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Thank you all very much for the feedback and reports since Friday's test patch (D41).

Tankslacno, that must be the best presented patch report I have ever received! Smile

I am fixing the things which are definite bugs, especially if they were introduced recently. Some things won't be fixed but I will look at all the reported issues and see what I can do in a short time.

NOTE: I seriously want to move away from AI, as soon as possible, to get back to finish and release the recent updates to the mods editor and system (the intermediate, incompatible patch with the existing physics and graphics). So I'm just trying to round off the most important issues.
Updated LFS and LFS Editor icons with the latest design
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
It would be nice to have the LFS icons updated with the latest version that is already used on Twitter, and the LFS_EDITOR.exe icon should be different from the main LFS game exe.

Here are my suggestions for LFS, LFS editor and LFS_restart icons.

For the LFS Editor, I tried two variants - one with a plain dark blue background, and the other with a 3D wireframe included in the background.
The new icons are also higher resolution - up to 256x256 pixels.

You can download the new icons as a zip file.
Last edited by Flame CZE, . Reason : update LFS editor icon, add LFS restart icon
S3 licensed
Hi Scawen!

Thanks for this D41 test patch. I tested it quite a lot yesterday and I have a lot of reporting about this. Because I don't want to make this post very large, I decided to create a PDF-document where I report my experiences and issues with this test patch.

This PDF has 8 pages and I've divided it into four parts:
1) Important/Test patch related issues
2) Other caveats with AI drivers
3) Other caveats/bugs I found
4) Information about SPR-files I've attached as well

I've attached four SPR-files. Now, there is also a fifth SPR which I've uploaded into Google Drive since it's too big file to simply attach it here. I've also uploaded these five other files attached here also there.

So you can find a link for that fifth SPR-file here, it's named D41_TestRace_SO4_Bikes.spr:

This PDF-document includes:

- 1 game crash
- 1 bug related to D41 update
- My experiences to each of your AI update in D41
- My experiences with updated AI in general with this newest test patch
- 3 other caveats related to AI drivers I noticed (1 of those could be on purpose though)
- Way to sort of bypass a restriction that disallows certain cars in Karting Tracks (WE4/WE5)
- Some other strange things (possible bugs) with Training Lesson Editor
- 1 other bug I found when autosaving replays.
- General information of each SPR-file I've attached
S3 licensed
maybe my new tool helps you.

You can make some building from basic blocks and save it as separate LYT file.

Then my tool allows you to spawn it in the LFS editor on desired position and even to set heading of the entire composition.

You can find it here: ... Layout-editor-helper-tool

It contains example composition LA1X_SmallGarage.lyt

Basically you need to create your composition with center point at [0,0,2] - the layout square track is best for that.
Last edited by Vritrasura, .
Editormans Insim - Layout editor helper tool
S3 licensed

I am working on an app that add some advanced and helpful features to LFS poor editor.

You can try this tool, guide is inside zip package.

- in-place replacing slab for ramp or wedge or vice versa
- moving object along its rotated axis
- quick block rotation by 90 or 180 degrees
- shifting/rotating entire layout as a whole to any direction/angle
- spawning compositions saved as LYT files anywhere on map

Any feedback is welcomed.

Hope it is useful.
Cheers, Vritrasura

Latest version: v0.2
Last edited by Vritrasura, .
Getting a permission from a manufacturer for detailed replica mods
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

I have been working on detailed replicas of some real cars lately and currently I am trying to get a permission from a manufacturer to use a real design, names and logos for my mods. It proved much more difficult than I imagined, but it is possible. I have started this thread to find answers for questions and issues that I have ran into during the process and maybe this thread will be helpful for more modders who would also like to try to get a license.

It looks like the manufacturer agreed to license my mods under some conditions and I need only a few more steps to get the license for a couple of cars. The first problem is, that the manufacturer needs the final models for a quality inspection. However, the whole mappings and wheels are built in the LFS Editor, so it cannot be viewed if the inspectors do not have the S3 license. Is there any way how to export a textured models (for example into the LFS viewer)?

The next question is, how to prove a license obtained from a manufacturer, without sharing my personal data to all users in the LFS public review system?
S3 licensed
here is CMX Importer:
and in attachments its one made by Alex Evans (from 2004) for 3dsmax5, and also my 010 Editor template based on that 3dsmax importer data (cmx.h).
Quote from Viperakecske :How do we fix fps stuttering when someone leaves the pit whit mod car?

