Definition for Terrorist. Basically a person using an act of terror to make a point out or get something they want. You could say most of the world has been a terrorist, literally, lol. Has anyone NOT used SOME FORM of terror (fear, making someone scared) to get a point out, I'm sure you all have, even if you were innocent.
But then there are more serious terrorists, that who knows.. there could be more of them then the Arabs, that do more serious threats etc.
Then you have the extremists which go too far and normally tend to be Arab. I am Lebanese myself and I am from the Arabic area and weather people say its racist or discrimination or not, most of them are Arabs and its Arabs that give themselves the terrorist name, not the media. The media just exaggerate it.
Sam, i didn't mean make the track and DELIBERATELY not release it. They would make a track, not think its good or they did a poor job and didn't release it. They have worked with cars and not released them before, so as if they wouldn't do it for tracks too.
It wont happen. You think they haven't created RL tracks? There is obviously a reason why they have decided not to release any. Maybe they felt it is not a good feature to have and only they would know that. Try anyway, receive a yes and your most likely going to be a legend! lol!
LOL yeh about 2 tenths to think and control. Also think about the speed, the weather, the g-forces, weight of the wheel all acting in them 2 tenths. Then you could think mind and human nature for survival to stay alive and not crash. Couldnt even prevent that in 2 seconds with what Kimi did in 2 tenths IMO.
And i gotta give it up for Kimi for keeping the car controlled, the replay you watch him correct it and at high speed on that turn outside the tunnel, i was in shock. He did great work keeping the car straight, but shame for Sutil, really sad to see him finish the race like that.
Yes ofcourse iRacing is expensive in sim-racing terms, but in general terms, its cheap. Its much cheaper then a car loan or a house loan, so whats the whining ay? iRacing is very cheap! How are peoples sarcasm meter's running?
Ive always thought of a continuous competition. Its more like a career or leveled series if that makes sense. It sounds stupid and wouldn't work unless there was people willing to put in effort to keep it going. Don't kill me now!
Theres 5 series. MRT, FBM, FOX, FO8, BF1. There is 20 in the BF1 series and up to 40 or whatever the max a server can hold in the MRT series. At the end of each series, the 5 best move to the next series up (eg 3rd place in FBM series moves to the FOX series) and the bottom 5 moves to the bottom. As for the rest, they stay in the series and don't move anywhere. This makes it sort of like a career mode.
If there was thousands playing, you could have heaps of MRT groups, alot of fbm, few of fox and a couple of fo8 and 1 of bf1. But the more groups, you would maybe make it lowest 10 people go down a group and it can work evenly by having 1 bf1 group, 2 fo8 groups, 4 fox groups, 8 fbm groups and 16 mrt groups which would total if filled up 1100, but then even more groups if even more players. Similar to F1REM or GPRO.
Like i said, this would hardly work. Would be interesting though.
I'm not in denial about Hamilton's skill or win. He is one hell of a driver to me, i think he is in the top group of F1, but what i am in denial is him alike Senna. Anyone who talks about Hamilton and gives reference to Senna is just completely in love with Lewis. You have to face it, and that damn James Allen has to face it, Lewis is not like Ayrton!
He never was, not is, and never will be, and call me someone inlove with Senna, but i still keep in mind hes not as good/like Clark, Prost, Gillies, Fangio, Moss, Brabham either.
I hate how people compare or talk about Hammilton like Senna, its really annoying, especially from James Allen. All i heard him talk about was Lewis and Senna.
And his quotes to talk about the conditions.
James: "Its very hard out there. It looks like the drivers gave their cars to their grandmas."
?? What a nut. The race was good, but he kills it!
The FO8 is the best looking SS car in LFS IMO. I think maybe a touch around the engine and read, but dont dare anything at the front. Even leave it how it is, i dont think it needs any touch at all. Other then the FZ5, its the best looking, sounding, feeling car in the game.
Whats funny is, the RS125 has a power to weight ratio of i think 160kw/tonne, but its legal, so don't really follow that restriction. For 250cc, it says anything except the five bikes in that class.
I was first interested in the Aprilia, but in this thread its been said they are good/ but need alot to be maintained etc. The yamaha looks really nice and i might be tossing up between the yamaha and the ninja now.
Also to answer some questions, im going for a new bike, not used. Plus ive (well my brother, but i can use) a Yamaha WR250x which is a dirt bike, but im looking more for a road bike. .
I'm going to be getting a bike around late July. Il be a learner rider so obviously I'm restricted to alot of bikes and i thought id leave a thread here if people can help out in which is a good bike to get.
Ive been researching abit and narrowed down to three bikes that are good and that i like. Id appreciate it if anyone can help me out here .