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S3 licensed
Quote from The Curry One :I didnt actually model the car myself, I just imported to model and slapped on some lights. Smile

I see what you mean though.

I had a different idea of how those lights may work
S3 licensed
ACC is the first stage of whatever is to come from Kunos. Focusing on GT3 opened up resources for the UE4 adaption, if that is done and well worked in we may see other series and types of cars on this new platform. The Dev is open for anything, constantly scouting for clever heads and artists.

LFS on the other hand is proper niche, its only attractive to people with seriously outdated hardware, don't fool yourself. The good VR implementation may have fished in a few hundred new users but compared to the other current titles its just a spec of dust in the simracing world, one that people have fond memories of, sure.
S3 licensed
The car model looks ten year old, the LODing of the trees is laughable, tire marks float 5 cm over the ground, sound is like pre S2 LFS, codriver voice sounds like a physics teacher on valium, physics look ..weird

...nothing worthy to invest into or simply buy

...the steering wheel looks like the lowres version of one I made recently funnily enough

..took me three hours from scratch..
Last edited by ACCAkut, .
S3 licensed
Last edited by ACCAkut, .
S3 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :Waitwaitwait... The Very End is a dev on Wreckfest? o:

no dev I think, but some sort of extended beta tester. He was posting about it on facebook before the game entered Early Access
S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :I miss the Norwegian guy, haven't seen him in a while :/...

afaik you will find his name in the credits of Wreckfest Wink

but yes, he left this forum 2 years ago.
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :+1 Nahh...
Many others do this as well.. (looking at you, Vanos).

What would really impress me, and probably others as well, is if someone actually made race-ready LFS tracks (in mod packs of course, or just surface edit DLC), just like those hobbiysts in AC. If they did that then I'd really tip my hat off, and it would really question the slow update progress of LFS.

As long as LFS offers no modding SDK this won't happen, as there are other sims around that do, and LFS just offers not enough "pull" for people to try to crack it. People like Kegetys (the older of you may remember that name) did with LFS what they wanted, Kegetys made a full ghost car mode years ago. Richard Burns Rally is another sim that offered no SDK or modding capability at all, but because it was unique enough as a rally sim it was still cracked and modded to god knows where.

If LFS had gotten mod support maybe 5 years ago, it could have taken off I guess, but today I doubt modders would invest too much time into it. Pardon this judgement, but looking at where in the world LFS is still the most popular, which appears to be the middle east and eastern europe, mods would probably centre around drifting. But mods of the calibre of the RSS GT1 class, or the DRM mod pack? Doubt it a lot. I know I would probably not bother converting my mods for LFS.

And that LFS track mod up there is maximum 5 minutes of texture and model work. Also believe this is no real track mod but rather a hack that added this "track" as a placeable object for the Autocross mode

and I'm not armchair debating, I know a bit about this.

This car's model, textures, physics where 100% done by me, from scratch, this is no hack of an existing model from another game (you won't find this car anywhere else)
Last edited by ACCAkut, .
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :Nice tracks you linked ACCAkut, downloaded & thanks!

no problem, always like to promote what the modders create. The track selection there on Race Departement is in general really great, sort by downloads or ranking to get the best (and filter out the badly made Rf1 conversions or RTB abominations).
Quote from RC-Maus :Never the less new sims like project cars 2, assetto and project cars 2 don't have the online game play like lfs.

The ability to start up the game and be on track in a race no more than three minutes later was absolutely unique, to do this in AC you must not be picky in car and track and lucky too. Just yesterday I stumbled upon such a server, a Highlands variant with mixed street cars, had a great 5 lap race (~3 minutes per lap). But this is rare, most popular servers are Nords Tourist or GT3 only.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :By stating Eric did only 3 tracks in 10 years, you assume we saw all his work => this is not true. Aswell, the tracks you mention are something quite huge compared to a track dedicated to be "only" a road with a scenery (by only I do not want to be disrespectful). Note aswell that Eric is participating to the development of the game, not only modding something existing (again, I do not want to be disrespectful with modders, but this is a different job).
AND there has been a serious stop in the progress of the project during some times as explained by Scawen. According to his last statements, they were now very active with plenty of ideas to continue the job !

Exactly, we assumed that there was content brewing/waiting to be released with S3 - which didn't happen. As far as we know Scawen does all coding for the game, including graphics engine, no one else.
And those tracks I linked up there are 100% fantasy products done totally from scratch by two different modders. The "swedish styled" one is based upon an existing landscape, but the rest is developed by the maker, the other is based upon a bit of general layout of streets (as in corner succession), but nothing else. I just wanted to point out how long it takes novices to do this. If we included replicas of real race tracks I could link you a dozen more. Modders are using LiDAR data these days, photogrammetry, the sim (modding) world moved a lot while LFS didn't.

