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Flame CZE
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :They should all be visible in the tooltip text if you hover over the button. Please tell me if you find one is missing. This is the easiest way for me to do it for now.

I think what he meant was a list of all available keyboard shortcuts, something like on the right side of the Options - Controls screen in LFS.

By the way, there already is a list of all editor shortcuts in the LFS manual:
Quote from Scawen :This thread is only about the modeller, not the vehicle editor or mods system in general.

Hmm, I got confused between this editor test patch thread and the modeller suggestions thread. Anyway, as a test patch thread it is not for off topic suggestions, please. Hotkey discussions are relevant but may be better on the LFS Modeller Suggestions thread.

Quote from ivancsx :havent open Blender for a long time because LFSE more addicting and challenging to make something

Nice reason to use LFS editor! Uhmm Ya right Big grin
Quote from ivancsx :I do wish there's a limiter on all settings like suspension, drivetrain, etc, so we could have one car with limited or even fixed setup,

This thread is only about the modeller, not the vehicle editor or mods system in general.

Quote from ivancsx :also, waiting hotkey for "fuse to green" and "fuse to average" Big grin

Do you have any key suggestions? It's easier for me if you can do as much research as possible. For example if you know a key for a similar feature in another program, or simply have your own suggestion.
lfs editor mods
S3 licensed
how do i copy a mod file from lfs app to lfs editor?
S3 licensed
since I'm new to the game, I don't know how to move the file from lfs to lfs editor


E: extrude selected points (with trace enabled in point mode)
CTRL+F: flip selected triangles (in tri mode)
CTRL+F: flip connected triangles (in point mode)
Single click (no confirm) in "Select type of extrusion" dialog
Mouse control now works below 1cm from the plane (down to 1mm)
FIX: Crash on reload textures with no cutout or page selected

Vehicle editor:

CTRL+L: load
CTRL+N: new
Flame CZE
S3 licensed
My LFS Editor crashed after clicking "reload textures", sadly I can't reproduce it.

Exception code: 0xc0000005
Error offset: 0x0012d626

Using version 0.7D12.
S3 licensed
Thanks Smile
Quote from Kova. :I've just been confused by the counter jauges, i've never seen one like this, only got to know the rectangular box and the "3 eyes" counter but the jauges aren't placed like you did.

Yes, the gauges are simplified (it is not a detailed replica and some details are modified, but physics should be as realistic as possible). The stock DS was under-powered for a racing sim. Therefore, the mod was based on the Connaught GT Citroen ID, which was lighter, faster and had circular gauges (mine are little different to show more data). Later I have found the Ricou engine modifications, which are more suitable for racing. Have changed the specs but not the model as the design of good-looking rectangular gauges is complex in the LFS editor. It is left for future work.

Quote from Kova. :I hope you have some more lemons on your drawing table coming soon Big grin

There are many mods out there, so I have decided to increase the quality of existing mods rather than make new ones. But yes, I have some cars on my personal wish-list such as the Škoda Felicia Kit Car, the Citroen 2CV6 and the Tatra 87, but do not have enough time to create them at the moment. Maybe in the distant future Smile
S3 licensed
Done, change published. Now it looks like that, it hard to manipulate with torque line along with horsepower in this graph editor.
S3 licensed
If you have a question about the engine and why it runs so weird, it is important to understand that the real car has a 2JZ GTE, a typical aspect of 2JZ is that it does not have much torque at mid rpm, and you need to make a clutch-kick to start drifting.

I found a dyno graph with a 2JZ with about the same power as will be used in the real world, and pasted the values into the LFS Editor and made the graph similar to the one in the real world. And the result is as it should be. Idle speed according to the graph is 2400 rpm. Engine gets a noticeable push after 5,000 rpm. In reality, 2JZ does not go in a slide on soft semi-slicks after increasing the gear because it rests in the middle rpm.

So it's not a bug, it's a feature.
Last edited by Aleksandr_124rus, .
Porsche 992 GT3 R (PROTECH 92 GT3)
S3 licensed
Hello! we're exited to announce this new gt3 coming into lfs.
In this first ocation we decided to start a porsche 992 to start expanding the endurance series car pack.

