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S2 licensed
Quote from Strummer :Do you have to actually go down pit-lane? Can you just hit esc and chose "pit" while driving? I did this and it brought me straight to the pits..without going to pitlane. I hope that the devs make so that you actually do have to go down pit-lane and make a 15-18 second stop...and actually tell the crew what you tires, fuel, wedge, camber adjust, tire pressure adjust..etc. It would be more realistic..and really should not require too much extra coding...most of its there now. Keep up the good work everyone..just got the license last week.and I really enjoy it.


if you do that it removes you from the race and you lose all laps previously raced.
S2 licensed
alright, thank you for the quick responses. If you don't mind i would like to keep my question in the air and get more testimonies from others if thats possible. Just so i'm sure there really is no fps drop at all.
S2 licensed
Ok. Did you test LFS with no wheel at all? Also what FPS do you get on average?
S2 licensed
its a waste of time. People will abuse this feature. The best solution is to have each suggestiong APPROVED by a moderator/moderators. The way it works is someone creates a new thread, it goes into a pool that the moderators read over, if they feel the suggestion has potential or was well thought out, THEN they approve it and it appears in the forum for people to view.
S2 licensed
ok thank you. why is it then Architect told me that it could be anywhere from 10-15 fps difference?

He said the force feedback has something to do with it. Can anyone else clarify whether or not there is an FPS drop?
S2 licensed
ok thanks for answering my question...i asked if it will eat up fps. i only guessed at the software part. Nevertheless, its another peripheral that needs to be running at the same time as LFS. So i ask again, will having a wheel lower fps. Even if the answer is 2 fps i would still like to know. THanks
Getting a wheel
S2 licensed
I'm thinking about getting a wheel. My question is, does it lower fps during gameplay? I figured that having the software running in the background would eat up fps. I already get just enough to play enjoyably so i'm not sure if i should compromise the fps for a wheel.
S2 licensed
application sent for round 1 XRT
S2 licensed
lol i know it sounds funny but i'm friend told me he read about it in the paper. I'm asking the Aussie's if its true or not.
S2 licensed
I heard that Australia is trying a new method to reduce speeding. They are saying that males speed to compensate for their small penis size. I don't know if this is true or not. My friend read it in the paper. He said that there are billboards using this method. Quite funny in my opinion.
S2 licensed
i would imagine if we had speed cameras the situation would be the same..fortunately (or unfortunately) we don't
S2 licensed
comic sans sucks
S2 licensed
where i live, it is expected that you drive at 10 mph over the speed limit. Town limit is 30 and 98% of drivers do 40 mph. No one gets pulled over at this speed. ...the cops do 40 too.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :i'd rather see rain then night

S2 licensed
nice pic
S2 licensed
i am MUCH faster with manual
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod

The race doesnt restart automatically.

this is true.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Race starts when the majority of people or an admin restarts the race...

or when the qualifying time is up
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I said digital TACHOMETER not speedometer, which we already have. (BTW, don't forget the new Honda Civic also has a digital speedo ).

the s2000 does have a digital tachometer. You might not call it digital though. Instead of a needle that points to a number, bars of light light up over the numbers on the tach.
S2 licensed
wait...a drifting server that will be operating for 24 hours straight? oh god no
S2 licensed
the formula 15gr = (mph)^2 can be used to determine the highest speed at which a corner can be taken. The g is the traction limit for a particular tire on a particular road surface (which can usually be very easy to find given REAL LIFE tires and such). R is the radius of the circle that your car takes the path of through the turn.

What you can do is, find the radius of the BIGGEST circle you can make in a turn, figure out the grip of your car (might be difficult since LFS uses imaginary cars, not manufactured, factory produced ones). Plug those 2 numbers in and you have the FASTEST speed at which you can take the corner without losing traction. Do this for every corner and you should have a rough estimate of how long it would take to lap a circuit.

Calculating straights is self explanatory.

you would never be able to figure out THE fastest lap time but you can absolutely come up with an estimate, plus or minus maybe 1 or 2 seconds of the fast lap.
Last edited by ans7812, .
S2 licensed
"I can see my house from here"
S2 licensed
I guess its hard to understand how much "stuff" they are actually working on/fixing.
S2 licensed
^^^^ lmfao best one so far
S2 licensed
Quote from sinkoman :Are you even READING MY POST?


The car obviously won't pivot over something with zero grip.

Cripes :P

WOW. I am COMPLETELY sorry. I definitely did not read your first post correctly. I apologize for my stupidity. (and yes, it makes sense now)