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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Exact placement of the subobject is not that important in the modeller, what is most important is that the object's origin is in the exact centre point of the hub object.

To be clear - no matter where you position that object, it will be drawn at the position and angle of the nearest wheel.

I've got it to where the editor snaps the Hub OB to the correct location, moves and acts like a wheel as intended but when I test the mod in LFS proper it's acting as if they were standard subobs. They lose the Hub Ob function. They do not spin, turn and they move with the body as if they were subobs.

Edit: Oh you HAVE to have the latest test patch in LFS, I see. I thought you just meant you needed the latest LFSE test patch to make the hubs. I guess I'll make the mod private until that feature is forced onto all players in game. Id rather not tank the rating on the mod over it.
Last edited by Slashpca, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen : I think it might work if you rename the spk to sre and hex edit the header (first 6 bytes). But I haven't tested that.

It crashed editor for me.

Quote from Scawen :Is it worth adding these functions? Can they be added without wasting screen space?

No, it's not really important.
I'll just make that rims again ;p
S3 licensed
This is all you can get in LFS:
Additionally as user created content there are vehicle mods: and using existing environments it is possible to build own tracks using layout editor (you can try it in Autocross environment in shift+U mode) - however a proper racetrack with elevation and trackside objects is not possible with it.
So there is no Nurburgring in LFS.
Test patch D32 now has support for the new hub objects that can be added in Editor D39.


Regional downloads (for mods) can be disabled by a new Misc Option
A yellow redirect message is shown the 1st time you are redirected
Hold CTRL in Garage: Mods button becomes Test (direct to Test mode)
Opening mods screen is prevented if a rating request is in progress

FIX: Crash enabling filter in List of Hosts after all were disabled
FIX: Small camera movement on releasing LMB after 2-button rotation
In Editor D39 you can set a subobject to be a "hub object" which will then be attached to a wheel.

Some examples of use:
- disc brakes on a motorbike
- different wheels front and rear on a bus

NOTE! If used in LFS earlier than D32, the object will be visible in its location but will not move with the wheel.

A new patch D38 fixes some reported issues and includes a new feature to copy wireframe or plain mappings for any texture, previously only available for skins.

Quote from stuchlo :...Have found only two strange bugs (unfortunately did not take a screenshot):
  1. Corrupted license plates. ...
  2. When changing the fixed texture page, all of the linked cutouts switched to the MATT. ...

1) I've fixed the corrupted number plate issue that was even simpler than expected to reproduce.

2) I think you should no longer need to change the texture page to a skin as you can now copy mappings for any texture.

Quote from AR92 :It is happening if subobject's angle is given from subob section, from the rotation and position bar. But if you rotate it from the point section with selecting every point and rotating with same angle, there isn't any problem when merging. ...

The combination of rotations when merging subobjects is now fixed. Before this fix, it would work reliably if only the heading of the subobject was changed (not pitch or roll).

Changes in D38:


Export plain / shaded / wireframe for any texture (not only skins)
FIX: Merge subobjects, mappings wrong if subobject had pitch / roll
FIX: Map mode showed texture file for skin cutouts as [no texture]


FIX: Alpha number plate texture went wrong if more than one on page
FIX: Modeller - reload textures - vehicle editor: 2 plates on page

S3 licensed
This new big update is not only better lighting and shadows.

It's like a milestone for the developers and the community. The long awaited new tyre physics.

Supporting one version of LFS will allow for consistent updates and content being made considering the small team of course.

LFS Editor is a huge addition. For me it will always be a pleasure making a new car mod.

Also will bring new people to the game, especially releasing it on Steam.
S3 licensed
Quote from superlame :Have you tried the yellowish button with black "•", which is the last in the list of P,f,b,r,l,t,u buttons?

There goes a button i didn't notice.. Lol thanks

suggestion for engine editor
ability to type in values for HP and Torque at specific RPM without having to drag sliders around
S3 licensed
Animation editor suggestion:

-ability to copy and paste XYZ of selected bone each individually

-Mirror Selected bones position to other hand with flipping value (same as regular points) this helps building animation faster, aside from auto copy and flip.. This way we only make one hand animation and its the same on the other

-Lock position on selected frame (current lock never worked for me).. Fully lock selected bone's position.

Editor suggestion :

-Choose field of View (FOV) for driver's eye view
Last edited by bayanofmansorofisky, .
S3 licensed
Modeler Suggestion :

-Lathe & extrude should have their generated tris automatically assigned to first active layer

minor MODELER bug :

- when hiding unselected points then exiting back to Editor then going back to Modeler, all points are now shown (wasn't like this in last patches, forgot if it's the same for tris)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Nice dashboard, thanks for the result image and testing! Smile

Please can you remove your suggestions and instead put them on the appropriate thread in the suggestions forum?

It's really impossible for me to follow things and retain my sanity if random suggestions are all over the place and the test patch thread is spammed up with off topic.

This thread is for discussions about the current editor test patch. Off topic suggestions here will be ignored.

sorry i looked over and somehow i did not find that correct thread

Quote :By the way, did you get any better results with the bus mirrored texture?

