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I sure didn't expect this development, neither that I randomly check in on the exact day the thread is posted Uhmm
S3 licensed
Quote from NENE87 :Could you just adding alpha on windscreen and color to the main body? A full white car is ugly ^^

I gave the whole project to someone else still active on this forum a couple months ago, to finish and do whatever. If it's coming out in better shape is up to him.
I've been busy with other sims and better SDKs and don't plan on changing that. Haven't had any itch to do stuff with simracing in general in the last two years, sorry.
S3 licensed
Quote from NENE87 :What about this project?

Does the editor allow the use of existing UV maps, made in outside tools like Blender, to apply materials yet? If not, this remains stopped as I can't make it the quality I aspire to.
S3 licensed
Back in around 2008, when the Conedodgers GTR server was always full. Aston National, 10 lap racing, one mandatory stop. I was one of the few weirdos racing the XRR, typically mid field, but a single time I managed to win a race. More by luck as the actual top runners all crashed out, but still. That last lap running in first was probably the most tense I've ever been racing online.
S3 licensed
If I went looking for them I could read posts like yours by the dozen every day. But it's especially saddening to see a person I have met face to face (Kart Meet 2012) plunge off the deep end like that.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Right.. you are watching the wrong photos. stupid do you think I or anyone else could be?

but I'm sure you lot will explain to me how all these were produced by actors in evil NATO states.

..and if anyone thinks "why is idiot ACC still responding to these guys", well, one got to have some principle
S3 licensed
As a guy who was brought up all his life in atonement for what the Nazis did, who was again and again being told that it happened because those that opposed the Nazis or were indifferent kept quiet for too long, including my direct ancestors, it feels pretty hard to just go "it's Russian government that's responsible, not the people."

We see the Russian cyber commands trying to meddle with our domestic politics, we see our own social structures crumble in the Russian energy monkey wrench, we see half of Africa yearning for literal food held hostage, we see Russian kids forming Z-symbols on propaganda photos that look awfully similar to those we have in our history text books about the 1930s...

It's you, the Russian population (ofc meaning those old enough to vote at the respective time, be politically active etc), who made it possible. Who kept reelecting Putin and who kept him chipping away on any governmental control and checks and balances till we had today's system that no longer allows for any interference.
I have Russian coworkers, living here in Germany, who have the exact same opinion as I do, who mostly either exclude any politics when phoning home to keep any sort of friendly contact, or who have literally been cast out by their indoctrinated families. I even have a friend who's brother married a Russian woman in Russia last year, and that woman has not talked to her mum since March as the mum trusts the TV more than her own child.

So in short, I don't hate Russians. I hate what they allowed to happen. But the longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to keep that distinction.

(For what it's worth I have the exact same sentiment towards the rise of christo-fascism in the USA. And other domestic political currents. I'm probably just a bitter old **** these days)
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Haha that's an interesting thought. We may be making the 'mistake' of being fully transparent and honest. Tilt

But there would be something quite sad about changing to an authoritarian regime. We are always honest and transparent, the idea being to stay friends with the community. I notice that this doesn't always work though as this whole mods system seems to have created too much anger and suspicion. It's confusing to me, as this is all about a sim that has one main purpose - to be fun.

I'm not at all saying that, you are not making mistakes, you are not guilty in any way, but people will exploit you being nice anywhere they can.

Quote from Scawen :Related to this, I did have a thought, that this is really not all about laws and what we can get away with. Yes, it is important not to be in the position where we could get sued by a developer or publisher, but that is actually beside the point.

It's more about having some sort of anchor point, so that people can no longer twist your own words around till they fit their own needs.

I hope this does not sound patronising, it just that I have been in the sim modding scene for like 8 years now and have seen, read and meet a lot of people.
S3 licensed
I think in some ways the review system is too nice and tells the uploader too much. I mean you pointing out which exact illegal model was used, with a link to those ripped models, and how you spotted the rip... I can mostly compare to Race Department (big multi sim site) on which a reported mod would just be deleted with a short notice that it broke the rules, no detailed explanation, and repeat offenders get a ban really quick. Here the approached person basically is told how not to be spotted in the future, and other readers get links to rip sources.

On the exact issue of retopology, its probably best to ask a media lawyer what the exact laws in UK (or wherever your servers are located) are, as they can vary wildly per nation.
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I know that I do it quite rarely, but I still do streams and there is progress.

will you release that car for a different sim? Such handmade craftsmanship would be very welcome on RD Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from michal 1279 :Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see well made custom tracks in LFS, but what I'm trying to say is - LFS is not ready for community-made tracks. And even less so is the community itself. I've been told how hard to use the track editor is compared to the vehicle editor, we are not ready for it. At least not until LFS modders do the mods at the same quality level like RBR and AC modders do...

If the track editor is similar to the car editor I doubt it would ever induce the same kind of quality we see with for example Assetto Corsa, where modders far surpass the original product's track quality these days. Many of the big track builders (Alfie, Lilski, Gunnar333, Phoenix) were actually new to track making, but because the provided SDK was close enough to general modelling tutorials out there or procedures used for older sims, you didn't have to figure every last step out on your own and could use professional modelling/texturing programs to their full extent. LFS is not intending to do the same.
S3 licensed
This looks like some pretty impressive modelling, cheers! Will try testing this car some day
S3 licensed
Quote from detail :This shows you have absolutely no idea how sanctions work. You're daydreaming.