The stop in development was iirc posted about after it happened, after years of waiting for the next progress report and years of test patches with "NOTE : THIS DOES NOT CONTAIN NEW TYRE PHYSICS OR ANY NEW CONTENT" added to the post. I have to say the VR implementation is great, and opened new doors for LFS.. but it didn't help the whole thing not to appear like a passionate side project.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :it was the birthday of the NEW Blackwood 3 days ago !!!

[...] For the new tracks, Eric did show he is a master ; maybe not the quickest team (he is alone Tongue ), but just seeing the 3 latest tracks he made, it is just brilliant !!!
Good luck guys !!!

Still, no one can tell me that it took a senior 3D artist (Eric's been in the business since at least 1994) 10 years fulltime to do one laserscan based track and 2 reworks of existing scenarios. Real world race tracks have been build in less time (looking at you Australia). From my experience in the AC modding community, total novices have brewed up AA+ fantasy tracks in around 3 years. That is from opening the 3D program for the first time to release upload. As a hobby/free time project.


I mean for many years old fans had the idea that there was plenty of content on the shelves for the eventual S3 release, and naturally the more time went by, the higher the expectations grew. Then S3 came, and I don't think I'm exaggerating if I say the general userbase was a little disappointed.
Back to topic title, if LFS was a hobby these days, a side project, for me this is sorta ok. If its not, and this is the result of 10 years of full time work... :/
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Would lfs be a liveable source of income alone ? if so and i am incorrect good on them, i could see lfs at first as maybe having been a main full time project and providing a main source of income but not currently so.
In no way shape or form am i trying to say anything negative against LFS, as can seen by my stats i have put in many many hours of racing and will put in many many more

If you want the real opinion you have to look somewhere else, as all the old folks have moved on to other sims and places. You won't find saltyness or hate, rather nostalgia and a bit of longing for those simpler times...we've all grown old and emotional. Like here:

But general consensus seems to be that while LFS is still alive in a way, it's hard to imagine that it still pulls in enough sales to solely support the three Devs, one of which has a family. And that there would be no shame in admitting that if it were the case. People everywhere do multiple jobs and things to support their main passion.
S3 licensed
Sooo.. I now have a loadcell brake. A brake pedal that no longer translates motion into a signal, but pressure. How did I do that? Did I pull out the 100€ needed for a plug&play kit? Following the theme of this thread, of course I did not.

Instead I googled around a little, and came across this forum thread made by user RacingMat: ... ke-pedal-short-tuto.6042/

Second page of it makes mention of the Nintendo Wii Balance Board as a good source for load cells (four of them, all in Wheatstone layout)

So I went on ebay, found a board like that for 7€. The three listed electronic components were another ~13€.

The Balance Board without its bottom cover. Really sturdy build, all metall. Sticker says 150kg max... I believe it can take double. Safety factor ftw

Each corner has a Wheatstone bridge with two nice mounting plates. Internet says each of these is rated for 75kg max

Each metal-metal bolt has loctite applied - Nintendo does not mess around

Cue a few hours of tinkering, taking measurements on the G25 pedal, scavenging through my scrap metal bin. This is the bottom part, as you can see it uses the Nintendo mounting plates, as those probably guarantee the best pressure actuation of the load cell itself. The square alu tube acts as the guide for the spring (heaviest spring I had left from my earlier endeavours).

Installed. Needed a few attacks with the Dremel to make it all fit in the original rail.

Upper part installed. I was lucky to have a piece of stainless tube laying around that fits neatly,but not too tightly into the spring. This is somewhat essential to guide the whole contraption and stop it from folding up- or downwards. Tho with the original pedal layout the motion of the cylinder is almost linear. Upper mount, lower mount and centre of the loadcell are all on one axis.

The stainless tube is ~25mm shorter than the spring, meaning I still have some motion in the pedal before the tube touches a layer of vinyl inside the alu square. This took some tries, initially it was too long.

Now onto wiring:

The thread linked above has it in detail, which parts you need to amplify the loadcell signal into something that is readable like a poti. I needed some brain acrobatics to translate it for the "Nintendo bridge".
Important: If you want to wire it like I did, DON'T choose wiring loom this thick. This was an old PSU loom, many nice colours to keep it tidy, but after soldering the whole thing was so stiff that I almost bend the pins off the chip.

