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S2 licensed
In your case, a winner presses on. A 'loser' gives up. It's your decision. What are you made of?

I'm sure there is a difference between the WR holders and you, theyre born with a certain capacity that helps them putting down insane laptimes, whilst you are putting down at least as much effort and you don't succeed.
However, this does not mean you will never make it, it will take trust and confidence in yourself to be able to reach it. Forget about failure. Failure is not an option. Focus on the car and lines.

One day, you'll reach it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gizz :just to think i was gona trade the wife in after xmas...., ill have to reconsider now

Gizz, your wife's here. She wants me to tell you that she traded you for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :I used to have some mean jokes over cars in LFS by putting it straight into last gear, flooring the gas and then acting with Clutch as if I'm a Variator gearbox was fun, but I wonder how much time I'll be able to do it with new patch

With the new patch, it's gonna smell REALLY goofy.

Anyway, engine inertia sounds exactly like the thing I've been waiting for for a long time. The rising RPM is so dull and static without it, we need the engine to be growling and spinning like a real car!
S2 licensed
Quote from NeilPearson :I am having issues recording, i did all that, i even tried slow down, but all i get is 6fps when i record.

Well, your PC seems more than capable of recording with fraps.. so it's weird that it performs so lousy.

Tried disabling Anti Aliasing in the nVidia control panel?
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
help: uf grt layout setup
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed

this is my layout:

i want a setup for uf gtr for this layout please.

it is very important for me

help .

thank's alot .
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
Quote :What do you mean, print out?

it mean's he wants analyse the world record setup completely like toe and tyre pressure and ...
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
this is my bl1 xfg setup

any suggestion for improving time ?

thank you

my wheel turn is 520 like in setup.
S2 licensed
He's talking about a few of his bad corners. So those could be improved alot by that one-corner method.
Once you feel familiar with the bad corners. It's time for the real practice. Lapping and lapping until you dream about the track.
S2 licensed
You've got S2? Then why does it say you're demo licensed...
Did you use a crack?

If you answer this first, I'll answer your question.
S2 licensed
Just use the objects editor and place a start position [S] 200m before the corner. When you restart the race, you get spawned there.

The thing is, though, you need S2 for that. I highly recommend S2 because it's a crapload of fun and the racers on the servers are way more mature than those on the demo servers.
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
thank you guy's , thank you very much .

my new record : 1.33.670
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
thank you very much .
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
is this topic for my practice problem or Gentlefoot signature problem ?!
S2 licensed
Ahhh guys, forget about Screamer 4x4.. in fact, forget about all games mentioned in this thread!

This is truely the most immersive high-end offroaod simulator on the market today!

Big Rigs!
S2 licensed
Quote from niall09 :Screamer 4x4



Installed it again the other day, never a wasted moment.
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :And LFS Setups sounds rather official too. Well, any way to get more hits I guess...

Hamed Sam - when I'm learning a new track, I don't worry about speed at all at first. I pick a car I am familiar with (so I'm not learning two new things at once) and then just cruise around. Figure out where I'm going and then start to pick up speed and see how things feel. Then, after I know which direction all the turns go and I'm speeding up, I start to see which gear I will take each turn. If I am getting close to the limit and I'm near the maximum revs in one gear, I will try it in the next gear up next lap. Often being in a higher gear will help keep the car stable even if you do give up a bit of acceleration.

Once you have got to the stage where you know which gear you want to take each turn in, and you are starting to get more smooth, have a look at some replays to get some idea of how to improve your speed. I don't think there's any one way to go about learning a new track, but I generally take it slowly and gradually speed up once I'm more comfortable with the circuit. Of course as you get more experienced this process will take less time, but don't rush it and just get some practice!

thank's alot .

this is better for me .
help: my bl1 xf gti record
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed

it's my record : SPR

i can't drive better than it !

what's wrong in my driving?

any idea ...

what is best tyres pressure for set up?

maybe i must just practice.

thank's and sorry about my english.
S2 licensed
^ Final & correct conclusion.

Case closed!
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :@ SaM: Thanks very much ... Dank
I gissing I kon heb wiki search'd het, maar het is better aan (AAN?)
krijg dat van a dutch LFS er

... is that right?

"I'm guessing I could've Wiki searched it, but it's better to get it from a Dutch LFSer."

Het was beter geweest als ik het gewoon op Wikipedia had gezocht, maarja, het is natuurlijk een stuk makkelijker als ik het gewoon te horen krijg van een Nederlandse LFSer, vind je ook niet?

Who said Dutch was a short language?

Well, ok, you can say it like this:

"Misschien kon ik beter zelf op Wiki zoeken, maar dit is makkelijker."
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :Real men don't sit on their lawnmower real men anxiously hang on to their lawnmower while it whizzes through the front lawn like a 400HP tornado. :horseman:
S2 licensed
Quote from Jimmy_Lemon :Not done one in ages.
Heres one for the MotoGP + F1 fans, Valentino Rossi skin (by me) and a F1 car

1680x1050 - Png - 1.6MB - 24x AA


Wow! Almost perfect mate! It sure looks awesome.

Just remember, blur depends on distance to the lense, it seems the track under and a bit around the car is blurred while the car isn't. Obviously this is the same distance to the lense, so keep it as sharp as the car at that bit for maximum realism. ;-)
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed
thank you so much .
Help: practice problem
Hamed Sam
S3 licensed

i don't know how i must practice in new track !

learning apex and ...

should i start with low gear ?

i started it fast befor .

i dont know anything about right practice.

any idea?

thanks for your help.
sorry about my english.
S2 licensed
Quote from RevengeR :I do play, both real and play money. Used to do freerolls on carbon poker, but nowdays im playing on PKR with some guys from the hungarian league. We do play every night, so if you wanna have ur arse kicked just yell

You should've said "we're new to poker so if you wanna kick our arse just yell". This way, you'll actually get plenty of people coming by that get a major-league arse kicking!

Tactics, tactics people!