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S3 licensed
Simcade... doubt a studio that moved over from professional non-gaming simulation software can do arcade even if they tried. IMO their are a bunch of areas where AC clearly outshines LFS, one being snappyness. That butter-smooth transition LFS does between grip and slip are nowhere near realistic.
S3 licensed
It is, but after ~7 years of "staying the same" it was just time for me to move on. Maybe I move back again, but for now I see no reason. I won't buy a new licence for stuff I basically already had for years too.

When I discussed this with a friend lately we actually found comparison to a human relationship in it.

LFS is like the girlfriend you got in grammar school. Best fit for you, does what you like, adorable in every way. You commit to it.
Then the years go by, you yourself change a lot, grow up/older, learn new stuff, jobs, people, places - and your girlfriend does not. Yes, some jewellery here and there (CTRA, Leagues), few new clothes from time to time (patches and graphics updates), but apart from that she is exactly the way she was the moment you met her. Waits for you at the same table in the pub whenever you come for a visit. Is always happy to see you, no matter how long ago the last visit was.

You come back home telling stories about all the new things you did and got to know, and she the same. Can't tell stories of her own, has no new experiences, dwells in memories of your first few years. You still like her, but with a lot of pity and desire for her to change after all.

This comparism breaks apart when it comes to "cheating" on LFS with other sims (Big grin ), but I hope you catch my drift. I think the same happens with long TV shows. Most shows last under 7 seasons/years, and those that do mostly turn bad after that. Others that steadily develope can go much longer (looking at you Simpsons and Doctor Who).
S3 licensed
I doubt that, GT and Forza will remain the major forces. But having a small european studio in the mix can do nothing but help the whole genre.

I too love AC, but its too special interest for a general audience. A kid that likes cars will always go to the big names that offer hundreds of cars, carrers and so on. Kunos should have tried launching AC on the Wii U, no competition on that platform (I know the Wii is too slow for a sim like this Wink )
S3 licensed
Wow, did not expect a cast that big. Funny to see Chris Harris there.

Wonder if they'll still do typical Top Gear challenges or back to the roots car journalism.
S3 licensed
You can wire gas and brake up directly. For the clutch to work you need another channel of another game device (take a look in the thread )

S3 licensed
Well, now thats a necropost, 8 years...and seeing all those names nostalgia kicks in Frown
S3 licensed
That is more or less a track "inspired" by the Isle of Man, and its age really shows.

Some guy made a very simple Isle of Man track based on the road layout from Google Maps, just to test ACs map limits.
S3 licensed
Desert Planet, Ice Planet, Forest planet - it went through all three settings from the originals in a single film. And ended on planet Irland (or Westeros).

Wonder what they will come up with in the next two (I can see them revisiting Bespin at some point).
S3 licensed
As far as speculation goes Rey could be Luke's daughter or a young padawan he send to safety.

Kylo seems very talented, but still stuck in puberty's rage
S3 licensed
S3? Well happened there?
S3 licensed
well, I'm not online much, but there are more and most of all a bigger variance of servers at any time now. The racecraft is worse than what I was used to back in LFS' glorious days tho
S3 licensed
Everytime we had a mod-to-licenced car change the mod thread went silent before it... we haven't heard from any of the big WIP mod Porsches in a while ,the 917K, the 962... mine doesn't count Big grin
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Best intro is hard to say, but imo the Jack White/Alicia Keys song was on of the weakest. It had no Bond vibe at all. Adele's was way better, and now Sam Smith's isn't that bad either. Goldeneye from Tina Turner has special place in my heart, but then again it was the first Bond I ever saw in cinema.


Watched the film yesterday, am unsure about it. Plot feels like a patch-work, sub plots and places have no meaning for the film's progression, certain persons just end up absent from the film. I mean what happened to Belluci's character after James went to that secret meeting? What was the purpose of that drill machine used on Bond, why did Franz have it in the first place, had the operation on Bond's brain any effect at all. Was that stations purpose just to be blown up by Bond? Why was it out there in the desert?

And, while I normally like homages and retrospectives, this film was so full of it that it made parts of the plot too predictable.

Oh, he calls himself Blofeld and gets blown up? He will show up again, with a scar on his face... é voilà, there he is with a scar on his face.

Bond and the girl talking on the train? Hey it looks like in that old Bond before Jaws turns up. And there he is, modern Jaws-interpretation henchman.

Good parts of the film were the active roles of M, Moneypenny and Q, the car chase through Rome (that Jaaaag..), the seamless Mexico sequence, the Mr White meet.
Imo Casino, Skyfall and Quantum were better films. But Spectre was still better than half of those Brosnan did.
S3 licensed
You'll get your candy here on St. Martin's Day, and only if you can sing your song well enough. A homemade lantern is a nice bonus aswell
S3 licensed
Disney owns Marvel. And their films do great on the story front.

Already planning to visit a screening with my siblings and my dad.
S3 licensed
so modders need to rework their kn5 exports, their Fmod and the physics again

wonder why they can't just integrate the suspension editor into the main KS Editor
S3 licensed
It has full Westhill for them Cruizers!!!!

..well actually I'm in the same boat with you. And since for now I like to spent more time creating stuff instead of driving AC is my favourite atm.

BTW are you still only using a mouse?
S3 licensed
There are a lot of really nice tracks available on the official forums and/or race department. Keep away from car mods with Forza ripped models, mist of them have shitty or stolen physics, and drive really bad.

Have fun Wink
S3 licensed
Still using the ol' DFGT here, and activated the experimental gyro setting in the ini. It feels like I can countersteer more easily now, as if the wheel offers less resistance while moving fast. Dunno if I just placebo myself here...
S3 licensed
Could anyone "obtain" the GTRs ini files for me? I'd like to take a look at the AWD controller stuff but am away from my Steam computer for some time.
S3 licensed
Amazon.. did not have them on the radar, thought Netflix would win the bid. Maybe this will convince me to try Prime...
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :Well, I made it to the Race Camp! Let's see how we do...

how many are in that race camp?
S3 licensed

Quote :Time spent playing Dirt Rally before building AC "rally" with loose surface code enabled: 23 minutes.