LFS community in a nutshell:
Many ask to open LFS for modding and even make it open source,so people can improve it to make it much better.
Reality - opening LFS to car mods results in tons of junk mods with unrealistic values,many try to sneak in ripped 3D models from other games,while only a handful people do the modelling themselves,not all of them in good quality. After 2 years we have some good cars in the list,but most are useless for proper racing. As much as I would like to race in many other different tracks,I have to admit that I'm affraid from the mess what would be caused by track editor release...
Other reality - Airio has been abandoned by it's creator since 2011/12(?),still being used as best serverside stats add-on to LFS despite being outdated in many areas,there is still noone who has created anything better. Sorry,LFSLapper creators,I'm meaning insim add-on that can be configured also by narrow foreheads like me.
So,where are the programmers,who would take the glorious work to make newer/better/more modern version of Airio? Or where are the programmers,who can create something similar to LFSLazy? (yes,I know,the french guys have something similar,but somehow people still come back this this one and expect to be revived)
LFS devs with their limited manpower and worktime have provided us a great racing simulator with insim protocol for community to create all the needed addons,if there is something missing,then it's the community's effort to make those.
(This was just a long version of Number's "Why dont you program it yourself")