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S3 licensed
E30 all the way Wink
Check out my fanpage:
Unfortunately all in Polish.
S3 licensed
You the man!
Thank you so much, working perfect, exactly what I was lookin for.

Thank you good man Smile gone. Where to get Logi Profiler
S3 licensed
Hey All,

I bought a G27 yesterday (previously running DFP).
My wheel is seen as a G25 by the sytem (Windows 7, 64bit).

I'm looking for the Logitech Wingman profiler, to start with a fresh install.

Unfortunately is gone (following this tutorial, that's where I the link:

Anyone has this insstallation file, or knows where I can get this?

(I've had about 10 years' break from LFS, if there's different software nowadays, please let me know)
S3 licensed
I just discovered this feature by accident..

I find it extremely useful, fantastic work!
S3 licensed
BMW Sauber for me. Why? Ok, I'll be honest - because of R. Kubica. Besides, it's been great to see the team make such progress.

You guys are saying that Kubica is boring: Have to disagree here. I mean look at his fight with Massa in Japan for example- not exactly what I would call boring.

Unless you guys mean OFF the track. Then I sadly have to agree - definitely not exciting.
S3 licensed
The way I see it:

If we're given 10 new tracks and 10 new cars: people will be crazy about them for about two weeks. Then 2/3 of the people will go back to driving the GTR cars at AS Nat, and it will still be as hard to find a decent race as it is today.

Example? Look at the BF1 - was hugely popular at first, is that the case now? (I think I may omit the oval racing at this point...)

So in my opinion: the last thing LFS needs is new cars.
(Yes, I've tried "a few" of them, check my stats if you need to )
S3 licensed
I guess that makes me very picky.
S3 licensed
I hope it's allright to vote only for 2 skins? Couldn't find any more I REALLY liked.
S3 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :
Nice and Big

Just a perfect example, that you will NEVER please everybody.

Devs: fantastic idea, a big for the competition!
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :I It really is no different than what we had before...

You should NOT be seeing skins from the skins_x or skins_y in your own browsable menu in the LFS garage.

Not really the same: We've been told by Scawen to leave all the other folders (other than "skins" that is) alone. Before, if I downloaded a skinpack for a "friend" team, I'd stick it in the "skins_x" folder. I saw the hi-res textures in the game, I didn't see them in my LFS garage menu.

But now, if I have to stick them in my "skins" folder (because as Scawen wrote - anything you'll put into "skins_x" manually will be ignored by LFS), I will have lots and lots of skins in my LFS garage menu which I won't PERSONALLY use.

Just claryfying my point
S3 licensed
Not to get into the rather silly discussion of making the skins 104234329x143873247 resolution:

In the other thread, Gunn asked this question:
"So does that mean that when I want to put my mates', high res skins into LFS that I have to put them into my skins folder - meaning that anytime I want to choose a skin for myself I now have a huge list of skins to browse through, skins that I never use?"

I haven't seen an answer anywhere. Anyone?
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Permission to add this thread to the list of things that strengthen certain stereotypes?

Hehe, being pretty harsh there, aren't ya? I liiike
S3 licensed
I say you're all wrong. He clearly meant Need For Speed Carbon.
S3 licensed
Could be

Come to think of it, I had to buy a gameport especially for this. I connected it to the motherboard, but didn't do anything else. Maybe that's the problem? But on the other hand, the drivers for a gameport are installed together with the sound drivers as far as I know, so that shouldn't be the problem.
S3 licensed
Shame there's not a slightest hint of interest in this...

Would be good to know if anyone has done this before, as I'm having problems. My computer somehow doesn't see the pedals.. and I've tried 3 different combinations of wiring..
S3 licensed
I'll post here not to create a new thread about my wee little project:

Basically I got my old set of DFP pedals with no plug on it (Logitech made me cut it off and send it to them - warranty), and I will wire it, so I can connect it to my gameport and use as a second set of pedals.

1. I opened my pedals to determine the "coloring" of the cables:

As you can see on the great ( )diagram I made, the red and black wires are the power cables, and the white and green are analog signal outputs.

Therefore, using the pin-out diagram for the gameport found here, I will connect the wires like this:

Black: 1
White: 3
Green: 6
Red: 8

I'm also left with a ... wire made out of material in my cable from the DFP pedals. Any idea of what to do with this?

And please, if there is someone that knows anythign about wiring, please correct me if I'm wrong - I wouldn't want to blow up my computer doing this
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :I don't think I could possibly disagree with you more.

Hehe, well said
The thing is, that I definitely see your point. And I do agree that in a way LFS would benefit if it had all the cars (and more) that you mentioned. BUT, would it do good for the community, and for the racing we see on-line? For some reason I don't think so, and that's precisely why I have doubts about this whole add-on business in the first place.
S3 licensed
Quote from Renku :you could built planes and helicopters too with it ...

Viper Racing anyone?

A plane was one of the extras you could choose in the cheats tab. Viper Racing was actually my first "biggie" sim, before LFS.

(In case someone doesn't know the game, don't bash me by saying "a plane in a racing sim? you gotta be kidding me". It was a kind of a cheat).
S3 licensed
DasBoeseC, I think we might possibly be quite somewhat on the same page here

Again, as for the car editor: I say no, thanks. We have enough cars as it is already (with many of them practically unused, because people will rather spend weeks,months driving GTR @ AS NAT). Releasing this would only flood the community with low quality crap. Last thing we need. And I don't think that charging any money would change this.

What WOULD change it, would be the need for approval of the devs prior to releasing a mod. But then.... wait a minute.. what are we even talking about here? Maybe we should let the devs work on a final version of S2 first?
S3 licensed
I think I may have read that once S3 has been out for a while, the devs might consider making such software available to the public.

So even if this is the case, we are looking a good few years ahead in time. An boy, am I ever glad that is the case. Personally I can't see much good coming out of such a "car creator".
S3 licensed
kiss_me: no problem

Detail : I think that even a DQ is too strong. IMO a 30 sec time penalty would be enough. But on the other hand I think it's a matter of setting up the server. Apparently on some servers the penalty is 30sec, on some it's spectate.

Oh, I didn't say this before: I absolutely love this patch!
S3 licensed
Quote from kiss me :i dont see anything besides 'jeep' taking off early

Read my post carefully pls. I did say that the message of me getting sent to spectate because of a falstart somehow wasn't saved in the replay, hence it cannot be seen.
S3 licensed

Watch attached replay: I'm standing at the start, I get sent to spectate for a falstart. Thing is I never let go of the clutch. (In the replay it doesn't actually say anything about the penalty. I guess it wasn't saved - it showed up at the time though).
S3 licensed
I just finished putting the wheel back together. Thanks for the advice!

As it turns out, the button itself wasn't the cause. There is a rubber "padding" between the button and the.... "electronic plate" (sorry I don't know the word for it, I hope you know what I mean ). That rubber part was worn out. Luckily there is an identical part used for the buttons on the other side of the wheel, so I just replaced them. As a result my POV is now a bit sluggish, but the others are fine. I guess you could call that a problem.. half-solution?

Also, that GT logo is put on using double sided tape. As a result I completely destroyed it when taking it off. Luckily, I have an old DFP lying around, so I took off the badge from the other one (doing a better job this time) and replaced it. Now that I have the old DFP out though, I plan to somehow make my old pedals usable again (Logitech asked me to cut off the plugs and send it to them, so that's why I need to work on it).
I figure: the pedals have two separate axis, so given that I get my hands across on an old joystick (which also has 2 axis) maybe I'll be able to work something out? If anyone's interested, I'll keep posting if I get any progress!