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S2 licensed
I don't like the player hacker, mostly because the naked "head" model looks utterly gash. Reminds me of my Quake 3 days, when everyone wound the details down to minimum to make everything super-clear and gaudy.

Be nice if it was a clientside choice to force lids. Be nicer if it wasn't needed.
S2 licensed
Tempted to have a go at clutchless shifting in my MX now... I drag it out of gear without using the clutch when the car is off load... but never had the guts to bang it into gear without the clutch. Guess I need to grow some balls.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :...I'm still trying to get a waterfall one, except every time I go to one it's always to bright outside to get any shots.

Break out an ND filter

I'm a Canon SLR type person, recently upgraded my 300D to a 30D, partly for the increased FPS, and partly for AI servo. Godsend for motorsports shots. I wander up my local track and wave it about on occasion. Good fun
S2 licensed
I thought at the moment, LFS treats all gearboxes like a H-Shifter? i.e. that's how they're simulated (gear->neutral->gear)?

Either way, I think i'm faster at shifting with the H-shifter, as it's using the manual clutch (which I can kick faster than the auto-clutch, at least in the road cars). However, braking/downshifting is usually slower, cause you're lacking a 3rd foot.
S2 licensed
Careful Riders... That's not the way a new team member should be representing the team.
S2 licensed
The UF1 was immediately called the "Ultra Fast 1000" in discussions amongst the team in the good old S1 days, once we first heard of it's imminent arrival.
S2 licensed
Points deducted for damage after a race perhaps?
S2 licensed
I'll give it a whirl my grip level normally depends on how many other people are racing with me... at the first round of the RSSC I was in a full on deathgrip during the first few corners proper stuff.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :...Only way around it is to unplug the G25, which I don't want to do because I need it for some other game I play...

Or, Device Mangler -> right click on the wheel device and disable it while you play...
S2 licensed
W...what the hell...? Inertia drift ?!

Note, not a fan of initial D, only saw the first bit of "stage one" and this made me chuckle...
S2 licensed
Quite. They had some nice average speed (SPECS?) cameras on the motorway where some roadworks are... Great! 3 lanes of traffic staring at their speedos for a whole mile! Safetastic mate!
S2 licensed
Control Panel -> Game Controlers -> G25 Properties -> Settings -> Untick "Combined axis"

Then recalibrate the controls in LFS and you should be onto a winner.
S2 licensed
I like it! Tune works well with it. One critism is the grip-rolling bit. Cars look a bit odd in LFS when they griproll, and the plain bottom of the car looks a bit "odd".

Other than that... kick bottom!
S2 licensed
Got a MOMO here (red one)... got replaced by the G25.
S2 licensed
Same, queued, then the host vanished...
S2 licensed
Going to be another crazy test server this eve?
S2 licensed
Damn the castle combe monkeys for putting your race so sodding late in the day. Wish i'd been lurking for it.

Sounds like there will be more where that came from, so if you're around the combe again, shout!

Congrats Tristan, treat yourself to some proper non-OAP rubber.
S2 licensed

Good days racing, got a few hundred photos to mash through when i'm bored. Only managed to find Tristan (with the help of Karl), and erm, Karl "The Angry Angel". Nice. Was good to meet you both anyways, and prove that people on the internet are actually real.

Sorry to those I couldn't find, but finding people i've never met or seen in a crowd of lots is a reasonable challenge

Had to bugger off before Tristan's race (if it actually happened?), so hope it went better than the very wet practice runs!

And can't believe I didn't get to see the front wheel drive tyre processing machine!

S2 licensed
Well at least I have a vague idea of who to look out for
S2 licensed
My mate Paul is coming too (who has an LFS licence, so he's hardly ever online. Ever), so i'm getting a lift from him in his Audi.

I'll deffo want a gander at that nutty motor of yours when I get there though! Cheers for the offer

See you all on the 'morrow. (feck knows how we're all gonna find each other though!)
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :...Others are abominations to the god of vehicle dynamics and drive about as well as a monster-truck around a slalom-track...

Not sure if it's just because i'm tired, but that made me properly laugh out loud, nice one

In all seriousness. Ta. I'll give the inferno database a thrashing and see if I can beat some PB's tomorrow. Not got much else to do, so
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :It's not that far.... and I enjoy driving my car =)

It would probably only add another 30 min or so to the drive I would think, no big deal =) Thats if you want to ride in the worlds fastest factory FWD... for some people thats just a big turnoff =)

What car you driving?

And back on topic, the combe website is backup. Plenty of racing to be had on the day, so should be a goodun, even if Tristan does bin it in qualifiers!

but seriously, gl mate...
S2 licensed
Years ago, saying we'd be where we are now would be seen as over ambitious. (if that makes any sense)
S2 licensed
Not specific to the combo in the thread title, but I am still a mostly RACE_S setup driver, as i'm improving my PB's by just racing, rather than tweaking.

With the inferno setups, most of these lean towards hotlapping yes? Is there a way to make them more "general" i.e. a low gear ratio setup (e.g. Fern bay club style tracks), and a higher gear setup (e.g. blackwood gp).

Is it just winding the pressure up and letting off some camber? I know bits and bobs about setups, and what each setting does, but not enough to really faff and know if i'm improving or just getting better at driving a tragic setup
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :Well I am more than happy to ferry anyone from any nearby place to the track.

And i'm happy to fork some cash for fuel i'll PM you sunday or something and let you know what's occuring. Cheers!

EDIT: Although, just backed up the thread to find out where you're driving from, and it'll be a bit of a stint outta your way! Might be able to blag a lift from my mate in his Audi tho... or I could stop being a wuss, and risk my stupid car. I'll sort it
Last edited by Quietus, .