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S2 licensed
if its just the weightlessness your concerned about you can experience that for a lot less.

Quote :$4,950 + 5% tax: Register yourself and/or others for a ZERO-G Experience. ... action=Experience.welcome
Virgin Galactic
S2 licensed
from wikipedia

Quote :Overview of the spacecraft flights

It is planned that the spacecraft are to be robust and affordable enough to take paying passengers ($200,000 per person with a $20,000 deposit). The craft is projected to be an eight passenger, two pilot craft.[1] Its planned trajectory will overlap the Earth’s atmosphere at 70,000 feet (21,000 m), which will make it a sub-orbital journey with a short period of weightlessness. At around 16 kilometers or 52,000 ft (16,000 m), the rocket will separate when the plane reaches its maximum height. The time from liftoff of the White Knight II booster carrying SpaceShipTwo until the touchdown of SpaceShipTwo after the suborbital flight will be about 2.5 hours. The suborbital flight itself will only be a small fraction of that time. The weightlessness will last approximately 6 minutes.[2] Passengers will be able to release themselves from their seats during these 6 minutes and float around the cabin.[1]
In addition to the suborbital passenger business, Virgin Galactic will market SpaceShipTwo for suborbital space science missions and market WhiteKnightTwo for "small satellite" launch services. They plan to initiate RFPs for the satellite business in early 2010.[3]
[edit] SpaceShipTwo's performance

SpaceShipTwo will fly higher than SpaceShipOne, to a height of 110 km in order to go beyond the defined boundary of space (100 km) and lengthen the experience of weightlessness.[1] The spacecraft will reach around Mach 3 (1000 m/s), which is faster than current fighter jets are capable of attaining; however, the spacecraft will not be able to sustain that speed for long periods of time. It has double the crew (2) and can carry triple the passengers (6) of its predecessor. In honour of the science fiction series "Star Trek", the first two ships are named in honour of the fictional starships "Enterprise" and "Voyager". To re-enter the atmosphere SpaceShipTwo folds its wings up, and then returns them to their original position for a smooth and gentle glide[citation needed] back onto the runway. The craft has a very limited cross-range capability and until other planned spaceports are built worldwide has to land in the area where it started. Further "Spaceports" are planned in Dubai and elsewhere, with the intention that the spaceline will have a world-wide availability and commodity in the future.
[edit] SpaceShipTwo

Sir Richard Branson unveiled the rocket plane on Monday 7th December 2009. SpaceShipTwo was presented to the world in the Mojave desert, in California. The vehicle will undergo testing over the next 18 months before being allowed to take ticketed individuals on short-hop trips just above the atmosphere. Sir Richard, who heads the Virgin Group, intends to run the first flights out of New Mexico before extending operations around the globe. Built from lightweight carbon composite materials and powered by a hybrid rocket motor, SS2 is based on the X-Prize-winning SpaceShipOne concept - a rocket plane that is lifted initially by a carrier vehicle before blasting skywards. SS1 became the world's first private spaceship with a series of high-altitude flights in 2004.[citation needed]
Its successor, however, is twice as large, measuring 18m (60ft) in length. And whereas SpaceShipOne only had a single pilot (and the ballast equivalent of two passengers), SS2 will have a crew of two and room for six passengers. About 300 individuals are reported to have signed up for a flight. They are all willing to pay about $200,000 (£121,000) for the privilege of experiencing six minutes of weightlessness during what will be a two-hour end-to-end flight. Many of those future "astronauts" have attended the VIP unveiling at the Mojave Air and Spaceport. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson christened the spaceliner Virgin SpaceShip (VSS) Enterprise. The New Mexico authorities are investing almost $200m (£121m) in a purpose-built facility in Upham. It will have a 3,000m (10,000ft) runway and a suitably space-age terminal and hangar building designed by Foster and Partners. Sir Richard's Virgin Galactic enterprise will have competitors but he is almost certain to be the first to market, barring any problems arising in the test campaign. SpaceShipTwo's carrier plane is called WhiteKnightTwo. It was finished last year and has already begun its own trials.[citation needed]

I never realised how far along Virgin are with making space flights available to those who can afford the £125k price tag. They already have bookings & unveiled Spaceship2 to to paying customers @ Mojave spaceport.

