I need your help with this survey, if you could help it would be great. You can PM me the responses. You can use Google to convert your local currency to USD (x (your currency) to USD will bring you the results).
The survey:
1. Are you male or female?
2. What year were you born?
3. What is your monthly salary?
a < $1400
b $1400-$2100
c $2100-$2900
d $2900-$4300
e $4300-$5700
f > $5700
4. How many people in your house are
a. more than 19 years old
b. less than 19 years old
5. Do you save for (yes or no)
a. pension
b. unforeseen expenses
c. new car/bike
d. kids/grand kids
e. fixing up house
f. vacation
g. no particular reason
6. How much do you save per month (in USD, to the nearest hundred)?
7. Is your economy in order (yes or no)?
8. Do you have at least $7000 in savings?
9. Answers for the following with one of these answers: Do not agree, partly disagree, neither, partly agree, fully agree
a. Society should be equal, differences in people's income and working conditions should be small
b. Men and women should be equal
c. Natural born citizens and immigrants should have equal rights
d. Ecology is important, even if it means higher living expenses
e. Non-profit work is important
f. You should buy
fair trade marked products, even if they are more expensive
g. Drugs for lifestyle related illnesses (such as obesity) should have the same tax detectability as normal drugs.
h. Government should fund culture stuff (arts and the like) that doesn't have a broad public appeal
10. How much do you donate yearly (in USD)?
11. Have you donated to any of the following in the past 6 months:
a. Greenpeace
b. Amnesty
c. Red Cross
d. Save the children
e. Doctors without borders
f. Any cancer research group