True there is a risk attached but i doubt thats going to stop many people enjoying the experience of a lifetime. Think about it, do you ever consider not going by plane because it might crash.
Space is going commercial & space tourism is gaining momentum. I would hope that governments support pioneers such as Branson & Xcor. In 50 years time space tourism could be taking us to the moon & mars.
A moon base might be a logical step forward from the ISS. They can already make water from moon dust so a small settlement is not out of the question.
wth they dont even mention fixing the owning all content problem, then they go & invent another thing to work on which not only doesn't need doing, is the complete opposite of what they said they would do. Absolute bullsh1t!!
Could someone quote what Tony said in the "Please fix the multi-class issue" thread. He basically goes around saying what people want to hear just to keep everyone happy.
It's not as fun any more but it drives more like the real thing. The NTM is half finished rubbish i cant believe they can release shit like that. Im so glad i haven't bought any of the new content.
iRacing 2.0 - ripping you off on an entirely different level.
I do enjoy a good rant but i think your both clutching at straws here. (The facts/truth do matter, in fact thats what usually triggers half of my rants tbh. )
What's the difference between the two deals? Your gona spend the money on content anyway?
I looked at the old $30 content offer as a $70 membership. The new offer is a $75 membership. AKA they are lying to their customers.
I guess its open to interpretation, but you have to admit they do like to stretch the truth from time to time.
Just a reminder that this is actually a lie. IT IS NOT THE BEST RENEWAL PRICE OF THE YEAR. iR already gave us $30 off renewal price earlier this year. Bunch of idiots don't know their arse from their elbow. iRacing maybe on the verge of something big but jeez they're full oshit.
That is disappointing for sure. Coupled with wasting there time on gimmicks like driver aids & racing line, iRacing is taking to long to improve the core sim.
They make a big thing over NTM but most people forget that only one man was working on it out of the 30 strong team (+ beta testers).
So the question has to be asked what the heck do the rest of them do?
They must have a list of improvements as long as my arm but all we get build after build is tiny little things here & there. To claim that driver swaps was a big complicated project was an absolute joke & that wasted time & money in Brazil shows how organised they are.
It will cost an extra $36 just to race in it. Thats whats wrong.
Lets say you only like the LMP2 & you want to race it, well you cant unless you buy all the other cars in the class.
Can you remember where they said that? I'd love to quote that back at them & watch them squirm. The multi-class thing better be temporary or else.