It seems that pushing the boundaries in passenger air/space travel does not warrant much air time these days?

Latest: ... enterprises-first-flight/
S2 licensed
'Miraculous' survival in Turkey which is linked via the clio clip is unbelievable.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I've read (can't remember where, it may have been National Geographic) that given an unlimited budget and recent technology, we could get a probe to Alpha Centauri in less than 100 years.

I'd love to read about the proposed method of getting there in such a short time frame. So far the articles i have read are mostly theory which rely on future technology to get us there. Using pulses of energy from nuclear explosions seems to be the most doable with present tech although they'd probably want to be clear of our solar system before leaving random bits of spent nuclear material all over the place.

In the next 10 years they also want to send another manned spacecraft to the moon.
S2 licensed
This image (below) just gives a jaw dropping perspective of how far we have managed to get in 30 years of space travel & the general scale of things. Voyager 1 is the farthest man made object from earth.(& probably always will be)
If it were sent towards our nearest neighboring star it would take 75,000 years to get there.

I think this basically means if we cant find find life within our own solar system or invent a faster way to travel through space we will never find alien life. Unless it finds us first . I'm going to stop now, my heads gona explode. ... stem-probes-4407b.svg.png
Last edited by anttt69, .
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :What were you using as the reference for 2500mph?

USAF S71 Blackbird & yes i was wrong, the top speed reached was 2200mph which in our atmosphere is pretty impressive. I also picked up some tecky facts about the limitations of jet engines.

Quote from JJ72 :The speed comparison is a bit odd, in space there's no limitation on your terminal velocity except the laws of relativity, you can reach that speed in space just by coughing in the same direction for a very long time.

I disagree with you there, if that were the case then why would scientists waste 7 years getting to Saturn? They had to use borrowed energy from earth & other planets to slingshot the craft to Saturn. I guess the limitations are how much fuel it could carry to propel itself, & the borrowed energy idea makes a lot more sense for an exploratory mission.

I will read up on the Voyagers, sounds awesome.

Quote from tristancliffe :What if space isn't the final frontier? What if, after a lot of space, it just becomes... milk...

"Milk, the final frontier"!

Lol, the irony is that there probably is nothing out there in space that is of any use to us as a race. We are just exploring for the hell of it, (& the ground breaking science) its a bit like exploring a desert or Antarctica, theres nothing much there. Certainly no cows anyway.
S2 licensed
damn shame , i hope the owners sold it for so much $ they can build something similar (if not better) near by & still have plenty left over to rub there noses in it.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I'd love to see a chicken traveling at 2,500mph.

Lol so would i, but the laws of physics say no.

Quote from amp88 :Space shuttles (and obviously the astronauts on board) need to accelerate to ~18000mph before leaving Earth's atmosphere.

It's not just "nutters in turbans" that are violent.

True Amp, but i was looking for an earth bound machine as a comparison.
There's a big difference between being violent & plotting to plant bombs, crash aircraft etc murdering & maiming innocent people.
Cassini Huygens mission to Saturn
S2 licensed
After getting hooked on the great BB2 program 'Wonders of the Solar System' im now a space exploration convert. I find myself constantly amazed & in awe of what these scientists & the human race in general is capable of.(well some of it anyways)

Just getting to grips with some of the figures, boggles the mind. A few examples:
  • Cassini will travel 3.2 billion kilometres (2 billion miles) in order to reach Saturn.
  • The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft weighs over five tons & its maximum recorded velocity was over 98,000 mph
Just to put this into perspective the maximum recorded speed of a man made machine on earth is a poultry 2,500 mph! or mach 4.3(limited googling, might be wrong). Cassini was launched over 12 years ago & is anticipated to still be collecting data in 2015.The cassini huygens mission was the first to find a body of liquid on another planet in the known universe. The temperature on Titan the largest of Saturns moons is -180 centigrade.

