Speaking of that, seeing as you have an S3 license you could use LFS Editor to increase power, reduce drag or add wider tyres to the AI cars possibly letting them have a bit better pace compared to player. It's sort of a bubblegum fix, pretty much have to give them more speed in the straights for them to gain the time back lost on corners.
They don't take the corners really well, i guess the AI is programmed to regain traction or not to go over it by any means, so they can't utilise any form of tyre slip, it is eliminated instantly instead.
Wild what the community can achieve once you grant them more access to some tools. LFS really needs a track editor tool, please. Let the community blossom!
I did not vote,but checked the car in garage and here's what's wrong from first glance:
- as many do,also you sinned in aerodynamics part - the car has such extremelly low drag,that it allows to exceed 400km/h (translating to your ancient units,that's 250mph),which is way past realistically possible for such car. Also you have added downforce,however I seriously doubt if a sedan type car generates anything more than the amount that counters car's natural lift from air that gets trapped in wheel arches.
- power seems to be higher than real world's counterpart has - quick research led me to 365kW max power available,however this depends if you're going for proper replica.
- also regarding quality - LOD2 has holes in model,probably looks very weird from distance,LOD3 seems to be autogenerated by editor,you should tweak it closer to actual form of body.
I've been experimenting with driver name and number as window decals - unfortunately, the game does not allow adding those properly, so I made a hacky workaround using the s_plate_alp texture instead (which by the way, does not seem to allow specifying cutouts smaller than the texture? it stays locked at 128x32 for some reason, after I set it once, and won't change anymore even after restarting the editor).
This thing can only work if people use XX YYY as their license plate, where XX is a two-digit number, YYY is the driver's trigram, and adjusting relative positions with spaces (multiple spaces are needed to prevent unwanted bits from appearing).
I *may* keep this as a separate configuration (and will probably replace the "no window paint" version with this), but I would definitely prefer having a proper solution to this (user-configurable car number, driver name, possibly driver flag, available either in s_plate (and s_plate_alp) or a new special texture - bonus points for multi-driver, or at least having the texture change on driver swaps).
it's actually hard to make a good detailed skin due i have a lot of to do... but in that case.
am gonna try to make them detailed as posible. maybe in 2 months it's done. due i got a lot of works to do. thanks for you response!
edit: I got a really big problem here. everytime my pc shutdown or power's out. everything made in my editor
gets erased. so heres a skin that i tested before finishing it. sadly.it won't see the light.
if you ask. am using Pixlr X. am not good with photoshop.
so... I really need some ideas. or techniques to makes better liveries. am trying to find something to make them
more realistic/Detailed
edit: i'm gonna wait until the drivers numbers png get uploaded to the F1 site. so i can make it more realistic.
I don't think it's a bug, those higher numbers represent the output mesh.
Triangles should be relatively simple, I guess some of the ones you selected are mirrored, so the output number is more than you have selected.
Points are a bit more complicated and there will be multiple points where smoothing groups or mappings meet.
For instance a simple cube with one mapping would have 4 points per side, so there would be 24 points even through they are built on only 8 editor points. 3 points at each corner, which you can see if you turn on normals (nrm). Each output, game ready vertex can only belong to one mapping or have one normal.
Anyway, I'll try to post it, private mod, me and 2 other friends will use it. If it works out I'll be happy. However, there are several other mods that are available to the public that are "ripped" or conversions without credits or links. In this case I actually forgot to read the "read me", I was excited to do that and learn about LFS EDITOR
Hello!!! I'm bringing my first import project to LFS EDITOR, I converted mods to old versions (vob mods) and after 6 years away from LFS I came back and wanted to bring my ideas and mods here, respecting the current mod rules!
In this mod I just used an interior that I had on my old HDD, the whole bodykit was taken from a mod from NFS MW, I just have the mod because it is free to download.
The wheels are from the XRT that I edited and looked the same as the original car, the textures are all from LFS itself (XR_Interior1, XF_Interior1, and others).
Check out images of the mod, from development and learning until it is completely finished and running on LFS.
So, I started to build one of my IRL cars in Blender back in August last year, done a couple hours here and there each day and ended up importing it into lfs editor and textured it and so on, so I feel like it is time to publish some work in progress pictures of it.
It is not ready YET for publishing, there is alot of work to do on it and I dont wanna stress the process.
My 3d modelling isn't perfect in any way
(Pre/Mid Facelift and trim) configurations. I might do a 1973-1974 facelift but thats not the focus right now and that someone else already made it for LFS.
All the textures used are shot by me.
What to do list.
*Work on the physics
*Topology, tris fix around wheelarches since its not looking well in LFS.
*Make 2 variations of rims
*Make mid facelift steering wheel
*Finish glass mesh
*Finish interior
*Finish chassi mesh
*Add sunvisor for rear window as a config
I'll just dump all of the pics that I got down below.
Hi guys,
I'm working on a rally notes system, here is the preview in French.
I hope you'll like it.
The idea is to be able to edit the audio files yourself.
Each insim circle triggers the notes contained on the same line.
Example 0= 5 4 3 2 1 Go launches (5.mp3 4.mp3 3.mp3 2.mp3 1.mp3 Go.mp3)
The audio notes being contained in a text file.
