Yes , loads.
Well he publicly admitted to being a bit mad, so i agreed .
If he posts his spending decisions on a public forum what do you expect.
Chill out Moose your not on the endangered list yet.
I know what will cheer you up "i got slaughtered in the nkpro comp", although i did set some new pbs.
Mad is the word. You went 100% without good reason when the exchange rate sucks so bad??. Added to which in less than a months time you'll be joining the 97% club.
It does not stipulate what the 'unlimited' refers to. So it could be interpreted either way. To me unlimited means no restrictions, so the claim is false. It should say 'Unlimited racing using basic content' but it does not.
iRacings entire pricing structure is based on limitations. The racing @ rookie/standard content level is very limited. Unlimited would mean no restrictions.
The Devs spend more time working around hardware constraints than developing the sim itself. I saw a thread the other day 'LFS doesn't work on my geforce 6200!' Im not bloody surprised its a pathetic card capable of little by modern standards.
LFS really needs to get with the times & leave the old we must support ancient hardware theme behind. For informations sake a dual core cpu can be picked up for as little as £25 & an 8 series nvidia for £15 these days.
Please dont look backwards, go with the flow.
Alonso wasnt going anywhere untill he saw Schumacher along side. He put the boot in smartish & the backend got loose, after he'd realised MC was racing him to the line.
It looks like another f&&ing mess administered by the FIA(il) . One rule saying one thing & the flags saying another. 20 seconds penalty seems a bit harsh considering its effect on the result.
Yes, when he came out of the pits on the inside of shumi & half a car ahead @ the crucial moment which would settle 4th or 5th position he wussed out.
A few laps before two other cars did exactly the same except the pit lane joiner actualy fought for his position & won instead of just giving up. It was funny how neither commentator mentioned it again & no replay.?