All this human endeavor & discovery of new worlds kind of begs the question: "How come we can send send complex spacecraft billions of miles into outerspace & yet we cant stop nutters in turbans hating the world?
Last edited by anttt69, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rich uk : magnificent for avaitaion around me. Lasham airport one side of me, Odiham RAF airport the other side, and the gatwick/heathrow flight path is about 2 miles skywards so no sound but lots of planes

We have biplanes too

Hey Rich you haven't captured the beast known as the A380 on your imaging device yet per chance?
S2 licensed
quite cool, shame he jacked them up high like a 4x4. They would have looked better closer to their original size. like a bumper car go kart for the road.

p.s - wrong part of the forum
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Only if you weigh it in.
S2 licensed
Is the 120mins of sebring having a broadcast?
S2 licensed
the car in my sig is my dads but he lets me race it. I still think tristans gona win on the racing car side.
S2 licensed
yeah you are, remember the adults who faked that balloon stunt illepall.
& the people that believed them.
S2 licensed
window cleaner, kitchen roll & patience
depending on how dirty your screen is, the first 10mins can be spent moving the smudges around the screen. eventually it will lift the grime & come up looking good as new.
S2 licensed
Could an old skool BF2 fan do a quick honest review of this game?
I have been tempted, but really what does it offer that BF2 does not?
Game play seems kinda similar.
British Telecom a complete Joke!
S2 licensed
Quote :Congratulations, our preliminary tests indicate that you can get NewNet Broadband with speeds likely to be around 0. A further test will be performed to confirm if your line is suitable for the speed of service you wish to purchase.

BT were down the road the other day doing some random "maintenance". I would have thought they might have been fixing something or upgrading but it turns out they were downgrading! our line yet again. About six months ago our service dropped from a pitiful 1mb to 512k today it dropped to less than 250k!.
Way to go BT you rock. I may as well have dial up.

rant over
S2 licensed
Quote from nightojnr :
I would really like to see Mount Panorama in the next LFS. Considering the amount of Australians who play LFS i think it would be great to give them something back and not just the aussie's but everyone who plays LFS.

Unfortunately the only way your gona get any aussie content for a sim is to either A: Buy Rfactor or B: Rent iRacing
LFS is not going anywhere soon , 14 months late on a patch says it all.
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :
This real miata race at road america really reminds me of soltice races, accidents happening around you, and just got to be aware enough and keep your cool -

Shame they dont run the Solstice around RA. Although you cant even bump draft without racking up negative SR . So youd have to pay even more money to host a private race, then the solstice would crumple like a cardboard box when you tried it.
I wonder whether the netcode is good enough to succesfuly bump draft?
S2 licensed
I doubt it will be much of a wave, Hawaii is a long way from the epicenter.
S2 licensed
Dont worry wilko you always got fe club rev. Now run along & play nicely.

thanks for the pics rich, looks top notch as always
Last edited by anttt69, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :
Get it on the PC, I don't know about your specs. But XP should run, I got some classmates, 2 with XP, 1 with Vista, and 3 on 7, incuding me, and they all seemd to run just fine. It's just that XP is the slowest of all, and only DX9.

Why is XP slower? I heard vista is a ram hoar. I can live with DX9 although BF2 had DX9 & that was years ago. Hopefully a DX10 patch will come.
S2 licensed
looks good, now im stuck with a difficult decision
buy it for PC £20 05/03
buy it for PS3 £35 pre order from HK 02/03

it is supposed to be better on console or pc? what specs will i need?
tempted to go pc as its cheaper to buy & i prefer mouse controls.

edit: i found them
Recommended Specs
Processor: Quadcore
Main memory: 2GB
Graphics card: GeForce GTX 260
Graphics memory: 512MB
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Free HDD space: 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version (BFBC2), 10GB for Digital Version, 4GB for Disc Version (BF1943)

which means my pc is not gona cut the mustard (no support for XP! wtf)
Last edited by anttt69, .