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S2 licensed
What a pleasant surprise to come back to this forum and find all this activity from the developers!
S2 licensed
Still reading the forums, but usually lurking for news about patches and related stuff, I still have hope that the next year will be the S3 year, if not then the other.
S2 licensed
Quote from :Then you didn't pay enough attention. Two weeks ago to be exact.

Or what do you mean exactly. Your translator is a bit buggy I'm afraid.

Ahhh damn, now that I read what I wrote I don't know why I wrote it that way, what I meant is that as we recently had a post from Scawen saying he was working on the tire physics we'll probably won't see anything new for this Christmas and that I don't expect any more news from the devs in the next two months.
S2 licensed
I don't even phantom to see even a post from Scawen mentioning what he has been up to for another two months at least.
S2 licensed
I have to study, why would I start to watch Community and It's always sunny in Philadelphia three weeks before finals, damn it, so much time spent laughing and so little reading about toxins.
S2 licensed
Congratulations Dennis! I hope to keep seeing more of this
S2 licensed
About a month ago a read an article that 3 cores performed exactly the same as 4 cores on recent games, now if you are working with heavy video or imaging soft then the 4th core will help a lot.
S2 licensed
the ATi HD4850 is good but be sure to get the doble slot version as the single slot gets hot, also, if you find some HD4870 within your budget go for it, it's a really nice card.
S2 licensed
Bienvenido al equipo purrete, espero que la pases de maravillas

Roughly translates into, welcome to the team! :P
S2 licensed
Eric may be holding content for S3 and I don't blame him for that, that's the logical thing to do, giving free stuff may keep the user base, releasing a bunch of new content as a paid update will bring back those users and give a well deserved boost on sales.

I just wished this was sooner than later, I love this sim, but I don't find my self craving for it anymore.
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :I don't think Eric's work rate is the issue because no one has a clue how fast he can make tracks/cars without him telling us, my opinion is that Eric has plenty of work that could be made public but the final decision ends with Scawen on what gets released.

I guess you are right, I really wouldn't mind to drive the cars we have right now, I just want more tracks, an update to WE, include a variant, FE could be updated, maybe work on the curbs as the layout is interesting, although some chicanes should be wider or with a slower line, a new track with 3 or 4 layouts would bring more life to LFS than a new car, be it GTR, Formula, Prototype or whatever.
S2 licensed
Quote from scipy :Don't know why I find myself typing again, since it'll fall on deaf ears.. but anyway.

Dear Scawen, the problem has never been your adventurous mind that explores a myriad of paths in the development process, nor was it the fact that Scirocco hasn't been released back in 2008 (or that you're not a drivetrain & electronics engineer and cannot code a whole ESP on your own - although the pricks at VW could've given u more help than a Scirocco pamphlet..), problem isn't even the tire physics.

However, this is the problem: you haven't looked at the LFSW most used car/track graphs for a long time, you haven't looked at LFS Forum leagues that are springing up left and right (most of them new endurance leagues).. so you haven't realised that we would just like some new stuff to drive. It doesn't have to be real life track and cars, doesn't have to be anything you would need to pay a license for, most of LFS' imaginary tracks are GREAT, cars too.

So, why do I have to cry each year when 24 h of Le Mans rolls around? Why do I have to suffer through beurocrats trying to balance the GTR class for every new season, not understanding that there's little to do about a shit-to-drive FR layout race car with huge turbo lags other than slow the car that's nice to drive waay down? Why do we have only 4 tracks wide & fast enough for endurance multiclass racing (KY2-3, WE1, ASX)? Have you tried being lapped or lapping even decent drivers around SO4 and BL1 with a proper race car (in multiclass racing)? Cmon.

These are the pressing concernes that cause all the moaning and quitting. If Scirocco came out tomorrow, it wouldn't be driven any more than a FXO, maybe for the first month or even three. So, why lay all the delays on the poor car and the tire physics? Correct me if I'm wrong, but would a newly added car or track need to be completely re-done once the tire physics are updated? I'm not a coder, but I really doubt you'll be updating all the LFS cars every time tires are changed (like in patch Y).

Two more fast & wide tracks, one GTR class car (or at least fixing the two currently there) and something resembling a sports-prototype class and you wouldn't hear any bitching for at least 2 years, and I don't think it's and unrealistic timetable (releasing that amount of content with your workforce capacity in the timeframe since the last update was delayed).

New tyre physics won't bring LFS back to life, well maybe 3 to 6 months without a lot of moaning, but then what? we adjust to the new drive style and still have to drive the same cars/tracks as we have been doing for years.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of updating the physics but why hasn't Eric released any new content in such a long time? there is no excuse for that.
S2 licensed
If Uruguay keeps playing like the first half they'll end winning IMO.
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :And your point? You can use it as another thing to play while you wait.

My point is that I haven't looked at these forums since mid March and I come back to see if there is any progress with negative results, just that.
S2 licensed
God damn it, the Starctaft 2 beta ended and there isn't even a post with updates on this, this saddens my soul, I bet Diablo III will be out before this new patch.
S2 licensed
Most excellent Dennis! You are tha man!
S2 licensed
I don't know who's fault it is, Webber only left just barely a car length for Vettel on a long semi-straight at fast speed on the inside of the next turn, I think that Webber was too greedy defending the position but also Vettel did **** up turning into Webber, but that could be a little bit of wiggling under braking or looking to the right to see if he had enough space for a split second thus making a little turn to the right, it was too tight, I'd blame both of them.
S2 licensed
Welcome to the big CoRe family guys! looking forward to see you all in the track
S2 licensed
Good luck guys!
S2 licensed
Yo le sacaria la compensacion de giro.

I would get rid of the turn compensation.
S2 licensed
At first I thought about something vascular but then I read that it was in both your legs so that's pretty much ruled out, so... back to nothing, probably you have muscle inflammation due to some unusual activity, if it's that then after a couple of days you should be better.

But still you should go and see a medic.
S2 licensed
As an Argentinean I have to say that the Falkland islands are not ours, people living there believe they are British and we have almost nothing in common with their culture, they don't even speak Spanish!

This is just a diversion from our own political and economic problems, it's a smoke curtain thrown by the government, if there is something that most Argentinean can't overlook is pride, and if we all unite against an external "evil" the current political party could gain some popularity, which is being smashed by the inflation and lots of corruption scandals.
S2 licensed
Quote from Androme :My cpu is a q6600 watercooled (no temp problem) with 8Gb of memory and a ati 5850, when i test my triple screen with dirt2 (hard gpu usage) i get the same frame rate, it may be whole better with lfs since the gpu usage is less, if lfs is not multithreaded, the problem may be here. it's not driver related since ati makes good drivers now.

There's your problem, LFS uses just one of the four cores in your processor, and the Q6600 ins't the fastest of the processors in single threads, probably an E8400 will have better FPS on LFS than your Q6600.
S2 licensed
I don't know what's more painful, wait for the new LFS patch or hope that I'll get a key for the Starcraft 2 Beta
S2 licensed
When I used to play quake 3 and trained for some tournaments I was able to have a steady 0.15 reaction time and go low as 0.13 in this kind of games, right now I've got a steady 0.175 and low of 0.155, FPS progamers will have exceptional timing reflexes, I recall the best player I've met did around 0.12 all the time, that's insane.