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S3 licensed
"Name": "Skin",
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{ "Name": "txDamageMask", "Texture": "_____________", "Slot": 21 }
S3 licensed
Quote from kars19 :My current favorite mod trackThumbs up ... /the-evo-triangle.127816/
This is how real road looks like, not that KS bullshit Black cat county and Highlands

I was really sceptical when it first released, didn't even try it (it was a really unoptimised RTB made track, no LODing, wrong texture formats, too high bumpiness)

But in its current version it's a really great track for fast cars, even the AI works great which is never a given on mod tracks. Slipstream battles with a grid of Le Mans cars... Reminds me a lot of the Isle Of Man, there just is something about real life corner combinations that purely fictional tracks seldomly get right (but imo LFS did).
S3 licensed
Quote from MousemanLV :Current SO looks kinda flat and lifeless on a game that has way better graphics engine.

thats mostly because the modder has not yet spend much time on setting up the shaders, rather looks like he used the same settings on everything apart from trees.

I think the LFS Devs do allow only demo content, and only after you ask them. The Blackwood version available for AC is really great, the XRT conversion some guys started was never released tho
S3 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i :Sounds like nostalgia is hitting a lot of people...

around 2007 I introduced a a friend to LFS, and simracing in general. He went in head first, switched over to IRacing a while later... today he has his own business with Simracing hardware. So it did change some peoples lives.

For me LFS has been retired since 2013. Last hurrah was the forum meet in Wales I attended
S3 licensed
well, times move on

S3 licensed
I might even install it if it wasn't needed to stare into it all the time. Why not have it active in the background, vibrating when something is near. And it seems the spread of those monsters is really weird, all of them in the city centres and around public building, but non outside in the real nature.
S3 licensed
I know, thats why I use G25 pedals. But the DFGT wheel itself seems to reach the end of its life, FFB gets weaker after 20 minutes of driving at a time.

edit: took the wheel apart a little further. Brushes are still well within their live span, cleaned all the coal dust that had settled on its contact surface with a paint brush and some PCB cleaner, problems gone. Seems like DFGTs do last quite long with good care.
Last edited by ACCAkut, .
S3 licensed
Contraption is now 6 years old, old enough to start elementary school, made it through 3 moves, still working fine...

(only added another button for 6 gears + Reverse)
S3 licensed
Quote from :It's not like a voice or vote from them is going to make a difference anyway. Same category;

god that hurts just reading the subtitles
S3 licensed
People like Racer X NZ are the reason I dont want open referendums for anything.. I don't want either insane people like him or those you need to print "remove plastic before baking"on pizza boxes for to have an influence in decisions they do not understand. Just look which terms are NOW trending on Google...

Btw, where is the ignore function in the current layout? I need it for the lunatic up there.
S3 licensed
Quote from kars19 :Logical step form Porsche point of view

AC is the most complete current sim

iRacing can only do race cars
rF2 is to hipster like
pCars just sucks

either deja vu or you posted exactly that under another name on another forum today Uhmm

on the deal:

Aristotelis Vasilakos: EA still has the rights up to 2016 or 2017 can't remember. But Porsche has a special agreement with us

Probably a "you make us nice software for exhibitions and showrooms, and you can use our cars" kind of deal. Also maybe a way to get around the EA blockade.
S3 licensed
Ok, now we know the reason for last week's havoc:

S3 licensed
Stefano made it as clear as he is possibly allowed to do that fear of prosecution by Italian law (forum hosted in Italy, by an Italian company, with specific Italian prerequisite that would make Kunos liable for anything posted on their forum).

The abruptness of what happened could mean some lawyers were already knocking on their door.
S3 licensed
It's not. And the AC forums still allow for elaborate PM convos with a dozen people at once if needed.

Guess people that emotional never been through real hardships in there life, oh well. But who am I to judge.
S3 licensed
yeah, but currently it seems like half of all projects will die once their threads are gone. I've gotten 3 PMs already from guys I've been doing beta testing with telling me they are taking a step back from AC altogether. Sure many will at some point restart whatever they were doing, but the damage is done.
S3 licensed
In case you missed it, Kunos just killed ~90% of their Modding forums

edit: new page, what a coincidence
S3 licensed
A well known member of this forum replicates the LX8 for Assetto Corsa, so one could do some laps in it there... even on Blackwood if you feel homesick.
S3 licensed
I'm not gaming much anymore. Apart from a little Cities:Skylines every other weekend and some emulated Mariokart 64 when friends come over I spend most of my "gaming" time tinkering on my mods for Assetto Corsa

The 632 hours of ingame time Steam shows are mostly the result of me never closing the AC launcher after testing stuff. Sure I'm still driving, but hardly longer than half an hour at a time.

Oh, and I sometimes fire up a Gameboy emulator on my phone when the train rides turn out boring. Tetris ftw
S3 licensed
Must have been 2006... read a test for the then new RFactor, and in the test's conclusion it was mentioned this new game could not kick some game called Live For Speed from its throne. Got the demo and the rest is history.
S3 licensed
Not AI, rather some sort of moving script known as "dynamic scenery" back in my Flight Sim 2002 days Big grin So far Kunos has not releases info on how this is done, and to which extend this could be used. Imagine a track like the C1 Wangan full of collision enabled traffic cars... one can only dream.

btw, does this look familiar to anyone? Wink
S3 licensed
...just why do you spend so much time posting stuff like this on a sim racing forum?
S3 licensed
My computer shot itself this weekend, no more racing and modding for me (for the time being).

Regarding fixing it I could use some help (I posted it here):
S3 licensed
thats basically the combo a friend of mine owns

S3 licensed
...and it's 14 here, but would still be illegal for you at 50+ to try anything.