Team ended because of something that happend in team practice late on monday night....This was not planned and if you think it was planned why u think we have a sponsor? You think we got a sponsor for the fun of it? You think i am happy i had to close a team that i start about 1 year ago? I loved my team and i did not want it to come to this so i dont care if you dont care about the team going under but the fact is this was not planned nore did the team even know about it. I made the decision on my own and told the team after. I already said i am sorry for wasting time for those who did the logo comp and i will try and mebe sort something out for those that did. So just leave it i am depressed as it is without this as well.
Its gone m8...I dont want anyone to run it. I loved running the team when the team was active and if it was active the way it was 9 months ago then this would not be happening.
Thanks for that niki...Sadly my mother is very very ill and i dont have the time to run a team no more and i like racing within a team not racing on my own hoping i will get drivers. When i was with ITEK because i was so stressed with trying to make the team work i sort of lost interest in racing a little and only raced when i had to. Now that presure is off me and i have more time to myself and i am starting to race again and enjoying it. If the rest of the team had of worked a little harder then i would keep on trying to make the team work but i got very little help...And for the ones that did help and they know who they are i thank them.
Yes we do know...Been there done that. Put it this way if it was not for you guys speaking polish in the team all the time i would not have left in the first place. Polish team with 1 guy speaks english is no good
Dont dare talk to me like that m8...The decision was made 1 day ago because of something that happened in the team and that could not be helped and i am not going to keep a team together just because of a logo comp and i have already said sorry for that. I put so much time into my team because i loved it...It breaks my heart to have to end it like this but i dont need you sleezy comments. We were a respected team in lfs and you dont know what it means to leave that behind.
Dont dare talk to me like that m8...The decision was made 1 day ago because of something that happened in the team and that could not be helped and i am not going to keep a team together just because of a logo comp and i have already said sorry for that. I put so much time into my team because i loved it...It breaks my heart to have to end it like this but i dont need you sleezy comments.
The End did not really leave because he was the first to know that i was stopping the team so he took action straight away. When talking to The End the other night i said im packing in the team and he agreed with my reasons and then started looking another team. The End was one of ITEK most loyal drivers and if it was not for the team split he would of still been with us.
Sadly ITEK Racing came to a end today....I am very sorry to those that took the time and effort to design a logo and there was alot of great logos. Again i am sorry and i hope you all dont hate me now
This was only decided today....And im not going to keep a team running because we had a logo comp going. But i am very very sorry for the wasted time on the logos because there was some great ones that we would of used.
After talks of stopping the team months ago and the LFS comunity making me change my mind to give it 1 more go i did just that.....Sadly it just did not work out as inactivity kicked in and more so than before its caused me to have to close the team. I really did not want it to come to this but i have been getting stressed out about the team not turning up to training and when they do they stay for 10 min and so on and i cant run after the team no more as i have a life outside of lfs. The team will stay in close touch with each other and although alot were inactive they are a great bunch of guys. I like being part of a team so if there is any decent teams out there that are looking a driver let me know.
If you had of had the Act-Labs wheel like i did it was designed very very well for it because the bar and the clamping system worked perfect if you had them both...No complaints about mine at all.
I have also contacted Gameseek. I was the first one from there to order one as i asked the guy Steve from gameseek to put it up for sale so i can preorder it....Its already been put back from there and i really hope it does not happen again. He said to me its hard to get hardware out the door like games and there is no release date for it and he said they are waiting on logitech to send the wheels. I did also tell him that others are starting to get there wheels now and he was shocked by this so i sent him links to the like of dell who say 24hour etc so i hope they start pushing logitech now because i preorderd mine a while back now and i dono how long my dfp will hang on for as its on its way out.
If you owned a Act-Labs shifter and wheel you will find that that metal ruler thing u talk about actually went under the act-labs wheel to when you clamped the wheel down you were also clamping the shifter. Great and sterdy idea if you ask me but the shifter was a little flimsy and flexed alot. But it did come with different shifter plates and that was great for other games like nascar that only have 4 gears.