality in the spoke editor. You notice the triangle lines were the wheel face meets rim.
- Sharing wheels online means now sharing the Rim+Spoke+png files.

I should say though the rim editor has had some new updates and the quality you can get now from rim editor is much greater, and it is pretty quick and easy to create a good rim exactly the same as i mention in Spoke Editor without having to use a lot of poly to create and smooth circle + every extrusion ups the triangle count.

It seems ive writen a huge paragraph, so ill try and sum it up as the current system (spoke + rim) functions really well & optimized… And i know some people in our community are not as fortunate for greater pc hardware… but its now 2024* and the poly count for wheels being 1600 was pretty low, hence the work around. 11500+ is steep as its 40k together… but i know mods with higher poly cars or wheels and never heard complaints in 40+ host is full hanging out in “Just a Ride”. I’ve actually mainly heard frame complaints from max prop limit touge layouts we’ve raced on xD.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk, hopefully you’ve all enjoyed ❤️

*building or buying a secondhand pc that can run lfs is fairly obtainable. If someone disagrees or their conditions are different that’s completely okay, but then they probably dont have the cash then to drop on a old racing game anyways and will stick to demo maybe S1 or ask for S3 in the LFS discord lol Wink
S3 licensed
Vehicle mod: CHALLENGE ST
Details page:

Quote :Golden Muscle Car Era

Quote :

Wanted to bring a classic choppy V8 muscle car to LFS. Keeping the engine and chassis accurate to those times to give a true experience although I will make a few changes to my liking. Specifically enjoy mooneyes events and the use of classic styling and modifications. Easily pull off rolling burnouts and peel away from the cops in this boat sized torque monster, The rebellious nature is the key to the aesthetics im going for.

Id like to include a Police configure in the future for the badass enforcer wanting to look cool on the job.


- Icon Hemi engine, 426.0 cu in.
- Accurate Suspension
- Realistic Engine Sound
- Modelled interior (WIP)
- Accurate gauges / cluster (WIP)
- Skinable! (WIP)
- Multiple configurations to choose from, More to come
- Locked to LHD


Currently WIP, if anyone would like to help with the build process feel free to message me!

S3 licensed
WOOOOOO!! Love the added possibilities 👍🏼 Community was already very creative with the original headlight rotation so some extra axis sliders and rotation objects could open a world of realistic modelling possibilities.

Great addition 🤝🏼
S3 licensed
Quote from OmegaX :Good car. Only flaw is auto-shift doesn't exit to next gear from redline quite often.

In manual shift it overheats the clutch way too easily. get a few drifts out of it and it melts.

Are you using a wheel sim or m/k? Ive found when i have to use m/k when my sims not hooked up, that “auto clutch” in the settings can kill your clutch pretty quick after aggressive driving. Common problem with high revving cars on LFS. Since you also said “auto shift” i assume youre not actually using a sim with a shifter. Auto shift is the same problem of LFS trying to shift your car for you, it slips the clutch a little, which burns it up when you’re accelerating hard or trying to drift.

Should be noted to Let off the gas when you shift and try using weight transfer to initiate drifts + less angle sometimes if youre starting to lug the engine (lfs might slip clutch) + you may be clutch kicking to keep the car in drift which will destroy your clutch overtime.
S3 licensed
Sweet! More Japanese Tracks!!
S3 licensed
Details page:

Quote :Old School Drift & Grip Roku - Featuring Pop ups!

Quote :

Created my ideal drift/grip car, based off old videos and magazine pictures. Keeping the engine and chassis accurate to those times to give a true experience. Weight was reduced ~100kg as the car is fully stripped/gutted. The Car is sporting lightweight bucket seats, upgraded suspension, R14 8J Classic Wheels, Bigger Brakes, Improved Exhaust System, Half Cage, ITB's, Mild Cams, and modest engine tuning. As well as Front & Rear Aero parts.


- New Front end! Pop ups!
- Extensive Tuning, 1587cc I4 Based Heavily on the 4AGE
- Accurate Suspension
- Realistic Engine Sound
- Fully Gutted Interior
- Custom Cluster
- Aero specs & Configurations
- Skinable!
- Multiple configurations to choose from, More to come
- RHD & LHD Options

S3 licensed
Vehicle mod: TEGRA R DC12
Details page:

Quote :High Revving Golden Era FWD Legend

Quote :
NEW - Tegra R!

Thanks to Tataeme For allowing me to use his Interior from the Hayat Onda DB18 Made the process so much easier! Heart

And thanks to TokumeiR for the custom SOON livery! Heart

- Accurate Tuning, 1797cc I4 Engine! With Variable Valve Technology!
- Accurate Suspension (As close as possible for LFS)
- Realistic Engine Sound
- Skinable!
- Multiple different configurations to choose from!
- Now with a few new wheel choices to choose from - LFS UPDATE!
- RHD & LHD Options


Derivatives are allowed!! Would love to see custom versions! Please dont ruin the mod with unrealistic changes, Thanks!

Thanks to Martin Trafas for the MUGEN M7 wheels!
"Mugen M7 Tuner Car Wheel" ( by Martin Trafas is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (