Ha, have you tried iRacing? Lfs has the best tyre physics i have driven. No other sim has gotten close yet.
If its such an issue, go & race c.a.r.s or Gt5.
As for the announcement. Meaningless pap designed to keep us all happy/quiet. No hard facts or an eta. I though iRacing were full of shit but the lfs devs are fast lowering themselves.
On the plus side, at least we arent paying silly money to be fed poo & the devs spoke to us twice in a year!. Not all bad.
I reckon a .50cal bullet could pierce a shipping container in RL but that doesn't happen either. Infact do any of the guns in Bf3 pierce the shiiping containers?
Is it me or do the Bf2 levels look a bit tacky & also the colour is all f&^%d up.
They seem rushed & also the levels of destruction vary. Tank machine gun @ karkand can destroy concrete walls?? Not sure what they are meant to be like but the lighting or whatever it is, kinda spoils it.
What do mean by caught?
You make it sound like im breaking the law?? It's my account & ill do what i bloomin well like with it. Its nobody else's business but mine.
True, in hindsight there are always better ways of doing things. But i dare say im a wee bit smarter than you.
The unbelievably pathetic nature of some individuals around here astounds me. Does the coward have any balls? (i doubt it)
If iRacing offer special offers for ten bucks & then give you more in return that is their problem not mine. I didnot break any rules there believe me.
& btw all of your assumptions are wrong.
Are you having a laugh? Most people have better things to do than grass others up & get someone else's account banned. Some sticky beak has given my personal information to another company.
Obviously this person who remains nameless thus far is a complete coward & is to scared to come forward with his/her reasons for doing so.
Please come forward as it will save you a lot of trouble in the future.