This wouldn't be possible without the Argentina Turismo community, who've donated for this and future models. Special thanks to Terga for giving a big hand in this project.

I'll be doing a little recap and progress reports here.

25/11/2022: I've contacted Reitax ( to start working into an existing 991 gt3 r model ( Main idea was to build the rear lights with front-rear bumpers and spoiler, then starting working on LFS editor for the rest of the things.

04/12/2022 - 27/12/2022: First updates on the rear bumper and delivering of the model

19/01/2023: Lights and bumpers were to high poly so i've partnered with Terga to optimice the model we've bought. fist updates that week.

15/02/2023: Got the optimized model but still can be improved (mainly bad normals and unnecesary rounding) so i've started optimizing and maping in lfs editor. Finished that the same day since i was off work, 12hs of lfs editor.

16/02/2023: First importing into lfs to see how the lights looked

17/02/2023 - TODAY: We've noticed that the bonnet/fenders/front bumper its different from the 991, so to make it as exact as possible, kenblock30 started modifying the front part to match it. Got the first progress this morning.

So, today plans are finishing the front part and start modeling interior parts and the wing.

If you read all fo this, you're a legend. Have a nice weekend and see ya in the next report.

P.S: Thank you scawen for adding shortcuts into lfs editor. You made our lifes A LOT easier. Rofl
S3 licensed
Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :2- I can't help you, sorry Frown.
3- Not a separate mod, just an alternate config accessible when creating a new setup. Like the XRR. If that's not possible, that's okay. This does not detract from the quality of the module. It's just an old man's whim Big grin.

Unfortunately, at the moment, it is impossible to do something like this in configs. The configurations for the GTR class are arranged a little differently than what we can do in the editor. In the configurations, I can only make a different appearance of the car, nothing more.
Maybe devs will add something like that in the future.
S3 licensed
Just came across an issue with LFS Editor, I tried to change the graphics card from the integrated on-board card to my GeForce GTX 1650 and now I can't launch editor, it keeps saying saying "Error, no outputs found"
How can I fix this?
Avraham Vandezwin
S3 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :I agree, LiveForSpeed is in need of more tracks.

Imagine if you had a minimum of 12 tracks, you could create a championship every year, one race per month on different tracks.

I think LFS really needs more circuits

Smile Everyone agrees with that. A track editor might help. We could (also) very simply multiply the tracks with the tricks of the last millennium for virtual tracks (mirror, reverse mirror + makeover or patchwork from existing tracks etc.).

But existing tracks should be used online. For example, there are only 7 servers on Rockingham and they are empty.Shrug
taking unauthorized parts from car mods made
Orhan Umut
S3 licensed
I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place, sorry.

There is something I want to talk about.

About a month ago, while playing on a server, a vehicle's wheels caught my eye.

Then I opened the .veh file of this vehicle with the editor and examined the rim texture names.

what a coincidence
the rims i use on the cars i build

I want to show you as a video

I wish the people who used the wheels would have asked permission to use them.

The vehicle on the right in the video belongs to me.
Last edited by Orhan Umut, .
S3 licensed
There are two types of PNGs used for modelling in LFS, one is RGB and the other is RGBA (with alpha/transparency). You are supplying an RGB type where the editor expects an RGBA type.

It's explained in this thread:
OK, that problem should be resolved in D10. If the setup is adjusted when the car is created, and the car is in the vehicle editor, then it should copy those changes back into the default setup. This mimics what was done in previous versions (before the changes for multithreading).


CTRL+D: duplicate triangles or points in tri or point modes
SHIFT+P: select selection's points / select connected triangles
Disabled point selection by middle button in build and point modes
I've had notifications about two uploaded mods failing to get through the checks in the system. I believe they were saved from the updated editor.

In the first mod, it was related to a value in the setup that doesn't apply to the mod's suspension type (Caster is non-zero in the setup, although suspension type is MacPherson). Previous versions of LFS would set that value to zero, but the latest version doesn't do that so there is a mismatch in the files.

I have to think of the best way round this. In the meantime, if you encounter this problem, you could fix it by reloading the veh in the previous version of the editor (0.7C3) and saving it out again. That should correct the values in the setup as needed.

