That would be strange if that was literal.
Anyway, global warming, loss of fish supplies, AIDS, deforestation, overpopulation - you hear about it all the time but nothing's really happening. Countries are talking about reducing CO2 rates by 5% by some year. That won't stop global warming. Overpopulation goes with loss of fish supplies. There is no real moral way to control it is there. You could go with the one child policy which has made a few spoilt generations or start a war which is a ridiculous way to make millions of people die until someone says, alright. Stop there. You've done enough. I could go on.
There are also more social aspects that are changing. For one, people are decreasing contact with other people. People are also starting to get larger waistlines. The next generations might be blobs.
Content creators are starting to catch on to hypes. In the film industry, a large number of films are being shown in digital. Why? If you do real 3D, you need 2 cameras which means twice the workflow and data (except for audio) which creates a lot of time and money spent that could have been used to create a better story. The music industry I think, was better in the 90s maybe even up to 2007. The songs now are just horrible autotuned crap with no suggestive lyrics, simple melodies and are just boring. Who wants to listen to the same 4 chords in every song? I just hope there is a replacement for Radiohead.
What do you guys think?