slow fwd hatchbacks should be the easiest to mod, as probably half of ACs users has one sitting on their driveway Its easier to crawl under you own car to measure wishbone lengths than hunt around the net for the measurements of some one-of-a-kind supercar.
Can't think of a good place anywhere on the cloth of a child for that text. If its not 'shopped it may be designed by a seriously innocently minded person
Well, that idea has been in my head for a long time, obviously I expected Mazda to go for it (either like this as a range extender or as a hydrogen version).
What I don't like is that they get the whole story of the 787B wrong already in that first paragraph. The Wankel wasn't outlawed because Mazda won with it, the whole reglement was known to change (to that 3.5 F1 formula) for years already. Mazda just set everything on one card and won that last year on the old reglement. A Wankel enthusiast should know that. And FIA "banned" it rather for the complicated equalisation with piston engine than superiority.
And don't expect the car to sound like the 787B, its engine will run at constant speed like in a generator (500+bhp still seems like a lot )
Given that were still in Early Access I expected the current standard. But I don't like how those capable guys just hop to the next conversion after releasing a drivable first version instead of optimizing the shit out of one track.
Then again we don't know what is being worked on outside of the official forums. Given the constant stream of demands for updates, "betas releases" and random track request I think a lot of guys keep quiet until they have something presentable. The quality bar for car mods seems to be a lot higher tho.
Have a look at Lego engines on YouTube. Despite only running on compressed air they surprisingly like the equivalent gasoline engines, just by using channeling air through two valves per cylinder.
So to produce that pattern with its (enormous) cannon the Su-25 (or 39, whatever) had to fire at the plane in a 90° angle, coming from the side? Quite a task at 900+km/h.
If the Su-25 used a missile to shoot the jet down, it had to be a autonomous infrared guided one (as the Frogfoot (the versions Ukraine has) is an assault plane without a radar). But the engines looked relatively fine, at least not as if they had been hit directly.
A splinter warhead of a radar guided AA missile with proximity detonation on the other hand....
Yeah I'm sort of still on it. Still takes a lot of time to get into Blender, I have lots of experience with NURBs style CAD systems (ProE, Creo, Catia, Abacus) but non of that helps me here
you could try using DxTweak2 to adjust the axis' (its what I need to use to get my clutch to work correctly). But maybe the resoltution is really too bad for throttle and brake. What other wheel do you use? All Logitech wheels I had had the same range of potis and thus work with each other (I run G25 pedals on a DFGT)
That Hong Kong track is awesome, and its runs perfectly smooth as in track surface and performance. Where is it from originally? And where did you find that track? I'd like more of that sort :3
the G25/7 uses that sort of "joystick" shifter with axis' imstead of a button system, doesn't it? Been using my button H-Shifter contraption for ~4 years now, never had a problem with it aside from hardware (alignment) errors that could be fixed with a hammer.