I haven't yet investigated the mod that was uploaded this morning, but I guess it would be a similar issue.

Here is a link for the C3 editor in case you need it to load and resave the veh (to correct the values in the default setup). You can place the exe in the folder beside your D9 exe and it should work fine.
Last edited by Scawen, .
InSim checkpoint
S3 licensed
Online at :
[eGM] Racing Series
Editor needs InSim checkpoint with index.... like that circle.
S3 licensed
is there any way to add some shortcuts for functions like extrude, duplicate points or fuse to green? It could be really helpful for us who are modeling on the editor
S3 licensed
EDIT by Scawen: This D8 crash is now fixed in D9

After updating, LFS Editor 0.7d8 started crashing while exporting the mod for upload

Faulting application name: LFS_EDITOR.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x63e53257
Faulting module name: LFS_EDITOR.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x63e53257
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Error offset: 0x00082cde
Faulting process ID: 0x250c
Faulting application start time: 0x01d93cb380a376ef
Faulting application path: C:\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe
Faulting module path: C:\LFS_EDITOR\LFS_EDITOR.exe
Report ID: f4e066b5-b803-41aa-8174-eca1e618df59
Last edited by Scawen, .
Quote from BeNoM :I love this, any chance we can get it in the editor as well?

Maximum speed for each gear is now available in Editor Test Patch D8:
Quote from Evolution_R :Even though the maximum limit of subobjects is not reached (64 I think), the head disappears when there are more than ~75 000 tris in 27 subobjects.

It's all about the number of subobjects, rather than the number of triangles. It was limited to 32 subobjects, but in Editor Test Patch D8 you can see up to 40 subobjects including the helmet (and two for each mirrored subobject).

Quote from iiiiil :Mesh explodes in wire mode.
All i did was going to wire mode and click "reload textures". Some times LFSE crashes, some times i get this weird result

This is also fixed in Editor Test Patch D8:
Editor Test Patch 0.7D40
Hello Mod Creators,

Here is an update for the LFS Editor.

Changes in Editor 0.7D40:

Vehicle editor:

Hub object custom colours now appear in the list of wheel colours


Reflect object function is now available for individual subobjects
Combined clean object buttons into a single button with a dialog
Spoke mode "export SRE" saves combined spokes as a modeller object
Spoke mode "import SRE" function to load modeller object as a spoke

Changes in Editor 0.7D39:


Set subobject as "hub object" that moves and rotates with a wheel
- note that LFS must be updated to D32 or the object does not move


FIX: Small camera movement on releasing LMB after 2-button rotation

Changes in Editor 0.7D38:


Export plain / shaded / wireframe for any texture (not only skins)
FIX: Merge subobjects, mappings wrong if subobject had pitch / roll
FIX: Map mode showed texture file for skin cutouts as [no texture]


FIX: Alpha number plate texture went wrong if more than one on page
FIX: Modeller - reload textures - vehicle editor: 2 plates on page

Changes in Editor 0.7D37:


Ability to set colours instead of using the system colours
Set background colour without supplying a backing texture
Adjustable black rectangle option if background is not black

Road clocks:

Digital and analog speedo may be used at the same time

Formula clocks:

Option to switch off numbers on the tacho display
Option to use a larger step on the tacho display


Crash on undo/redo of subobjects in mapping/cutout/page modes
Message: The backing texture will appear in subobjects but must be set in the main object

Changes in Editor 0.7D36:

Vehicle editor:

Backing texture can now be used with all types of clock texture
Text colour and opacity can be set on the s_clock_formula clocks
FIX: Vehicle lost 'saved' status exiting modeller with no changes


Message if user attempts to set backing texture on subobject
Texture page marked as dash is shown green (if not used by model)
FIX: Model lost 'saved' status if cutout or mapping drag cancelled

Changes in Editor 0.7D35:

A new dashboard backing texture system
- only for s_clock and s_clock_white dashboards [restriction removed in D36]
- backing texture appears *behind* needle, numbers, markings
- appears illuminated (self lit) like the default dashboards
- recommended texture size is 512 or 1024 for future-proofing
- load the texture in page mode in the modeller
- click the "fixed" button to mark it as "dash"
- there is a reload button in the dashboard editor
- alpha channel has no effect