1) If there is a bad glitch with a particular mod, you should talk to the mod creator and make sure they use the latest editor test patch. Since editor version D26 there are limits on the number of triangles in the second LOD (shadow LOD). Often mod creators have been lazy and instead of spending a short time to make a low poly shadow mesh, they instead made a direct copy of the main mesh. The recent editor test patches impose limits on that.

2) In the development version which we are all waiting for, there is delayed texture loading, so the car is initially created, but the textures load over subsequent graphical frames, instead of loading them all at once.

3) This has nothing to do with the test patch.
S3 licensed
Wow, yeah your version is a lot better than what I made.
My original version was just something I cobbled together for the hell of it, but this actually feels like a real race track. This is only the third or fourth layout I've ever made, so I'm still adjusting to the LFS layout editor. Thanks for the criticism, I'll take it into consideration. Also, the tight corners are much better in your version.

Thanks man. I'm totally just gonna race around your version now lol.
S3 licensed
Thanks for converting! This should open up some options for those who model outside of live for speed editor like Blender, Sketchup, 3dsmax, etc.
S3 licensed
Hi. Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.

You've put quite a number of objects on the road - specifically the start lights and arrow markers.

Things that can cause injuries in real life shouldn't be on a track. I'd put the lights behind the armco barrier, or something else, if available.

The marker boards, which in real life are usually made from polystyrene usually wouldn't matter too much, but there's enough 'street furniture' round a track that you can put signs up on lamp posts, street signs, traffic lights, fences, buildings, etc, to keep them out of the way - and usually in better places to see them. You can even make your own poles if needed.

There's a section, just after the start, where there are overhead direction markers that are pointing in wrong direction to where you want drivers to go, so these should be covered to stop any confusion.

Can't say I'm a fan of the very sharp corners you've used, nor the barriers with hard edges just sticking out into the track, as per the barriers for your chicane. Better to round corners into arcs and/or put tyres on outside of barriers.

Finish line. I much prefer when there's an actual finish line of some sort that you can actually see. The line you place to tell LFS where finish is, is invisible, so I tend to use straight coloured chalk lines on ground and/or an overhead banner, which is simple to make with just a pole either side of the road, with a cement wall joining them together.

Tip: If you want to make objects intersect to give better placement, lift and drop objects, and LFS will allow them to 'join'. I use this a lot when I want to make an arc of tyres that look like a solid wall.

I've amended one of your layouts to show what I mean with the points I've raised - see attached.

As far as making layouts, I've only ever done it by hand/eye using the LFS in-game editor, so the more you use it, the easier it gets - evem when using maximum amount of objects.

Feel free to ignore this post if you want Cool
cattercity layout at SO4X
S3 licensed
Hello! This is the first time I've ever uploaded a layout to anywhere!

CatterCity (which is the best name I could come up with in 5 seconds) is a nice little layout I created in South City containing long swooping turns, along with some tight corners and of course jumps! (Don't take the jumps too fast or too slow, it won't turn out good lol.) I'm pretty proud of this layout and would love it if you'd give it a shot. Also, there are signs marking which way each corner turns, because sometimes its sorta confusing.

I couldn't get Xbox Game Bar to work so I couldn't record a lap and post it on YouTube, so instead I just included a .spr file of a lap in a Miata. Also, there's two .lyt files, one with checkpoints for racing and one without them for just messing about.

I'm still sort of new to creating layouts, so I hope this is good. Also, this was all made in the built-in layout editor in LFS, but you could probably tell that Smile

(EDIT, sinanju in the comments made a much improved version of the track, so if you'd like to play that, he attached it to his comment.)
Last edited by catterkun, . Reason : adding a mention to someone in the comments
S3 licensed
and please make the v16 engine support for both editor and the game.
S3 licensed
I see that some people are making mods from scratch in LFS Editor, which is really great. I would suggest adding an "export obj" option at some point in the LFS Editor, so these exact people could monetize their own low-poly work somewhere. I know that's not the idea, but that might be useful for them since they spend hours using this editor. It might also bring more content makers and it doesn't sound like a bad advertisement if they type in a 3rd party website description, that their work was made entirely in Editor.

However when I think about it more, this means that other people can steal their work and upload it somewhere, so this should be rethought.

