Well if you have a 900deg wheel and are setting to less than 720, I think your making life more complex than it needs to be.
Set it to 900 across the board and use the maximum lock setting to adjust the steering sensitivity.
The cars have different maximum locks and wheel turns, so they SHOULD feel different to each other.
I have a feeling that some of you are altering the wheel turn so that all the cars respond the same to your inputs.
And I don't think this is the best way to do things, ANYway its your game so do what you enjoy.
I agree. Using the cockpit wont make you a better person(or driver).
This reminds me of an reddwarf episode 'better than life' Real world restrictions aren't always the best choice( and vice-versa)
I had always driven without drawing any part of my car, working out the positions of other object via instinct. But now its all cockpit view.( can't be bothered to keep changing it)So what? You will get used to it
I'm still the same clean driver, still making new pb's and the sim is still fun.
My main objection was the timing, it should have been done a week before the competition started so people could get used to the new view.
Yes but this is for online play only, if you want to practice by your self just jump into an empty server and lfs will record your times.
Under everyone's name(forum) there is a set of bars, click it to see their stats.
This isn't a 'bug' and it's not an on or off issue so it can't be 'fixed'
The only thing Scawen an do is to minimise the problem, getting a faster server with higher bandwidth and setting everthing up corectley will 'fix' the problem better the he ever could.
lag and packet loss cause most of the rubber band collisions, but your right in saying it can be made better.
The way cars interact with barriers and other track objects can be a bit funky at times.
To fix it( and I mean so you never see it again) code side you would have to have the ai take over when a player has packet loss, then blending in the ai's prediction when the client gets new data from the server. Now this requires some hevey duty coding and would strain even top end pc's while running. 32 ai's running when your wifi drops out for 200ms?
And you would still have player's reacting to incorrect client prediction just as they do now.
Oh and the perfect fix? NO collision... At all.
It's more practical for player's to sort out their modems, improve framerates and to stick to the best servers with low ping.
No. Forcing someone off the track in any situation is poor sportsmanship.
If the defender is nice enough to let you along side on the way in to the bend, then how about giving them some room on the way out?
Want to be nasty? fine, how about the defender pushing you all the way to the inside of the track. Hey why don't they push you right on to the grass? I mean they are still in front right? so its ok. Or the defender goes to the inside forcing the attacker to the outside, now it should be ok for the defender to push the attacker off the track at the exit right? They have the overlap so...
If (when) we get marbles/ lack of grip off the racing line, expect passing to get a lot harder not easyer. If the defender knows they can not hold on to it around the outside, expect them to start blocking and fighting much harder for positon than they do now.
I like being nice but I can fight dirty if you like. :evil:
This topic had its own thread in the test patch forum, the hotlappers were against being forced to start from the pit every time they restart. As it gets in the way of hotlapping. I wish the test patch forum was still readable so I could check my info but the gist of it was that Scawen was not against allowing the hotlappers to start anywhere on the track or with whatever tire temps they want.
With the new patch we now have to start from the pits to qualify online don't we? ( My memory has gone to mush sorry :ashamed: ) everyone's fine with this as it adds realism. But offline hotlapping? Just irritating, so there's no need for it.
I used to drive form the bumper cam view because it gave an unobstructed view of the track. In one of the last patches we got an option to have the cockpit view without the sim drawing the car interior. So now I allways use that,as it adds realism for me. I bet any real racing driver would want such an unobstructed view of the track, we have power to do it in a sim so why not use it?
Restricting ourselves to the rules of real life just for the sake of it makes no sense.
Well I don't roll my car often enough to be bothered by this( remembers rolling it twice a few days ago! ) but I am glad
that there is still an option to reset. As it will help new drivers or people testing offline.
The goal of the dev's is to implement realsim that directly affects the racing aspect and to get rid of the annoying one's that don't.
This is why hotlapers will be able to start anywhere on the track with pre set tire temps if they want too( coming soon I think).
So you roll it your out, but we won't ever have to 'click' the engine start button(at the start of the race) or have to walk to the pits after a crash.
I mean who cares about that stuff?
If lfs gets a rally component you may see the return of reset with damage, as it would be perfectly realistic.
Its too late to moan about it now, the test patch ship has sailed and you had plenty of time to buy a ticket.
The big guys are already here, check out iracing.
It doesn't mean they can produce a better sim though.
lfs primary focus is online racing and given its small dowload size and the high cost of producing a box and shipping it to stores. Its just no viable.
I should have been clearer on my last comment. I ment if a driver makes a passing move at a dangerous( tight tricky single areo line etc) point the driver
your tring to pass may not be able to back off with out causing more choas on the track.
Nikimere if you outbrake yourself while overtaking then(by your standards) you have lost the right to the racing line,
aren't you now a slower car and shouldn't you get out of the way of the one behind?
Well a trip to hosptial, a nice chat with the race stewards and a hefty fine?
Their has to be restraint even on the last lap, otherwise we could just slam eachother out of the way.
Give and take not take take take take.
sorry Sinbad I disn't mean to have a go at you, I've had this happen to me so many times its stoped being funny.
They come flying in from 3 car lengths away and have to almost stop to make the apex, it can supprise the person your passing
and they will also be at the limit of control. Braking hard may not avoid the collison, what else can you do?
No, you've steamed in and parked it in the middle of the corner. How can you know if its even possible for the other driver to avoid you?
Maybe you could have avoided the collision by letting off the brakes and sliding wide.
When I say parked at the apex I mean the passer is 30k+ slower.
If you respect the other driver they will respect you, I understand your frustration but remember that intimidation is a big part of racing.
Its possible to make the other driver give up the next corner long before you get to it.
The best drivers will pick the passing point that has the highest chance of success and the least chance of contact.
Its not always possible to do this but don't expect the other driver to back off and give you the line. They may be as commited to the bend as you are.