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S2 licensed
it was a giggle to see the birthday list bigger than current active user list. I did a double take to make the two weren't swapped around. lol Happy Birthday to you all.

S2 licensed
Repeat after me, in with the good air, out with the bad. k now relax. It might take a bit to get adjusted to it but you'll do fine. Just don't let the little things frustrate you. If you can't work something out... then ask someone for help. There's loads of nice people in lfs that are willing to help you learn.

I hope you change your mind and give it another go. You won't regret it.

S2 licensed
it just needs more lovies :grouphug: :lovies3d:

S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Run for yer lives folks, the Tamagotchi are invading the shores of Fern Bay!

S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :My issue with cruising (and other sorts of servers too, as well as drifting, albeit to a slightly lesser extent) servers is that LFS is officially an "Online Racing Simulation". Neither cruising nor drifting are racing imo, so they don't 'belong' in LFS as per what it's touted to be. Having said that, both are clearly here to stay, and tbh I prefer that LFS accommodates them because as Banshee so aptly described, people who don't want to play ball would be far more rampant on all servers.

In the future I fully expect to see greyhounds (dogs, not buses) and horses in LFS too. After all, they have more in common with racing than cruise servers.

I'd rather see the buses myself, although they'd probably be driven on the oval track or WE1 mainly. It'd be a mess trying to get them around the corners on South City Town. The dogs would probably be more suited for the cruise servers too as people there would have time to take care of them.

S2 licensed
Quote from dude56 :Cruise servers now are just a bunch of dumb stoners sitting around talking about weed, and crashing into walls. Meanwhile, people that actually try to hotlap or whatever end up getting wrecked by barriers or dumb stoners, and fined because of the stupid insim, and the admins won't refund anyone because of some stupid technicalities.

Want to speed? Automatically lose money. Drive the wrong way? Automatically lose money. Cops don't chase you now; they kick you. The fun has gone. It's one big dumb chatroom.

lol well I'm far from being a stoner so not _everyone_ on cruise servers is one. I really don't see why people have a problem with the servers. It's just another form of entertainment... nothing more... nothing less. If you don't like them then don't go to them.

If you want to hotlap... go on a race server. Like ALL servers... the cruise servers have their rules. If you don't want to follow them... then why go? If you don't follow the rules... then don't whine about getting kicked or banned.

Like I've said so many times before... the wonderful thing about Live For Speed, is there's something for everyone regardless of age or driving style. You have the hardcore aliens, league racers, casual racers, drifters, cruisers, hotlappers and many others. I remember when I first started with LFS... people complained about all the 'hotlappers' and what a waste of time it was.

You can't please everyone all of the time... but Live For Speed is getting there. In the world of LFS there are lots of subcultures... cruising just happens to be one of them.

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :So because part x is partially unrealistic, and unsolvable, we should all drive using Unicorn models with physics that make our cars handle like Ice Cream?

Nice logic...

I never got a Unicorn.

S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :i don't understand why you feel lots of people are getting angry over this,

lol read all the posts on the forum since it was released. Lots of people really get angry about it. Just because someone chooses to use it, doesn't make them stupid, morons or anything close. It's just a personal preference, nothing more.

S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :tell that to the guy who won the bmw. the platform on which people use to race on is irrelevant, just because real people compete in a virtual environment, doesn't mean that the races are not real (in a sense). but hey you made the dude, so of course you will get all defensive over it.
but back to the point. when you race side by side with another player (and you look beside you to see where he is) you don't see harnesses or fire extinguishers, but you do see their heads.

lol this is always so funny to read. Ian only made it easier for people to edit driver attire. The option was always there, allowed by the devs. It was easier to make the app to help people out than to keep explaining over and over how to edit them with a hex editer

He provided a service for those who were requesting it at the time. It's fine if people choose not to like it, but my goodness... the anger people show at those who do is a bit over the top don't you think? lol If admins choose to not allow it on their servers... that's fine.. their house, their rules, and I'd support them 110% on that.

Like I've said since I was first introduced to LFS. one of the best things about it is there's something for everyone regardless of age, driving styles/abilities and interests


edit: Ian replied faster lol
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :An imo if we start editing some user stats then it would also falsify the whole stats (like complete driven laps and car choice by all users etc. etc.)

yes I totally agree.

S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :I don't think Victor will do it because,
I speculate on this, the reason for him trying to delete everything is: He got an "old" S2 license yesterday from somebody.

he only wants to clear all stats including fuel usage and miles driven so he can get an accurate count of his driving. It's not to get rid of a bad rep the nick has because there isn't one.

Quote from obsolum :See that's exactly what people mean when they say that you not only get a license, you get everything that comes with it, when you buy/get a license from another user. You get the reputation, the statistics, the bans (if there are),... the whole package.