Changes in Editor 0.7D34:

Vehicle editor:

Engine damage light can be enabled (in Transmission tab)
Maximum value for main body drag increased from 1.0 to 6.0
Some tooltips added and descriptions adjusted in Aerodynamics tab
Estimated max speed (in Aerodynamics) shows speed in mph or km/h
FIX: Dashboard for electric vehicles was switched off in editor

Dashboard editor:

- set maximum value in km/h (steps of 5)
- option to show units (km/h or mph)

- set maximum value
- x100 or x1000
- gap 1/2 (x1000) or 5/10 (x100)
- options to show units (x100 or x1000)

Options on all gauges:
- needle colour = text colour
- needle is long
- needle above pivot
- hide pivot
- hide numbers
- hide symbol (if applicable)
- hide marks
- smaller text

Changes in Editor 0.7D33:

Vehicle editor:

A sky reflection (environment map) is included in mod screenshot
Undo "edit model" is removed if no changes were made in modeller
More tooltips in Allow, Light Colours and Object Positions tabs
Unsaved changes warning on clicking the X button to exit LFS


Unsaved changes warning on clicking the X button to exit LFS

Changes in Editor 0.7D32:

FIX: Crash when selecting overlay with no texture

Changes in Editor 0.7D31:

Vehicle editor:

A redo function to go with the new undo function


There is now a redo function to go with the undo function
Map / cutout / page selections are preserved when possible
Undo and redo deal correctly with map / cutout / page modes
Cutout mode works more like map mode and avoids button overlap
Overlay function from page mode is now available in cutout mode
Square buttons in map mode match mapping aspect ratio to cutout

Changes in Editor 0.7D30:

Vehicle editor:

Undo function for all editor operations
Exit warning only if changes have been made
C key to clear selected point and selected tube
Delete key deletes a point or tube (if only one is selected)
CTRL+RMB (copy) SHIFT+RMB (paste) now work with frame point values
Hide the bottom right buttons now hides the whole settings block
Rim modifiers moved to top right in rim editor avoiding overlap
Special view no longer includes wheel mass cuboids by default
Error message displayed if a vehicle file cannot be loaded


FIX: Bottom right screen layout was wrong in 2D views

Animation editor:

FIX: Driver in wireframe mode could be obscured by the vehicle

Changes in Editor 0.7D29:

Vehicle editor:

Included whole words "load" and "save" for setups and colours
New message on clicking "Animate" if the vehicle has no driver
Tooltips added to Steering tab and some in Object Positions tab
Question button and tip are shown for unusual FR configurations
Caster angle reduced to 2 decimal places (3 seemed excessive)

New vehicle:

Better initial values for engine and fuel tank positions
Light colours are now initialised (all were black except rear fog)
FIX: Editor buttons appeared during dialog in new vehicle screen

Animation editor:

Eye view button (beside origin and object buttons)
Keys O (view object) and SHIFT+O (options) now work

Changes in Editor 0.7D28:

Vehicle editor:

Various improvements in layout and organisation
Tooltips are now available (allows reduced button text)
A new button to show the view from driver's eye position
Editor sliders now have both arrows on the right
FIX: Spare wheel pitch now expressed in degrees
FIX: Nudging of RPM sliders in engine editor

Changes in Editor 0.7D27:

FIX: Position of screen buttons during 2D rotate or scale (D26 bug)

Changes in Editor 0.7D26:

Mod Export:

A new limit of 8192 triangles / 12288 vertices for LOD2
Groups are compressed when exporting for test or upload


A new function "reduce detail" is visible with triangles selected
A point is selected if unambiguous after merge to green or average

Changes in Editor 0.7D25:


A new style dialog is now used for merge points (ALT+M) options
FIX: Points more likely to remain selected after scale or lathe

Vehicle editor:

For flashing pit speed limiter light - choose brake or rear fog
Width / ratio / rim width move in bigger steps with right click
Frame position adjustments use expected steps for mouse clicks

Limited sidecar support:

Lone wheel (e.g. front) can be offset left (in Suspension tab)
- offset wheel to right is currently disabled for compatibility
Pair of wheels (e.g. rear) can be longitudinally staggered
- only the rearmost wheel of a staggered pair is driven
- anti-roll is disabled when the pair is staggered