Last line reads:
E+ E- A- A+
Blue Green White Red (colours of the wires already on the load cell)

This is how it all splices into the G25 brake pedal wiring. I did it like this just in case it wouldn't work, to easily be revertible.

With some electric tape applied. I've since secured everything with some hot glue in an old tupperware box, with a small hole for the gain resistor to peak through, which you need to for fine tuning.

And it works fine ingame, no additional controllers needed, its the normal Driving Force GT brake pedal.
Now I only need to finetune myself for the new hardware Uhmm
S3 licensed
According to a beta tester who will remain unnamed Laguna is not finished yet AND looks awful, apparently. Rumour has it that its not the main Kunos track modeller doing the track and it shows.
S3 licensed
Thought it would be a good idea to add another small info to this write up (after finding out that googling for "DIY H-Shifter" will show this thread on that first result surprised about that).

Some months ago I changed the springs of the modded G25 pedals. After years of usage and mostly with my 70mm extension they were too weak for my liking.

Instead of spending some 40€ a ready made "kit" from a sim racing supplier I instead went to "GUTEKUNST FEDERN", an industrial spring supplier. On their website (available in english too) I could enter the dimensions of the stock springs from the G25 pedals (diameter ~25 mm, L0 (relaxed length) is 63 mm), and pick something with a strength that I liked. I picked 6 springs of different strength based on those outer dimensions to mix&match, all together costing only ~20€.

For the original spring strength, I measured the outer dimension, and with a kitchen scale determined that to compress the spring by 10 mm I need to apply 2,8 kg of weight to it.
With those measurements I can calculate R = F/s, resulting in R=~2,8 N/mm. So if you want a spring of double that strength, look for one in the R=~5 N/mm range.

I could probably tell you which springs I bought, but I don't have them at hand right now (not typing this at home), and I'm not even sure which I have installed right now... I tried around a lot until heel&toeing felt right, I think I now have the original brake spring in my clutch pedal, to give you an idea.
S3 licensed
Come again?
S3 licensed
seems like you have FOV set up wrong. Can't remember what I have set mine to (not at home), but there are plenty of guides to do that according to your screen size and distance.
S3 licensed
Random server with XRG and XFG on BL Car park, first time ever playing a racing game ONLINE! Had wheel from day one, played NFS with it before
S3 licensed
Quote from Keling :@Ball_Bearing_Turbo
There's no way AC is doing any proper simulation/estimation of dog damage based on how much force is being applied to the structure.

AC has very rudimentary gearbox and drivetrain simulation at the moment, the Dev's are aware of that. I think at some point they had initiative to change it, but then along came the Porsche licence.

This is all that's behind ACs current gearbox engagement and damage model:
Quote :
CHANGE_UP_TIME=260 ; change up time in milliseconds
CHANGE_DN_TIME=270 ; change down time in milliseconds
AUTO_CUTOFF_TIME=260 ; Auto cutoff time for upshifts in milliseconds, 0 to disable
SUPPORTS_SHIFTER=1 ; 1=Car supports shifter, 0=car supports only paddles
VALID_SHIFT_RPM_WINDOW=800 ;range window additional to the precise rev matching rpm that permits gear engage.
CONTROLS_WINDOW_GAIN=0.4 ;multiplayer for gas,brake,clutch pedals that permits gear engage on different rev matching rpm. the lower the more difficult.
INERTIA=0.022 ; gearbox inertia. default values to 0.02 if not set



S3 licensed
Around a decade ago they wrote that modding and SDKs may come after S3 release
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :I still have more fun in LFS then in every other sim.

Just waiting for new updates Taped Shut

Edit: Talking to Assetto drivers many never heard off LFS

there are many former LFS guys now in AC. And just looking at the time span you'll have guys racing in AC today that were around 8 years old when LFS was really going strong. Its an old sim by any means.

Regarding LFS' future... isn't it more or less a side project in the Dev's life now, next to normal full time jobs or other freelance work? I just can't imagine that its still pulling in enough sales to pay three guys with families and stuff
S3 licensed
at a desk
S3 licensed
Its no secret that Stefano can be rather emotional. This screenshot is from ~2015 iirc and does not show that if followed an open thread that accused the Devs (=only him) of programming shit. I can't remember which thread it was exactly as it happens often, just recently with that one Caterham modder - where Stefano initially reacted rather brutal aswell, but then pointed out errors that guy had made.

And you don't have to look far for another Dev with a short fuse