Feel free to teach me then. This thread is OT anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from detail :

But yours is a minor inconvenience. Some people go to street protests, where there are more cops than them, get detained, some go home, some get fined, some get a few days of arrest.

Kongle is Georgian. If he's not too young he will remember 2008 very well. Not quite a minor inconvenience.

And that's the additional goal of sanctions, after affecting the government directly: Make life inconvenient enough for the (in this case) Russian people so that there's too many to detain, arrest and abuse on the streets protesting. It's how the German Democratic Republic toppled it's leadership.
S3 licensed
@Snoop Ok, thanks. And its not bad for converters, but for any from-scratch-creating 3D artist that learned his craft before starting to mod for LFS, its just so 100% against the grain. Been messing with a few game engines over the years and while they all have oddities, I haven't seen any that threw out UVs. Yeah I get this system has its upsides if you're going into it totally uneducated.. I may call the decision to go down this specific route brave, but never wise.
S3 licensed
Quote from Snoop.DriftEra :This picture shows why do I need vertices to be separated and it shows how impossible to use smoothing groups on opposite faced surfaces that use same coordinates but different textures (example: Motor shield ,front strut towers and wheel arches).

06U - LFSCarImp - Good
07U - LFSEditor - Not good

Never heard of LFSCarImp. Was it able to import a model's UV map into the LFS format? As not being able to do that is IMO the major point limiting quality and performance of LFS mod cars. And also related from my experience on RD, the spotting of ripped car models. People ripping cars very very rarely altered the UV map the models came with (from Forza, NFS etc), making spotting and comparing them really easy.
Last edited by ACCAkut, .
S3 licensed
I think that sort of access was meant for groups developing mods as a team, so that all could test it on track. But yeah from day one it's mostly used to barter mod access especially of some that won't get public release anyway for obvious reasons.
S3 licensed
Yeah most Super GT cars (before going down the special 4-cylinder route) used higher capacity engines from the same manufacturer. Skylines ran VG-based V6 turbos, Supra ran the UZ V8 instead of JZ inline-6 (UZ is lighter than JZ).

Same thing all over Motorsport, GT1 R35 ran VK V8 instead of VR V6, old M3 GTR using P-series V8 instead of S-series inline-6.

As long as it's balanced it should be fine.
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :

1:18 ss galizien inscription on the back of an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine Face -> palm

try watching some real news one day. Here's some, Russian subtitles are available. No Dutch ones tho
S3 licensed
I don't understand what constitutes as good posts, exchanged views and things discussed on this topic. Discussing the semantics of justification on one nation attacking another sovereign nation, with the attacking nation not differentiating between civil and military targets added to that.

Also think about what picture it paints for anyone visiting or revisiting this forum, maybe to check out the new mods section, who then stumble upon this thread with the poll


at the top. Do you think this represents the LFS community in the right light? I know of at least one simracing friend who did just that and I won't repeat his words here.

Close this thread, deleting it outright may be better still. It's not going anywhere good and it's not giving anyone any valuable insight.
S3 licensed
I wrote that before your posts appeared, sorry for that. I'm at work too and had been typing that on mobile. But I can't quite keep quiet on this topic.
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :And is there really any need for the sarcastic text/image regarding do you need a cuddle

Edit, good timing

Even just from the thumbnails of the content of that YT channel, it's clear it follows a far right, racist mindset, masquerading behind left wing topics. The person's Wikipedia page explains in detail.

And Racer X is a lost cause, always has been. Go back in his post to like page 14, 2016, and you'll find conspiracy posts about Clinton's pedo assassin cabal...
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Ukrainian refugees in Ireland.......

Or Sweden, diversity is strength...

so linking alt-right racists is allowed on your forum these days, Scawen? Next to giving Russian propaganda a place to shine?
S3 licensed
Quote from Kahn62 :I do in fact know that. Did you know, that you don't have to be on the dirt to get that feeling. It's just a descriptive term that people can understand to describe what I mean. That is why, in my opinion, they don't support dirt, it would point out the inadequacies of their engine.

Lol that's not even your feeling, AC has no off-road code. But that's no reason for you to spew dimwitted nonsense.

And "feeling" is the worst way to judge a racing sim, if you're after accuracy you need to go by empirical data. AC with the add-ons CSP brings can be extremely accurate, RFactor2 could probably be even better, but it's physics system is so complicated that no one really knows how to make anything in it.
As LFS has a closed off tire system, and suspension that doesn't even allow for inclined wishbones... these days I would not put it high in the realism department. Still great to race in, but not to replicate any real car.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kahn62 :How many people made mods for AC, and have never even driven them? Every single FWD, AWD and 4WD mod is fundamentally broken, and cannot be repaired in AC, because it does not have, and I'll say it again, a FWD engine. Every car in AC is a RWD live axle car model with skins to make it LOOK like something it can never be have absolutely no idea how mods for AC are made, right? Everything you wrote there is 100% wrong
Last edited by ACCAkut, .