Changes in Editor 0.7D24:

Switches for various options previously controlled by Race Class
- Indicators / Headlights / Pit limiter light (in 'Light Colours')
- Handbrake / Horn / Starter Motor (in 'Allow')
- Oval suspension arms (in 'Suspension')
- Grooved slicks (in 'Wheel Object')

Modeller move in list UP/DN: move more with SHIFT or right click

Changes from 0.7C to 0.7D23:


H button at top left to hide/show message history like H key in game
Left click increments should now always be smaller than right click
- previously this was not consistent between all types of button
- as before, CTRL may do smaller steps, SHIFT may do larger steps
- this change should apply to distance, colour, angle and scale

Vehicle editor:

Spare wheel can now be offset laterally (set RIGHT value)
Maximum speed for each gear is now visible in the vehicle editor
- you will need to click the '-' button beside reload textures
Max subobjects to be drawn in editor increased to 40 (was 32)
Mod with too many materials cannot be exported to test in LFS
Keys: CTRL+O: load vehicle / CTRL+N: new vehicle
FIX: A fix for the cover image screenshot when exporting a large mod
FIX: Corrects an audio bug if a bad value is set in LFS sound editor
FIX: Save as SIT / STR name now limited to 7 characters
FIX: Dashboard texture can now be updated in a 2D view
FIX: Crash if vehicle mod had more than 64 materials


Ability to name subobjects (right click name or description)
New dialogs for extrude / lathe / create a circle of points
You can now undo "load main object" (reverts to old object)
New button to select a point by entering the point index
- index of a single selected point or triangle is displayed
Rearranged buttons in tri mode to align well with point mode
Helpful messages about bad normals are now shown at top right
- triangles that are too small or too thin are separately listed
- triangles as small as 1/3 of a millimetre can contribute normals
- click button to find error triangles or points with bad normals
New function "invert" to invert selection (selected - unselected)
Disabled point selection by middle button in build and point modes
Number plate texture s_plate is now visible in modeller 'page' mode
Rotated subobjects can now be correctly merged into the main object
You can now break off triangles from a subobject into a new subobject
Select or deselect multiple triangles by holding down CTRL and LMB
- move the mouse to nearby triangles to keep selecting or deselecting
Aligned "select selection's points" and "select connected triangles"
- these were misaligned in 2D modes if a selection box was visible
- it can be useful to click them repeatedly (much easier if aligned)
You can hide subobjects other than the selected one: show subobs NO
New feature to merge points by distance (distance can be specified)
Mouse control now works below 1cm from the plane (down to 1mm)
FIX: Crash on reload textures with no cutout or page selected
FIX: Wireframe view went wrong or crashed on "reload textures"
FIX: Rim disappeared on clicking "reload textures" in spoke edit

Modeller hotkeys / shortcuts:

CTRL+O: load main object

Keys for subob, point, tri, map, cutout, page modes:
CTRL+D: duplicate
CTRL+N: new
DELETE: delete

H: hide selected (points or triangles)
SHIFT+H: hide unselected
ALT+H: unhide all

E: extrude selected points (with trace enabled in point mode)
S: select selection's points / select connected triangles
CTRL+F: flip selected triangles (in tri mode)
CTRL+F: flip connected triangles (in point mode)
CTRL+I: invert selection (points or triangles)
ALT+M: Merge points (previously known as Fuse points)

Modeller mode selection:
SHIFT+S: subob
SHIFT+T: tri
SHIFT+P: point
SHIFT+B: build
SHIFT+M: map
SHIFT+C: cutout
SHIFT+G: page
SHIFT+V: view


LFS Editor PATCH 7A to 7D40 [If you already have LFS Editor 0.7A]
Editor 0.7A or later must already be installed! [1.5 MB]
Last edited by Scawen, .
Here is a description of the problem happening in another mod.

In this case the problem is in LOD2, but I guess the same principle applies.

The reason in that case is that the SIDE mapping is also mapped to some top triangles.

Is there a way for me to see the problem in this specific mod? To see if there's some way LFS editor could help with this, although I believe it's a modelling error.