I will post this suggestion overall because it's something to think about in the future, but maybe it should be more advanced like mods being locked somehow. I don't see a big difference between: them making objects in Blender or in LFS Editor and monetizing their work and time from that.
S3 licensed
i wish there was possiblity to make it v16, maybe you can try to play around on it with HxD hex editor. Keep the perfect work up!
S3 licensed
Then started to modelling it in editor (im a blender noob yet Big grin) this car is built on my Dorito Astro 1000 cuz both cars has similar specifications and common parts like mirrors and bumpers etc. thats why you can see the test fit pictures on my Dorito Astro 1000
Last edited by AR92, .
S3 licensed
Hi, so there's no actual snap function
But you can puta subobject or a point exactly where you need it to be.
By putting values of it's coordinates.
r for Right/Left
f for forward and backward
u for altitude

Theres is 2 types of flipping.
#1 is a full flip: which flips the whole tris of an object around it's center
#2 swap sides: which reverse the coordinates of its point's

They may look the same but they mighty be used in different cases

I see you are trying to place the steering rack in place. So I'd suggest doing the following :
Placing the Subobject coordinates at 0 for all axis
Then manually moving it's points to where it should be on the built side of drive
Then from the subobject menu > flip function : set to swap side
It should work well.
For further details of the overall functions and navigation in lfse yiu can take a look at the lfs editor manual
S3 licensed
will you update the gauge cluster with the new BACKGROUND you can use in lfs editor now?
question [how to rotate main object in LFS editor]
S3 licensed
how can i rotate the main objects in lfs editor ?
like the subobject

pls , i need help from u
S3 licensed
i wish scawen puts quads support to editor someday.
S3 licensed
Inability to move/rotate the camera in the rim editor was a bit annoying, I'm glad that's no more. All the changes look great overall. Cross-section view in the wheel editor is a great addition.

Has the max amount of points in the rim editor been increased? It's currently 11
Is there a snapping tool in LFS_Editor?
S3 licensed
Hi, I'm new and have little to no clue on how to make my way around the editor.

The issue^

So I was trying to use the flip function and I was informed that I needed to have the origin snapped to the centre of the model for the swap side function to work which makes total sense.
My question is, whether there is a way for me to either snap the origin to the mesh or vice versa. Or must I do it the cumbersome way of moving all the faces and vertices to what would be a rough estimate of the centre of the origin and try to line it all back up all the texture mappings once again?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Metalmoltres121, .
S3 licensed
A bit unnecessary post, but I forgot to upload the icon in case anyone else needs it to be different. It's quite useful for me and I thought I could share my 1 minute invention.

In order to change the icon (in Windows), you'll have to download the zip file and extract the icon from the archive. Then create a shortcut of LFS Editor.exe and do this -> Right-click LFS Editor Shortcut.exe -> choose Properties -> choose Change Icon and browse to the .ICO file.

I also attached to this post the original+edited PNG files of the icon. In case someone wants to make their own custom icon. You'll just have to edit the PNG image and convert it to .ICO file.

Note: Right before posting this, I remembered that by posting these images, I might violate the icon author's license rights, I'm not aware of any licenses for this image and I found it randomly on the internet. If moderators decide that I violated something by editing this icon, I apologize and have no hard feelings, if you decide to delete this post.

And yes, this is not the actual LFS icon, because I could not find the original anywhere and didn't bother to extract it from LFS.exe, which would take me a lot more time than I had. But I could do the same to the original icon, if I get my hands on it, without downloading any additional icon extraction software.
S3 licensed
Quote from TheSevenOfClubs :But the options to create a 2-wheeled vehicle (bike, bicycle) and a 3-wheeled vehicle (whether the single wheel should be in front [Trike] or in the back [Three Wheeler]) already exist.

Hey, not sure if you actually read what he wrote, but he wrote the exact same thing.

My opinion about this suggestion is that adding more wheels on a mod would not be as easy as people previously stated it is, because we would expect more grip and way different physics by adding them. This means that it would probably be some kind of easy to add them in LFS Editor (just for decorative purposes - like only moving and not expecting much from them), but it would probably be a lot of time-consuming to add them in the actual game physics.

Overall it would be enjoyable to have a mod with more than 4 wheels, so I cheer on the idea and hope to see it in LFS at some point.
S3 licensed
When adding both LFS and LFS Editor to the taskbar, you have to figure out which one is which, because they share the same icon. I know you can make a shortcut and change its icon, and then pin it to the taskbar, but shouldn't the editor have its own icon? Maybe the same icon, but with "editor" text at the bottom?

Way easier to figure out which is which, when the icons are different.