What dont you agree with about Tristans statment? If you went for a job and scored higher than another person in the interveiw but he/she got the job because their an ethnic minority would you think that is fair?!!!!!!!!!!!
No no no thats what you "THINK" its in black and white on the manifesto read it - think - post .............or just read it and think dont post as all that comes from your simple mind is pointless spam.
No what the BNP want to do is class people as people! you must be stupid if you cant read that manifesto and see that all they want is a level playing field for people. Right now if a company has 10 jobs available and 50 applicants they will not interview 50 people and take the 10 best, they will interveiw 50 people take the 7-8 best and give the others to ethnic minoritys no matter how they scored! IS THAT FAIR!
I bet you would'nt feel the same if your dad was a unempolyed plumber about to lose his home because said eastern european person had took his job and sent all the money back to another country.
No i have a problem with the fact that you and many others on here are calling everone on that leaked list racist and want to stand out side their houses with torches and pitch forks. You dont know the people on that list all you have are some names address and job titles yet your happy to say they are all racist and if they get any "come back" from this that they deserve it. As has already been said on here Nationlism IS NOT RACISM
NONONO Dont you know they only give houses british familys dont want to asylum seekers! they save up all the good ones for british familys. (like the 1.3 million pound mansion ...sorry council house that a afghan lady is living in or the 1.1 million pound council house now occupied by a nigerian single mum with 5 kids.
Wow quoting the Daily mail makes me a facist who knew?
And im not defending the BNP im just voicing my opinion that i agree with some of their policys. Then certain people jump on my back and call me a ignorant facist so i have to defend my reasons for agreeing with their policys.
It just makes me laugh some of the stupid ignorant comments made by people on here like "OMGZ SOME LIVE IN MY STREET!!!111!" like bnp supporters/members are pedofiles and its the sex offenders register thats been leeked. These people on the list that has been leaked are not racists/criminals they are normal people that chose to support a legitimate political party nothing more.
When did i say that? stop putting words into my mouth, i didnt say they are not racists i didnt say they are. I just agree with some of there policys.
I agree it would be a bad thing to have them in power but i also think this goverment is far to soft on some issues like immergration/crime etc and so if a few votes and a few council seats have to go to BNP candidates to show the gov in power that people have had enough then so be it.
Show me when he was convicted before and what for, it must be on record some where. The case did'nt fall through because it was ill conceived it fell through because what he was saying was 100% true,
and just to put the icing on the cake the people who secretly video taped him saying those things then with some bias editing made it look like all he was trying to do was stir up racial hatred (I mean imagine something like that being allowed to go on in this country: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/ ... y+of+hate+laws/article.do) then the bbc hand the footage over to the police and try to have Nick Griffin arrested.
4 years later the BBC panorama program then go on another under cover filming mission and basicly prove every thing that they said Nick Griffin was using to stir up racial hatred.
All i have done is answer your questions/comments with reason and fact, so far you have not backed up a single of your slanderous comments with anything other than hear say, yet you think its ok to call me "a part of a tiny uninformed minority in this country" when infact i am clearly far more informed than any of you.
Do you know the story of this i really dont want to go into detail about it but the reason i posted the link was for Kev to think about what he just posted. As he knows so much about the bnp im sure he will know why he was accused of the charges and also why he was found not guilty.
Just try to think Kev what Nick said in that speach that has'nt been printed by the BBC in that link.
"even one brave Muslim spokesman has expressed his shame and disgust at the politically correct excuses that pass themselves off as senior police officers in parts of Britain."