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S2 licensed
The file card_cfg.txt is the only place I could find that contains any hardware info. It appears to contain the proper video settings:

Adapter Select 0
Adapter Name Radeon X1650 Series
ZBD Select 2
Simple Track 0

I saw nothing about audio devices, though.

I'm going to try swapping the PCI cards to different slots to see if anything happens.

Edit: I move the audio card, no change. However, I think this is an audio problem (or maybe USB problem) that is manifesting itself as a video issue in LFS. When LFS is in window mode but is not the active window, I get no video issues. As soon as a select the LFS window, the video goes nuts. The only difference that I can see between active and inactive is the lack of audio and the lack of game controller input. The video runs along happily at 48-55 fps when the LFS is inactive.

Edit2: The problem remains even after I've exited TS. A telepit and re-join seems to be enough to get things going again. No issues with iTunes, WinAmp, or Foobar.
Last edited by Spinjack, .
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :I know it sounds a tad obvious but did you try a fresh start of LFS, maybe the LFS config file still thinks your old cards are installed.

I assume you mean a fresh install. Assuming that is the case, I haven't tried that yet. Is there a way to modify the config without a fresh install?

Quote :as for the skype problem, this clearly is an indication that something is not right. As with LFS maybe your OS installation is partly based on your old cards causing these conflicts?

None of the old drivers are installed. I downloaded some software to look for drivers, conflicts, etc., and found nothing of the old stuff (other than on-board sound, which seems to be dying on the analog side). I checked for conflicts and looked at the IRQ addressing to see is something obvious stood out. Nothing did.
Teamspeak/LFS Conflict
S2 licensed
Just installed a new video card (Radeon X1650) and audio card (SB Audigy), now I have a problem with conflicts between Teamspeak and LFS.

When TS is running LFS will run fine for a few seconds and then the FPS go to single digits, the car "teleports" to various parts of the track (including underneath the track), and I lose microphone input (which can sometimes only be restored by restarting TS) (microphone is on a Logitech 9000 webcam). Audio-out still works, but at reduced volume and with static.

LFS still runs, but the car "teleports". Wheel inputs affect the car and on screen displays are consistent with where the car ends up ("WRONG WAY", "RETIRED", etc.), but the car is all over the place and the object rendering is off (some objects float in midair). LFS runs just fine without TS running and vice versa.

No other programs seem to be affected this way, though Skype has had some issues with muting the audio-out when it launches.

Any ideas as to what is going on?
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :I have recently downloaded a program called pc wizard 2008. It tells me what my pc is doing, temperatures, speeds, etc... But more importantly, useful hardware info (much more in depth than xp system info) It lists every piece of hardware i have including the make and model, and on some parts even the serial number. I would get that and then google the card model and you should find some drivers to reload and hopefully fix it.

Bizarre. Wizard didn't find the sound card. It did find the on-board audio, though. Looks like my PC is dying, one component at a time.
S2 licensed
Ding, ding, ding!!! And we have a winner.

Popped in a Sapphire Radeon X1650 and graphics problems are history. LFS looks better than I've ever seen it running on my machine.

However, I lost audio and force feedback. :doh: Audio card no longer works, but on-board audio does. Problem is the on-board audio microphone doesn;t work, so no teamspeak.

On the Momo FF front, I've not a clue. Any suggestions (other than the obvious, reloading drivers and whatnot)?

Edit: Ok, FF is working again.

But, still no audio. I know its a driver issue, but XP can't seem to figure out what driver to load for it. Plus, its a hand-me-down so I have no disks or part number info. I moved the audio card from one slot to another to give the graphics card some breathing room. XP sees that there is something in that bottom slot, and knows that it is an audio device, but can't do anything with it.
Last edited by Spinjack, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :I'm sure you'll be happy with a new card, but you really should make absolutely sure that it's the problem before you spend money.

I don't have a clue what else it could be. I've played with the Catalyst settings. Reinstalled LFS. Changed XP graphics settings. Nothing new had been installed and no system configuration changes made any time recently. The problem doesn't coincide with anything that I'm aware of. I have started to notice some other graphics "quirks" starting to appear, though.

In any case, the card has shipped. So, we'll see.

Quote :Put it in another PC, specifically.

That's a good idea, but I don't have access to another PC for test.
S2 licensed
The general consensus (here and over at S3R) is a video card that is only just barely clinging to life. As such, I've ordered a new card from NewEgg. It pains me to do so since the computer itself is almost 6 years old. But, a new PC is not in the works for at least a couple months, so...

tsiros, the problem also shows up on the race track, billboards, and yesterday I notice some of the trees not rendering correctly. So, it isn't limited to fonts.

Once I get the new card installed I'll let everyone know what happens.

Thanks for the input!
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :That's your graphics card.

Quote :Did you install new graphics drivers recently, or change any video settings?


Quote :Did you move your PC recently? Has it been especially hot lately? What's the ambient temperature in your PC room?

No, nope, about 73-75 DegF.

Quote :When's the last time you've cleared the dust from it? Is your graphics card's fan spinning, or is it jammed with dust?

Been several months since last cleaning. Card doesn't have a fan (Radeon 9200).

I'm upgrading to the latest drivers and software for the video card. I have noticed the screen color changing. but I figured that was the monitor going bad (edit: I still think its a monitor issue because the color is off differently in different parts of the screen). The problem with LFS occurred a couple weeks after the screen color issue.

I'll see what the driver/software updates do.
Last edited by Spinjack, .
Jumbled Text
S2 licensed
What's with the jumbled text (see attached)? Also, in image #2, the road texture is off. What might be causing this and what might be the fix?

I haven't installed anything new or changed any settings. I installed patch Z to see if it corrected the problem, but with no change. I have no clue what is causing this, especially since I haven't intentionally changed anything.

