Hates a powerful word that i havent used. Again though Qs your making up stories to try and prove your point. You are only going to make yourself look even dumber than you already are.
As im the person stating facts and giving valid points rathing that making up bull shit to try and prove lies & uninformed opinions i cant see how im stupid. Crawl back under your rock.
What if you went there did nothing but claimed benefits lived on state hand outs, did'nt learn the national language, did'nt integrate. Or what if you went to the netherlands in the back of a container and spent your days commiting crime (and the work you did do was illegal as you got paid cash in hand, again not paying taxes) to fund your lifestyle? Would you expect to be welcomed with open arms and just left to it?
Or if enough people vote for said right wing party maybe the party in power will realise that maybe there not taking a strong enough stance on some issues like immergration. ................ Wait hang on what did i say about 4 pages ago.............
Ohhhh yes what great investors in bulidings they are .............. moving into communitys driving everyone out then converting old churches or using council hand outs. Just another gem for you in my home city of derby every muslim family who loses a loved one gets £1100 towards the cost of burying them from the council how nice of them.