Just wondered if there is a way of running dual ATi cards on a Gigabyte GA-N650SLI-DS4 board?
I have read conflicting stories so far, some say yay, some nay.
Really which sim is that then?
If you'd like to point out how you manage to interpret the truth as hating im all ears.
Nice story about Huttu, i knew he would not be able to hack it physically. Cant believe he's never driven a hot hatch or even been on a race track is his entire life. Sounds like a stereotypical geek.
Unfortunately thats not true. The work is finished & has been for a long time. iRacing like using the "its not finished excuse" it makes them look better. I contacted LRP a while back & they told me there are no more improvements planned.
I really thought they wanted to be seen as the best & only accurate training tool for racing drivers in the U.S. but seeing them take 3 years to bring an update falls way short of that. They are making themselves out to be something they are not.
I understand that they have been working flat out bringing us lots of great new content & finding time to fit in a semi rescan falls way down thier list but, LRP is only 150miles from thier door & they only need to scan 700metres of track. Obviuosly their priorities lie with the production of new content so any American club racers or fans for that matter will just to have to wait untill they can be bothered.
What kind of attitude is that? The same kind as those who have hunted tigers close to extinction. What are the chances of you going for a stroll on the polar ice cap??
Back in August the cat herder blog mentioned a "dedicated graphics engineer" who would improve the sim visualy & also the new Fmod sound engine promised in the next build. Can anyone shed some light on these two developments as to what the current situation is?
Also when is the next week 13 & season change over due?
The 1200bhp Granada is awesome. I can think of nicer cars of ugrading with a koenigseg engine with but the absolute dedication & attention to detail, even going as far as fabricating thier own parts is just awesome.
The casual way they say "we could have prepped the engine to output 1700bhp but though better of it" gives a little perspective of the mindset of these guys. This car will be a world record breaker, anyone know what the land speed record for a Ford saloon car is?
edit: 234mph modded gt, oh no & another 253mph!! GT with 1400bhp.
not only that, they had already started on the 2011 version before this hit the shelves. F1 series seems to be just another cash cow for them. any patches in the pipeline?