Any ideas?

Edit: It looks like this is happening with all the non-static objects. The track side advertising is jumbled, but the braking distance signs are not.
Last edited by Spinjack, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :They are WR setups so there is at least pretty damn much potential at least

They are good, just remember that setups are a bit of personal thing. Some like a bit different setup than others and this means that not every setup suits everybody or anybody

To expand on that, the inferno sets are typically hotlap sets designed for one lap and will usually burn up tires within a couple laps during a regular race. Watch tire temps and adjust accordingly.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Automotive standards donate that negative toe is toe out.

That's all I was asking. :rolleyes:
Last edited by Spinjack, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Doesn't matter, as you clearly set "Toe In" (that's what the setup option is called). Thus if it's positive, it's actual "toe in" whereas a negative value results in "negative toe in", which is "toe out."

There is no need to be condescending about it. While we're at it, why don't we just set the dampers up so that a lower number means more damping? As long as its labeled that way its perfectly ok, right? :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :+ is toe in, - is toe out

Isn't this backwards from real life? I was having problems with my sets because I was doing the reverse. I think IRL, positive toe is outward and negative toe is inward.
General Questions
S2 licensed
1) can there be a multi-car race setup with starting lights, start/finish, etc. in the BL Car Part?

2) Can the cones be setup to incur time penalties on the drag strip? If so, how?

3) Can the starting arrow in the autocross arena be set up for multiple cars to start simultaneously?

Basically, I'm trying to set up a ProSolo style course, but it seems that the capability I need is spead out over the BL Car Park, the Autocross Arena, and the Drag Strip, but not in one place anywhere within LFS.

Basically, I want to be able to race two cars, head-to-head, either in an RoC style or autocross style. For the RoC, I want the ramps of the BL CarPark to act as the crossover.

Another question, is it possible to combine these things in one place via editing the lyt file somehow?
S2 licensed
The mini-leagues are usually a blast. A little less pressure and more of the fun factor. I've thrown my hat into the BF1 ring. It'll be challenging to keep up with, well, anybody.

Looking forward to it.
Key Binds
S2 licensed
Is there a break down of all the default key binds posted somewhere? I've searched and haven't been able to find anything like that. I'm aware of the in game list, but 1) the black text is difficult to read, 2) the list doesn't appear to be comprehensive, and 3) its good to have a reference sheet on the desk rather than haivng to switch game views.

S2 licensed
Quote from Blowtus :why have you got toe out on the rears? In my experience this produces power oversteer - toe them in for more power understeer.
Run more camber on the rear, increase pressure to compensate. Suggest increasing pressure to max all round.

THey were toe out originlly, but have them toe-in just for that reason. I'll try adding more.

I actually pulled camber out of the rear to even out tire temps. I'll add some back in and see what happens.
S2 licensed
I'm having trouble with a set for Kyoto National and found this thread in my search. I incorporated a couple ideas dicussed here, but am still running in problems. I got the car to turn in nicely, but now I've got big time oversteer on corner exit. Since it's a low downforce track, I'm looking for mechanical grip.

Also, I not heating my tires evenly. On the rears, he inside edge is 80+ while the outside each is still in the 60's. I keep pulling camber out, but I'm afraid I might remove too much and negatively affect handling. I've thought about setting the tires to almost flat, since that seems to be what the temps are indicating.

I started with my AC Club set, which is based upon the ver. T WR set, IIRC. I swtiched to R2's, bled off a ton of air pressure, added front ARB, and took off some front wing. Set it attached.

I thought about decreasing rear spring, but wasn't sure if that was the right thing so do since Kyoto has a lot of curbs to roll over.

Any suggestions?

S2 licensed
Why do you even need that much accuracy? The only time I ever look at the speedo is to check corner apex and exit speeds as a measure of how well I executed the corner.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :At the moment you must either win the race or cross the finishing line after the winner has done so in order to be classified as a race finisher. This means that if you, for example, do 9 laps of a 10 lap race and stop on track during the 10th lap you will not be classified as a finisher. If some of the other finishers in the race were a lap or more down on the winner you should be classified ahead of them in the finishing standings. In real life F1 (and no doubt in countless other race series in the world) you can still be classified as a race finisher even if you don't cross the finishing line. Additionally as things are currently you only have to do 1 lap of a race to be classified as a finisher, whereas in a number of most real life series you have to complete at least a certain percentage of the laps of the winner. Any thoughts?

I like it. Its frustrating to get a DNF or have to Shift-S when you crash out on the last lap (for any reason).
S2 licensed
Rather than new tracks, how about a track editor? Then admins can load up whatever tracks they want. Also, then LFS can have replicas of real tracks without the LFS guys having to pay licensing fees.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :

The 'hotlappers' are probably the worst culprits, possibly because they don't really know any other lines than the ideal racing line which they have practiced over and over.

That seems to be the key problem right there. Any change in the racing line and the 'hotlappers' freak out. So they bust out with the "Get out of my way." screen spam.

I usually take a wide line to let the fast car pass in a corner and NEVER let up down a straight. That seems to cause more problems than it solves. If the faster car catches me, they can use the draft to get by. If the corner is approaching, they passing car need only move inside to make a pass as they would any other time.

P.S. I once had a faster car try to pass me (I was a lap down) on the outside on the final hairpin on AC2. illepall
S2 licensed
The WRX STi also has a top mount intercooler.
S2 licensed
How about just improving the mirrors?
S2 licensed
The thing I like about the mirror solution, is it fits the intended realism (though Becky's solution might as well). IRL, as a car moves up alongside you begin to lose view of portions of the car as it increasingly overlaps. Also, this would be a feature that would be a distinguishing characteristic of LFS. Competative advantage.