And that's what bothers me a BIT, all we hear are news about new tracks, physics etc :P, but... what about movies? Screenshots? It's almost 5 years and nothing "physical"... Anyway, i'm just visiting the forum once in a while, it's good to hear some stuff from Scawen and I do not regret buying that game .
LFS won't die, won't be left by devs until they will make mp without master server possible. Still Scawen has to maintain it, and it costs i suppose. So either he is working on LFS to improve it, or to make it work without master server, because he won't simply shut it down. So sooner or later we will get SOMETHING, that's for sure.
So... as this is some kind of topic to talk for the sake of talking :P then i'll write a bit. As I've not been here for a bit, is there ANY chance for an update in few months? It's awfully quiet. Any rumours? Played LFS today since very long time and.... it would be such a pity if they would stop any improvements on it, it still has great potential. Read some of Scawen's answers to different posts recently, he seems bitter :/. I understand that some behaviour of some people here is... well... inappropriate at least, but still, didn't he brought it on himself? Either he works on it, but the lack of any kind of presentations(even showing bugs would be great) is rather puzzling, or he isn't, not because he doesn't want, but maybe because he doesn't have the inspiration or time, and because of that maybe he feels "guilty". Honesty is the best cure, don't be a politician Scawen :P. What's more "impressive" is that for 3 years we see nothing about S3 content. It's not that you did nothing right? It's because you don't want to show something and then say it won't get into the game? Umm.... well, if you're working on a car/track/anything for three years i suppose you won't say suddenly "ah i don't like it, let's do something different", right? There are people here who would gladly help you with models and new cars! If there is... Scawen some kind of "communication" problem with Eric... it would be nice to know, but I understand that you keep it private. Still have to say it's a unique game, with great functions, best ui ever and still really good physics. Everytime I visit the forum by heart starts to beat a bit faster and unfortunately i'm dissapointed everytime. I just hope that there will be that one day when good old Scawen(talking about his garden;p and asking great community for tips and tricks ) will be back, and we will be good old LFS family. Hah.... damn my biggest post up to date. At least I did it, now i can rest in peace.
Sry for the bump, but i've read recently that there is a new show, called Best Motor TV. It's something like a successor to Best Motoring. Anyone have any idea how to get it? I've tried to search for it but without luck.
Yeah I know , but still even I would prefer to drive "unrealistic" Scirocco(but propably still the most realistic on the game market ;P), that not playing it at all for another year ;]. Anyway, sry for the offtopic .
Thanks a lot Scawen for this little honest progress report(just curious... what are the problems with physics right now? They are too demanding? Maybe some bugs? Like what? :P), they are much needed. I have to agree with TVE that what we need right now in LFS is something fresh. Something new to learn and discover. The physics update can wait, You could release Scirocco at least .
I would like to point out that last reports were rather... identical . By reading them, it seams like it's all in one place, and Scawen is not moving forward. Questions? Sure there are a lots of them, but all I would need is not a text(ctrl+c,ctrl+v) from last year, but a proof. A bloody video.. or something like this, so we can really believe(as believing is right now a big problem)... and at least droll over it for a week , and i hope he is not giving us false hope by saying that "they are working on it".
... but still we have to agree that it takes pretty long time, and ... all those progress reports were rather copy-paste. No other racing game gave me such fun like LFS, so i'm quite eager to see the new physics. Scawen, please please please... give us some more precise info on the physics. How far You are with it. Most of us i suppose have some doubts about the progress reports, and i belive that You can see why. Even if You are lazy with it, or even not working on it at all, an awful truth would be better that even the best lie. Again... please mate.
In my opinion it awesome :P. Furthermore, can You at least understand that SUCH updates will need the restart of saved hot laps/reconrds on LFS WORLD! So significant changes like that will have to wait until physics update(propably). Although I'm really curious what's Eric doing. I mean seriously, interior updates? Where are they?
Thank You Scawen . Although I've been mainly racing in IRacing now, i come sometimes to LFS, and it still has the feel that I do not have in IRacing. I wouldn't like to see LFS die. I hope it goes well with the physics , although it takes REALLY long time. Again thanks and I wish You good luck.
Nobody said it's soon ;p. Yeah.... it's great they've put the progress report. It just shows that there is something going on there, but still I don't believe that we will get any patch soon. Half a year to go I suppose. Anyway, like i said before, thank's a lot "Scawen"(speaking about himself in 3rd person? )!