High cost - north of $600 (if you want it all)
High quality - check out the screenies on iR facebook page.
Tyres are a bit fudged at the mo but still very fun & drivable.
Updates to tyres & aero/drafting coming soon.
Subscription based so you have to keep paying over & over.
US company so the bias is toward american race cars, but still plenty of road stuff to choose from.
The best sim version of Spa money can buy.
Oulton/Zolder on the way.
Good community you'd fit right in @ club England. (weekly club events)
Higher hardware requirements. cpu speed/pedals/shifter.
Web based so no offline running at all. If the site goes down no one can race.
Earn credits for racing. Yep they actually pay you to race. $4/$6 for completing a season.
QA event tomorrow they are paying $3/$5 just for taking part.
Use the promo's, $10 for 3 months is a good deal.
Plenty of competitive Star mazda races (middle tier of SS).
Looking at getting my racing licence. Damn MSA want £60 for an application form! then add the ards test @ £250. Thing is i already have a blue book & can borrow the dvd so i only need the form.
Stupid red tape/duty of care bs will stop me from racing. Guess i'll have to stick to sprints.
Have you read about the new test patch? All possible combos/routes around the existing circuits have been unlocked, so we now have about twice as many combos to race on.
S3 is in the making, we'll just have to be patient. If you cant wait, there are lots of other sims out there.
So far there have only been suggestions of improvements to the system. So we are talking of low level simple things such as:
1. Scaling the points to the severity of impact/contact. i.e. a light tap only receives a 1x or 0x as light contact happens quite a lot at club level & is part & parcel of racing.
2. When someone looses control, drivers who end up hitting that person (due to someone else's error) do not receive negative SR. The system already knows when you have spun/left track/hit something, so its quite easy to implement.
3. If you loose control & then crash into someone you receive a double hit of neg SR, they dont take an SR hit.
You cant cheat the system because you will always sustain damage trying to do so.
Its not much, but it is the beginning of an intelligent SR system.
It already does determine certain things that can be used to assign blame.
See above. It's not impossible. Just imagine the scope they would have if the system knew when you'd locked your brakes, the normal racing line, turn in points etc.
Thats a big IF. Also this is not real life, it is a simulation. SR is supposed to be a measurement of how safe a driver YOU are, not of how lucky or unlucky you might be. I agree that over time it will balance itself out, but some racers wont stick around long enough for that to happen.
It's like making an excuse for something that can be solved/fixed/improved, then sitting back & letting s**t happen.
Ironically, the SR system that you are discussing is actually quite narrow minded & short sighted. It chooses to be "dumb" when it could quite easily be intelligent.
I believe that there is no need to punish everyone involved in an accident just because the devs are to lazy/scared to add some code that assigns or absolves blame.
Some simple algorithms have already been discussed (that work in theory) but it seems that for the moment, iRacing have chosen not to go down that path. I sincerely hope that the SR system does get developed, as it really takes something away from the casual sim racer (it puts people off iRacing & is quite enraging).
The SR system has so much room for improvement, it would be "stupid" not to.
p.s.- Quali sessions yield greater rewards than TT's.
$1.65 = £1
Those night shots look sweeet. Still a long way from complete tho. Missing glowing brake disks, backfires, external light sources/moon etc.)
Visibility in the C6R looks scary.