Fix and update: 22_02_2025
# Now UI.py load config.ini file
# Up to 10 special in case of 4
# Change ratio of windows to A5 format
# Hide/Show list of special, when you choose special that hide the list
Fix and update: 16_02_2025
#CODRIVER HAVE ALL NOTES for these stages
#Update of UI
#Editor for Special
#New design for GUI
Fix and update: 15_02_2025
#More than one special
#First version of UI
#Activate or desactivate co driver
#creation of config.ini who contains path folder/speed codriver's voice(not create yet)/language (not create yet)
Fix and update: 29_01_2025
#Reduce some delay
#Remove circle_insim
#Add some notes
#Wrong way is notified by codriver
#Add an insim button for restart special
So as far as I know the biggest thing lacking in the karts is the differential, I couldn’t find the thread on which I read this, but the reason for the karts handling being so weird is because it HAS a differential, whereas real life karts don’t (hence why you should always lean to the outside of the kart)
Not an expert on game development or anything but would it be difficult to add a feature to remove differentials in LFS editor?
Thank you
Maybe not a bug per se but rather a default setting that I believe should change: when importing OBJ files, all triangles have a n.c.level of zero; I believe it should be medium by default instead.
Another one though: the point count can be wrong in some circumstances (not sure which, though). For instance, there is a maximum of 24 points on LOD3, but the editor can often show a higher number (50 in my case, even though selecting all LOD3 triangles and then their respective points will only select 22).
For what it's worth, as I was trying to mirror part of LOD3, the count went up to 55 points (for an unchanged 40 triangles), and then the editor was complaining I had more than 24 points.
On the bright side, if it works in the editor, it should mean it will also work after the graphics update
Just a quick note on the subject of those translucent sunshields, since I added one to the Laurent Coil Cup, I can say you do not need to manually build each triangle, I did duplicate and flip them, then merged the vertices and assigned zero normal contribution to the inner side as well as the same smoothing group, and it works just as well. (almost pure white on the screenshot, not exactly the most interesting to see the effect, but it receives shadows just fine)
Do you know if there is a way to achieve a similar effect with alpha textures? I tried it with a window glass texture but it only works in the editor It would be cool to create a window glare / translucent glass effect.
Quick follow up on this, as I experimented slightly with values extracted from my WIP Clio Cup mod, see engine torque/power plot from the editor.
As a reminder, LFS currently uses only the max torque (at full throttle), and directly scales it relative to the throttle input: 300N.m at 3000RPM at full throttle will yield 150N.m at 50% throttle, and so on.
In my "first version", as I mentioned in my previous post, I only need a bit more info: idle RPM and redline RPM, and then add some parameters to tweak the model. I currently have a single parameter, which controls the percentage of RPM range (between idle and redline) at which the transition occurs (further scaled by throttle input). The result can be seen in the attached screenshots.
We can observe something that is somewhat similar to BeamNG's 2016 model, it feels to me like I'm mainly missing the curves-bunching-up-toward-100% effect I mentioned previously. My transition parameter is at 50% of the RPM range, and while raising it could get me closer to BeamNG's 2016 model, this is not my goal (since they improved it since, and my 50% value actually works closer to their 2023 model).
I will now experiment with changing the high-RPM linearity, and introducing smoothing at the transition, but right now, my model only performs a few more operations and uses one additional linear interpolation, with an easing curve thrown in the mix, and that's it: I interpolate values from full throttle to input throttle between the transition point and the redline, and the lerp weight follows an easing curve (so we dip faster at the start and flatten out toward the end).
In other words, this is still an incredibly cheap model, and while it remains a fake one (as in not physically-based), that should already show improvements over the current behavior (again, especially when starting to roll at non-full throttle, and out of corners), although I must admit I have no idea how the harsh transition would turn out in the simulation (BeamNG used this model for about 7 years, so it cannot be that bad...).
As a comparison, 1500RPM yields 229N.m at full power on my example engine (from the LFS editor curve). If we try to roll out at 30% throttle, that's about 69N.m (note that on my chart, we actually find 54N.m, because I interpolate from the negative red series at 0% instead; that line in particular is completely arbitrary). With the current state of my model, however, we have the full 229N.m available at that point, which will make it much easier to start rolling without stalling and without having to floor the throttle and burn the clutch at 4000RPM.
Everyone will have access to it, doesn't mean everyone will steal.
Now for the few that rip the models!!.. Uploading a non textured, no wheels model onto sketchfab and asking for $ doesnt scream stolen?? Id love to see how many “sales” they get lol
The people who already had malicious intent will look for ways to rip and inevitably find the popular programs.
My Tegra was stolen 3 times and PUBLISHED on LFS ( without a export OBJ feature ) before i just made it open derivatives.
Now i get it we dont want our models to be stolen and sold to.. *checks notes* Other popular 2003 racing games…………..
So let me review the cycle here; people export the OBJ’s, reupload a untextured grey low poly car model to sketchfab for MONEY, people will then buy these models and use them for their own personal!- LFS mods.
Listen the tools are already available so its no big deal to not implement it into the LFS editor.
Thanks for the suspension diagram cross-check and for valuable resources (the current diagram is made according to the first link, but the second link is new to me). Yes you are right, those front pivots are too high. I ran into the same issue as you had with your F67L mod. The "half upright length" is too limiting in the current LFS Editor and it does not allow precise IRL pivot positions. Therefore, I intentionally moved pivots to reproduce the same camber changes during compression as the original suspension. It might not be optimal and will try to rework it together with springing and damping forces after I finish the graphics. The main problem of the current solution is that force-feedback kicks hard during braking. Otherwise, the car is well balanced
The diagrams in the first link look good for scaling lengths and inclinations but it looks like you have already done that.
The second link is more relevant because it shows a setting height that you could use in LFS editor but adjusting the vertical position of the inner pivot. That should give you the correct angle for the lower wishbone (providing the tyre height is correct ).