The GPL logos by Christian Candena are available under the CC-BY 3.0 license.
This is a proof of concept for a system, which I want to make a solid base, to use when you need to build an InSim application.
It is not a completed project, but I have not found any instabilities yet. If you encounter any, please let me know by posting a reply here.
Before anything, these are the people who must be noted.
DarkTimes - for the awesome
morpha - for helping me a lot with programming as a whole;
Dygear - mainly for always being so "that's why everything should be opensource";
You - if you feel like it, why not.
The idea of this application is very simple. It has the sole purpose to help you build InSim apps, without worrying about the core things. I like to think of it like the jQuery of InSim.NET. But that's far from the truth yet.
I don't really have the time yet, to strip only the base out, so you get a bit more than that. And that's the start of a cruise app. I think it's better too, in a way, since you will have examples on how to effectively use the systems in the base.
I don't know when I'll have time to update this project either. When I do though - I'm going to post here ... obviously.
If you have any negative feedback, I definitely want to hear that. Please don't hold it back. Be it about something not being as optimized as it can be, or about something that acts weirdly. Anything. And I definitely accept suggestions on ordering and naming of classes, methods, variables - I'm not very good at that yet.
I decided to publish
Dizplay Base under the terms of the
GPL v3 license. Though this may change in a future version.
The code is far from what it's supposed to be yet. There are a lot of stuff that have to be removed, moved and so on. Call it a creative mess.

But other than that - it's some of the code I'm most proud of.
I'm not going to go into detail yet, so I'm just going to tell you the first steps you need to take to make this run on your server, and start tweaking it. If you need help on anything else Base-related, please do post here, and I'll do my best to help. If the question is good, I guess I will include the answer in this (the main) post as well.
So, here's where changing of connection settings happens (this is around line 30 in Dizplay.cs):
public static InSimSettings iSettings = new InSimSettings
Host = "",
Port = 29009,
Admin = "adminpass",
Flags = InSimFlags.MultiCarInfo | InSimFlags.Contact | InSimFlags.ObjectHit | InSimFlags.HotLapValidity | InSimFlags.AutoXEdit,
Interval = Globals.rootInterval,
Prefix = '!',
Name = "^1Dizplay"
What comes next is email info changes. If you want error reports sent to your email, you have to insert your
Gmail email and password in
That's all for now. If I find the motivation and some time, I will post a more detailed info on how to use Button Sequences, and Queue systems.
Thank you for trying the base.