I see your point but im not complaining. Most of us are just airing our thoughts on the subject. The one thing that does concern me is that the devs choose not to communicate with the community. It is their choice to do so, so i respect that.
Im not being mean or anything & i understand its pretty convenient that someone has a big house just down the road, but why dont you race @ a proper go kart track??
GB has some of the best kart tracks in Europe, why not broaden your horizons a little?
The answer isnt to run away & play another sim i already tried that. iRacing isnt just expensive its a rip off. You cannot even begin to compare the two (financially speaking). Dont join iRacing.
I really dont know why people worry about the quality of racing in LFS servers. If you want quality racing join a decent league, simple as that. LFS league racing is even better than iRacings in that if you make a silly error you wont end up pissed of cause your SR took a massive hit & now your gona have do another five races in the crappy slowstice.
Im glad i left all that SR rage & the wingers on the forum behind. Its so money orientated over there they cant see the wood for trees.
Jesus tris you need to lighten up a little. Did you see the thread title?
This is a lighthearted thread bordering on jovial, trust you to be Mr serious about it.
Hmm maybe hate was to strong a word to use, i certainly dont like the idea of renting something that just becomes more & more expensive. Why doesn't it make sense? I either try iRacing or i dont try iRacing, i didnt want to miss out on a sim that claims to be the best so i gave it a fair crack of the whip & came to my own conclusions.
Maybe it was a mistake to spend that much maybe it wasn't, i can always come back in two years or so when i feel its worth it & use all the content i currently own. With LFS as my benchmark iRacing still has a long way to go imo.
An update as to what stage the devs are @ would be nice. Seems we are already into the 2nd quarter of 2010 already. Lets just hope that no news is good news . (although you could call that, blind hope tbh :shrug
I think my hope & good will is beginning to run out.
I agree 100% the stock content needs to be a better package. Also whilst its nice of them to offer payed up members 20% off Aussie content, its still extortion.
LFS cost me £24 i have owned full content for 5 years & i will get another car & updated physics for free (when its ready). In comparison iRacing cost me $150, all i got was 6 months of membership & a portion of the content. The biggest thorn in my side is despite spending 4x as much on iRacing i cant just go load up the software i paid big bucks for & have a play because of their restrictions.
Its just not a fair deal, i hate renting, it just means constant spending for virtually nothing & every time they release more content iRacing becomes more expensive & so on & so on. Just out of interest how much would full content & two years membership cost? (incl of aussie cont)
Im glad you like it but beware, its not all its cracked up to be. Certainly doesn't live up to the price tag, yet. When they bring weather, day/night transition & transmission model it just might be worth it.
i agree with you spook, that move was appalling Neal should have been given a warning or a one race ban for that idiotic bumper car manouvre.
its no wonder collard was pissed .