Pretty cool you get to review actual data sets from the NASA Kepler mission. Further more if you identify a Planet you will get to share the scientific credit for doing so.
Why mettalic? Organic life forms could live on a planet with twice or even three times earths gravity. Imagine a 4ft human with thicker bone structure & a smaller skull.
We will eventually find something, but it may take a very long time. There could even be life within our own solar system. What if an organism has evolved to live within the methane lakes of Titan?
At its price point it is a direct competitor for those upgrading to triple monitor setups. The immersion factor would be far greater than any multi monitor setup could ever give.
I hear ya PMD. So you thought you'd play a little prank on me because iRacing are a bunch of lieing, thieving, delusional, idiots (apart from dk) who produce a half arse product then proclaim its the best thing since sliced bread.
Dont take the piss .
(for the others: virus stems from installing ILIVID) ha bloody ha. id actually forgotten all about that trash untill today.
Its utter truth. My virus checker says so & so does my slow ass desktop.
True there is a risk attached but i doubt thats going to stop many people enjoying the experience of a lifetime. Think about it, do you ever consider not going by plane because it might crash.
Space is going commercial & space tourism is gaining momentum. I would hope that governments support pioneers such as Branson & Xcor. In 50 years time space tourism could be taking us to the moon & mars.
A moon base might be a logical step forward from the ISS. They can already make water from moon dust so a small settlement is not out of the question.
wth they dont even mention fixing the owning all content problem, then they go & invent another thing to work on which not only doesn't need doing, is the complete opposite of what they said they would do. Absolute bullsh1t!!
Could someone quote what Tony said in the "Please fix the multi-class issue" thread. He basically goes around saying what people want to hear just to keep everyone happy.