AFAIK you can't clear LFSW stats.

You really shouldn't 'joke' like you did in the other thread, saying the Mithras nick had been banned from all the popular servers because not everyone bothers to read every post in a thread to see you admit it was a joke in another post or bother to highlight to see you say you were joking written in white. . They'll see ones like you put and when they see that nick join their server they'll automatically want to ban it because they think the driver is trouble. I've known the original Mithras for a few years now and he's a fair, fast, clean driver.

S2 licensed
Quote from muhaa :Now please let's this thread die down till the patch is released

A very good suggestion. Don't let them wind you up... they get a bit rough with people sometimes but they're harmless. We do appreciate that you took the time to contact the devs so they can check into it and deal with any fixes that need to be done. It takes 2 to fight so if you just ignore the bickering on here they'll just be talking to the walls all alone.

S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i wasnt trying to make a mockery of anyone, because i know DRSC are respected.

i was tryin to get them to watch the replay because they banned me witohut watching it, and i know im right that i couldnt steer after he hit me, so i thought they would see it the same way.

probably time to lock this thread innit

You had to pick the day I'm moving house to do this didn't you? k I watched the replay several times from several views and dear... I'm sorry to say you were in the wrong. You are a fast driver and you know I've always enjoyed watching you race since I first met you a few years ago... but you're corner diving again and pushing way too hard. This is the same reason you got the one race ban during our midweek challenge... you got a longer ban because you ignored that one by racing under a different nick during the race you were banned from driving. You won't ever accept that you do make mistakes intentional or not and everyone else is dumb because they don't side with you. That's really not fair. I know some people say rubbing is racing but you went a bit beyond that. lol

S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :Try 6 years older than you

Good luck with the team, sounds promising already.

<>?:@~}{+_)(*&^%$£"!The General Lee!"£$%^&*()_+}{~@:?><

P.S. Doesnt look as good when I do it Ms. K.

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :There's plenty of room on the server for spectators. I highly doubt there would be more then 37 people watching. And, you could always broadcast streaming video...

Why do you need a program for this? Can't you just write it down on a piece of paper?

Anyway, no-one is going to make a program specifically for you. Some people on the LFS forum have lives you know (I'm not one of them, I'm just lazy). Also, this is not a mod request forum.

We have 5+ people from our team at any given time that watch these races via spectator and we're only one team. Now if all teams entered had something similar... space would fill up fast on the server. Extra spectators on a server can mean extra lag that could affect the outcome of the race. No need to take chances.

This is a programmer forum, he's looking for a programmer so he did post in the right spot. People DO code things for other specifically for other people. Coders love to code and are up for new challenges.

S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Strangely similar to 3rd Division but hell, kids can't find original names these days

kids? he's a few years older than you. Good luck with your team, Matt.

S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I CAN aford s2, but dont hav broadband so cant download d s2 pack

Do you have a friend that could download it for you and burn it to cd? Also... I noticed you're still S1 registered user... did you check your PM box? You should have a PM from me from back in July 2006. lol If you don't have it I can resend.

S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Wrong.

He's right. There are at least a couple still wearing the tag whether CRC is still alive and kicking or not. Red copyright and registered signs by their names.

S2 licensed
I don't know if the ads currently in LFS are there with permission of those companies or not... but if they are... then there's a reason the devs chose those specific ones to add. Intel is the first one to come to mind. We know why it's there. Why would the devs want to allow the ads to be changed if they've added them for a specific reason like that?

S2 licensed
Race results are here

Awesome race... lots of close battles. Even one scary one when that bunny ran onto the track.

S2 licensed
/me leaves X shaped cookies for everyone. It's a lovely day to celebrate and be happy with the new patch coming, yes? Enough bickering.. dun worry be happy.

:grouphug: :grouphug:

dSRC gains another new member :)
S2 licensed
I would like to introduce you all to [dSRC]'s newest member... [dSRC]Emmylou, daughter of one of our current members, Bladerunner. Her sweet personality and enthusiasm make her a perfect member for [dSRC].

LFS gurl power just keeps getting stronger. Welcome aboard, Emmylou.

S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :it's back up

Supa Vic to the rescue. :static: thanks

S2 licensed
If you mean you'll buy a voucher and he'll pay you back then the answer is yes. If you mean can he buy one of your unlocks, the answer is no.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Handbags at twenty paces. I wouldn't like to be around Tiny when (if) she reads that.

Why? Not everything has to be a competition you know. I don't do jealousy. I think Becky contributes a lot to lfs and she's put a bit of spark back into it for some people. That's a good thing, yes?
