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S2 licensed
What happened to the TV coverage?, i came in to see how the touring cars were going & all i got was bloody asian network.
The highlights program was a f&^kin piss take too. Half way through the highlights of the best race they cut to adverts wtf? .

Really has gone downhill fast, added to a serious lack of motorsport on terrestrial TV these days its not looking good tbh.
S2 licensed
Quote from Joris :What is non-collidable? I do understand the words, I just have trouble puting them into context.

Non collidable means you cant bump into the other car, so just like a ghost car you will just pass through it.

The anti cheat measures may be a bit lapse, as i see it you can get nine seconds of ultimate slipstream before being punished. Not sure if you can repeat this over & over?
Other than that its coming along bit by bit, the advanced damage model will be interesting to see when its ready.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jos[NL] :
I have 2 desktops..............

S2 licensed
Pretty sure it was half native from what i read. I was looking at upgrading my setup but i think ive already found a possible method.

24" monitors exist with 1680x1050 res which is a good compromise between having to many pixels & having enough power to use them @ native.
Any low res monitors out there?
S2 licensed
Im looking for a large ish low res monitor to get around the problem of running sims in non native resolutions.
You might say get a TV but @ the size i was looking 26" i cant find any higher res than 1366x768 which does not look good.

Just trying to find that balance in quality & res that my triple head setup will run without having to turn down the detail level.

A 24" or 26" screen @ 1440x900 would be spot on.

The only other method of avoiding the massive quality loss when an LCD scales an image is to run @ exactly half native res. So a mega high res monitor could also be an option.
S2 licensed
Real Name: Ant Collett
LFS license name: anttt69
Country : GB
Number : 37
Team : Parkfield Motorsports
S2 licensed
Quote from richard dk :You can get one month, the Mosport track and the Star Mazda for only $10 ..

I'd have to admit that really is a good deal . I hope they do a similar offer for the new V8 & PI. That would get me back into iRacing.

Quote from lizardfolk :
Out of LFS, rFactor, and iRacing. I would much prefer to stay in iRacing if I have the money to pay for it and i do atm

You should give nkpro a trial run it really is quite good.

Does anyone know how the boy Wyatt is getting on with his Jetta drive, i haven't heard any news for ages.
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Im sure, mate, that if you took a survay, you would find that more people below join date of 2008 are "winging" about progress that people above 2008. I think, that join date does not change anything, and thinking it does just reflects your arrogance. I for one am not whining about progress, infact im the oposite, like you, fed up of people whining. I chose to respond to your post - however - because you are infact as bad as people who are whining, you are whining about people whining. Which I think you should be brought to realise. Let people whine, thats what people do, you don't have to look at the thread do you? No. So don't, or maybe trolling the forum's is what you are looking for, if that's the case. Get the F?ck out.

eh? look whos talking mate that all i can say. Your post reflects more arrogance than mine. Some people have been here longer & in general those are the more mature members of the community. We are both fed up of the kiddies moaning but dont you ever come in here & start telling me what to do. Who do you think you are?
S2 licensed
Quote from spanks :you're an idiot

you don't have to like iracing, but you hate it for really lame reasons lol

Oh ha ha funny man, would you care to explain why my reasons are lame?
Infact id love to hear why you think iR price tag is justified.
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I'd disagree with you....... every 13 weeks we get updates! That to me is pretty decent!

Quote from SidiousX :At least we get iRacing updates

So even though LFS still has loads more features & freedom to do what you want, + every time iR release patch they are just playing catch up, you are quite happy to pay hundreds of bucks every year for a sim that lacks loads of basic features that we already have in LFS??

Its like paying them to develop an expensive beta. Until they release something that others sims dont have, iR is just another sim. I'm really looking forward to iR justifying its price tag.

I know a lot of you are quite happy paying for iRacing, fair enough thats your choice & i wish you well. I hope you enjoy seeing it develop in small baby steps. We can already see where their priorities lye.
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :anyone want to pm me with other games like lfs,

+1 to richard burns rally also try
nkpro & gp legends.

I just laugh at people who joined in 2008 & think they have a right to winge about progress. It happens when it happens & thats that.
Go find something else to do.
S2 licensed
bf1942, bfv, bf2, & coh
S2 licensed
Still a long way to go before anything worthwhile then? Have you ever noticed how iR love to release new content & make a big hoo haa about it but take ages to bring any decent updates to the sim. (multicar being minor)

The money train rolls on. :sleep2:
S2 licensed
are they still forcing you to purchase DP & Rad if u want to run in that series?
also have they given you split times yet?
S2 licensed
First time i gave this game more than 15minutes try out & i like it. It immediately feels more real than LFS, anyone want to meet up for a demo race tonight? (or lend me a licence)
S2 licensed ... ;ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT


S2 licensed
Sounds like a belt slipping. They make screeching sounds. Next time your there start it up, run it untill you smell the burning,turn it off then feel each belt & pulley. Be careful not to burn your self.

Just had a thought, if you cant be arsed to change the oil then your never going to change a belt are you? Sod it just drive it untill it dies a slipping belt is nothing to worry about on a old knacker.
S2 licensed
I have a few questions about this game?

Can u set GTA up so when you jump into a car you are driving it with a G25?
Can you use a joypad/keys for controlling the bloke.
Is GTA IV multi monitor compatible?
S2 licensed
nice find beano, now all you have to do is translate .
S2 licensed
hold on this image says differently. I would have thought that central & southern Britain would have been ok but ive already seen 3 different versions of the cloud location . I guess only those in the know, know.
S2 licensed
The satellite pic shows the dust cloud roughly 150miles north of Scotland .
So what the heck is all the fuss about? Bloody bunch of idiots in control as usual.
S2 licensed
Quote :Bedford, MA (April 12, 2010) - With apologies to the poet T.S. Eliot, if you are a stock-car racing fan, "April is the coolest month" - both the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series visit Talladega Superspeedway, the fastest closed-circuit race track in the world. And this month,'s 2010 World Tour presents the iRacing community with its only double-header, races on April 25 honoring both of NASCAR's top divisions. So every member of the iRacing community will have the chance to see for themselves the differences between the Sprint Cup and Nationwide cars with these full-length back-to-back races on the legendary Alabama high-banked oval.
"Based on the response we had to our Daytona 500 event in February, we expect a huge turnout of iRacers for Talladega," said Kevin Bobbitt,'s director of marketing. "Many of NASCAR's top drivers will be doing 811 miles of racing on the last weekend of April, and this is the chance for our members see what that's like and to make back-to-back comparisons on how these two very different racecars perform on NASCAR's fastest and often most exciting track."
Bobbitt noted that the event is open to all members, regardless of license level, from the newest rookie to the most grizzled veteran. ( is currently running a special promotion. New members can purchase a 3-month membership, which includes Talladega Superspeedway, for $25.00, which is 50% off the regular price. See for complete details.)
Because the number of entries will be so large - as many as 2,000 of the service's 20,000+ members are expected to compete - the field is broken down according to skill and experience level into an appropriate number of iterations of 34 cars each, with each iteration of the online race running on its own server.
"Someone can join the day before and still compete," Bobbitt said. "They'll be racing with other rookies, while our more experienced members will be racing with others of their skill level. Everyone has a chance to win his or her race, and to experience the thrill of 185 mile-per-hour pack racing on the fastest track in the world."

$25 for a race.
S2 licensed
thanks but i eventually found 3 versions of that file & changed them all, it still refuses to work. i give up
S2 licensed
when youve seen to many noobs open threads that have already been & gone years ago. the op still lives in 1996, in a cave lit by a single candle.
Last edited by anttt69, .