I did a fresh installment of LFS and LFSE and patched to latest .. the issue was still there when i opened the file in editor but i tried to mirror both subobject and tris and it worked somehow.. all i can guess is its my editor acting up.
The camera rotates around the point the mouse starts at when you press two buttons, or hold the middle button. Do you know about that? It's not random. I'm talking about the modeller. The vehicle editor doesn't have a ray check on the vehicle.

Again, in the modeller, point the mouse at the exact point you want to rotate around. Press two mouse buttons or middle button, then move mouse. The rotation should be around that exact point. I haven't experienced a rotation point constantly randomly moving around.
S3 licensed
i believe track editor is on the roadmap somewhere after the game is complete.

great poll btw.
Quote from Evolution_R :This is the final variant. I'm very happy with it. Can't wait for the official version, so I can upload it. Thumbs up

Nice dashboard, thanks for the result image and testing! Smile

Quote from bayanofmansorofisky :Animation editor suggestion:
Modeler Suggestion :
Editor suggestion :

Please can you remove your suggestions and instead put them on the appropriate thread in the suggestions forum?

It's really impossible for me to follow things and retain my sanity if random suggestions are all over the place and the test patch thread is spammed up with off topic.

This thread is for discussions about the current editor test patch. Off topic suggestions here will be ignored.

By the way, did you get any better results with the bus mirrored texture?
I've tested that and don't see that problem in game. Which version of LFS are you using?

I used editor D37 and LFS D31. The light mapping appears fine in game.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've tried to reproduce that, both a single sided subobject with mirrored triangles, and a mirrored subobject with mirrored triangles.

I don't get a problem in either case. Can you attach a model that can be used to reproduce this issue?

below u find screenshots of how it looks in editor and how it looks inside LFS after exporting for test
I've attached a file of whole mod which is exported for development
you can find the triangles that are having this issue in second subobject named " lights and others"
all lights are mirrored and they aren't appearing correctly as in editor.. i was mistaken for whole tris loss but its just the textures now.
I've tried making a flipped cutout and using it in opposite mapping but nothing did it.
Test Patch D31

Support for the updates in Editor D37:

Ability to set colours instead of using the system colours
Set background colour without supplying a backing texture
Some new options for road and formula clocks

S3 licensed
@Scawen, would you please make a "keep subobjects" option when changing a main object? Sometimes mappings are losing the position and scales when merging the subobject which contains gauge, to main object, for the backing texture. To avoid the mapping dislocation, i imported the gauge subobject first to modeller, as main object, then i imported the actual main object (car's body) as attachment to modeller. and merged both and there isnt a problem but when you try to change the main object in vehicle editor with new merged main body, it deletes all the subobject which contains the seats, interior etc.
The colour selections and some updates for formula clocks are nearly ready but I want to test thoroughly and finish a couple of options. So I should release an updated test patch and editor tomorrow instead of this evening.
S3 licensed
Hello, LFS EDITOR bug when changing the graphics adapter
It's defaulting on Intel HD 4000 and works fine
I try to set it on my Radeon R5 graphics card then exit lfse
When trying to lunch it again it shows error " OUTPUT NOT FOUND"
All drivers are updated.
S3 licensed
Hello all Smile
As you can see, a new version was uploaded.

At this moment, the mod is on WIP mode for testing.
We are working on an incompatible update to get it more optimized, detailed and with a fresh look.

After months using LFS editor, now we got some new knowledge and want to implement on our first mod!

-We changed the measurements of the tires as we discovered a conversion
error to the measurement system used by LFS.
-Modified the point of incidence, lift and aerodynamic drag (we found
better data)

-Now we´re using the same model than before but it will be updated on interior and exterior.
S3 licensed
Quote from AR92 :You sure? Is this happened in the past editor versions too? Sorry i'm kinda little bit paranoid when it comes to viruses Big grin

yes scawen himself the coder of lfs and the lfs editor implemented virus in the new version.. are you even serious?
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :This is fairly common. It's safe, just a false detection.

You sure? Is this happened in the past editor versions too? Sorry i'm kinda little bit paranoid when it comes to viruses Big grin
S3 licensed
For some reason, Windows Defender sees LFS editor.exe as trojan when i extract the zip.

note: sorry for the system language, you have to translate, my Windows product is only supporting Turkish at the moment.
It recognizes it as Win32/Wacatac.B!ml as you can see.
Last edited by AR92, .
Thank you for the reports. I confirm that if you change a texture name to one that doesn't end with _ALP then cutouts with VSHINE or OVERLAY will change to MATT. But I don't think this has changed since the earliest version of the editor. Maybe there could be a warning.

About the corrupted number plates, I can't reproduce it yet. Can you remember what you did before that happened? Was your instance of the modeller started from the entry screen or from within the vehicle editor? Had you changed the number plate (in Driver options) or can you remember anything else that could affect texture memory? I suppose the number plate textures must have either been generated wrongly or became corrupted after generation.