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S2 licensed
Maybe he just wants to play with LFS Tweak??
S2 licensed
Do NOT get the logitech formula vibration feedback wheel! It dosent have force feedback, only vibration, something like the Xbox and PS2 controllers.
S2 licensed
Where's Jakg with his racing wheel guide??
S2 licensed
I got a pretty nice Audi R8 skin for the FXO FYI, this skin only has a prominet front, so it looks like an R8 and an S4 at the same time...
Dunno who made this skin, found it in the skin_x folder...
Last edited by Alkanphel, .
S2 licensed
I know, but it's not entirely your fault when ur connection times out... I mean, u didnt affect other people's gameplay, so why is there so harsh a penalty?
S2 licensed
Over here in Singapore, food centres now have a special area cordoned off for smokers. These are government rules, and these areas are usually very far away from the rest of the crowd. Smoking in non-smoking areas results in a heavy fine... This shows that the government is trying to discourage smoking. I wouldn't recommend total ban, as this would cause a world civil war between smokers and non-smokers in which the non-smokers would probably lose... haha.
S2 licensed
It's up now. Laptop? 1st: Do u use it for work or play? If play then u should not get a laptop. If u want the top-notch laptops, spending 1000 pounds on one, excluding software costs, isn't much of a surprise
S2 licensed
I smell a ban and a close of this thread...
S2 licensed
Heavy smokers DO get their teeth stained black... Not all, per se, several Teeth getting stained yellow is for those not-so-heavy-smokers ^^ There's one "joke" that goes: Smoking is defined as a piece of tobacco wrapped in paper being lighted on one end and with a fool on the other. Not exactly very funny, but smoking is harmful physically

In understandable terms, SMOKING DOSNTT ROOOOLZZ IT SUXXKKKZZZ!!11!111!!!1
U get the idea.
S2 licensed
Smoking causes numerous lung and liver cancers.... It also smells bad to non-smokers and stain ur teeth black . I hate cigarettes I mean, what pleasure do u derive from it? Makes u high, I guess. It's like taking not-so-serious-drugs hehe.
S2 licensed
I found the LX6 too spin-happy... Maybe it' bcos im using a bloody mouse ^^. Mine was BF1 and FXR, cos i cant control the wild FZR with a blardy mouse yet.
S2 licensed
Cops are nice in the CLC server... but too many makes it quite stressful ^^ Maybe... 5 cops out of 15 connections? And, the penalty for lagging out is a little too harsh... I've lost 2 FXOs which took me 2 whole days of driving around to get. I know it's virtually impossible to set a different penalty for people who lag out rather than disconnect intentionally, but can the penalty for both be reduced? Losing the car and 50% of it's value is way too harsh for people who lag out, and for people who need to go away from the computer at short notice and urgently. And - One more small-small request: Can the red-white barriers be replaced with something else? It's like... braking a fraction of a second slower can cause u to richochet up to the sky, hit the ground with a huge thud and bounce back onto the road where the cops nab u and want u to pay the fines. (Okay, this was an exaggeration, but u get the idea ) And when u end up with a totally wrecked car that can barely move at all, taking the next 10 mins to crawl back into the pits is quite disheartening.
Overall, this server is one of the best in LFS, and we look forward to more updates and new improvements
S2 licensed
513 MB, 3207 files.
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :ouch 6 years? this comp isn't my original, the only thing original from my first comp is the motherboard, other than that everything is "new". hope you get a new comp this year dude

Yeah, thanks, man.
S2 licensed
Yeah but it's abit unrealistic, isnt it? And one more qn - Can the gear shifter be placed on the right side?
S2 licensed
Wow CaptainLimbs, ur 1st post Welcome!!
That's abit harsh, isn't it? Saying that he sucks bcos he only plays AI U cant generalise on that. AI is not for players who suck, it's for new beginners to learn what racing lines, trail braking are, etc etc.
P.S. , at "LFS News", "LFS S2 Alpha, version V" Hello racers! ....... blahblah ....... We wish u a Happy Christmas!
S2 licensed
Sigh... the developers already said there will be an improvement in the AI during the next patch or so... And, the point of LFS is not racing singleplayer, it's racing online that is truly fun.
S2 licensed
Hmm... Im having doubts on the MOMO... It's like... 240 degrees of rotation are just too unrealistic... one small touch can mean all the difference in the world... Tho it's easy to catch a slide, but i rather race with 720 or 900 degrees instead. They're more...Real-life ^^
S2 licensed
Lol, hahahaha
S2 licensed
There's heavy lag over here, and i have to try several times to connect to the master server and the game servers. The Taiwan earthquake broke several undersea cables, so the internet connection in Asia's horrible, with extreme lag and load times.
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :What are you talking about, I just welcomed you 1 minuet after you posted

Hehe, thanks-thanks
S2 licensed
Mine would be to save up enuff money to buy a G25 and a new computer. I've been using this comp for SIX years... yet my dad dosent allow me to buy a new one. Sometimes i wish someone can help me smash my computer so that i have a valid excuse to buy a new comp.
S2 licensed
I juz got my license a few days ago too. But nobody welcomed me T_T Hehe...
S2 licensed
It's not very nice...
S2 licensed
LFS is an amazing racing simulation... U figured the other cars arent much faster. Isn't the FXO GTR, XR GTR, FZ50 GTR, FOX, FO8, BF1, RAC and FZ50 faster? If u think these cars aren't faster then the XRT then u seriously need a counsellor. This game has immense fun and god-damn realistic physics.... Go now, fly off and go play ur Gran Turismo 4 if u dont like the most realistic racing simulation on the market.