Are you for or against? the creation of tracks mods in lfs other than the original of the simulator i won't lie i love lfs i have always wanted it well and you what do you think of a race and tracks that users will create as well as the mods released in lfs
na verdade gostaria muito de um site para guardar setups de outros simuladores seria da minha equipe martin virtual race o site seria da equipe voltado para a sim racing aonde os players poderiam postar seus setups
com votaçao para os melhores sets somente o lfs nao poderia ja que e proibido fazer isto somente para os simuladores asseto corsa-asseto corsa competizione-iracing-lfs ETC ETC somente esse nao teria os setups pois nao tem permissao para postar seria para todos os simuladores a final quero algo legal que a pessoas olhem e gostem do que estao vendo
Soon I want to be with a Logitech DD or Camus DD that is more affordable here in Brazil I like my G29 more often it leaves something to be desired in terms of sensitivity
Thank you friends I'm interested in these steering wheels to improve in the simulators of life.... But I wanted to know how similar the gameplay is it to Logitech steering wheels?
Do the following steps
Download Ccleiner.
Do a clean with CC Cleiner
If possible, delete the temporary files.
Uninstall and uncheck the Logitec box to save steering wheel presets This happens at the time of uninstalling and installing Leave unchecked
Steering wheel presets
Once you've done all that, install Logitech Ghub and test it out