I have him on ignore for a long time, but when people quote his stuff I can't stop it but read (and feel the urge to slam his head into his keyboard, but that's another matter :gnasher: )
Audio, video or text that proves whatever you (you as in you, Racer X) want: "Here, this is them truth, undeniable and legit."
Audio, video or text that goes against whatever you (you as in you, Racer X) want: "Don't you see its fake sheeples, how can you be so blind/deaf/dumb."
go here, stay there, and stop spamming your shít here
my oppinion: Accidental shot down from separatists site, maybe aided by russian agents/soldiers (as in "push this button to fire BUK", not as in "now shoot civilian aircraft")
game seems to run better now with everything turned down for me than before the patch
except that the 911 GT3 (and my Alzen Turbo:shy now read with -5mm of ride height in the Box screen and can't drive anymore due to scraping on the tarmac ...
things like this show that certain Italian professionalism
Shouldn't have clicked "View post", Racer X going antizionist again..
I'm wondering what's to happen between Malaysia and Russia. Tensions run high atm due to Russia's annexation of all material (including the dead, evidently)
1. Civil planes flew there all the time. FL330 is too high for every normal weapon, same reason there is quite a lot of civil traffic over Afganisthan and Iraq
2. Well they only have to count to make sure all their own missiles are still there, plus whatever air defence radar stations they have, due to the current situation I expect all radar stations to be manned and working in that area. A simple RPG or Stinger won't reach 33000ft. This does.
3. That exact flight went missing on ATC, stopped sending out its ADBS signal and people already found unquestionably Malaysian wreckage parts. And this time it was not over the open sea (where neither transponder nor radar reached it).
the stock one is very very similar to my real car (same weight, identical gearbox), really like it. Now I know I could have made my lap of the 'Ring in 4 minutes less, at least in theory
At least its a proper hybrid, not a conventional, electric booster equipped supercar bragging with its "Green-Eco" badge. As this is a Volkswagen city (Passats are being build here) I'm used to seeing all kinds of unique VAGs, but this was special. It had Munich plates.
mostly waiting for the GTR, but mostly because it introduces 4WD to the sim, which means we might get proper rally cars (and time attack and other specials) from the modders. At least the quality of the cars being WIP on the official forum looks top noth (i.e the Audi V8 DTM). I see it as a good sign that we haven't seen any releases yet (compared to all the mediocre tracks we have)