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S2 licensed
ITEK Racing Team would like to welcome Bigdave (The End) to the team. Dave is still pretty new to lfs but showed us in the 2 trials that he had to take that he has talent and every lap is better than his last. We are still looking members to fill the 4 spots we have left in our team....If you would like to join a team that is alot of fun, Clean and that enters in some of the biggest events on lfs then come see us...
S2 licensed
We have about 5 spots on our team that need to be filled so if anyone is interested come to our site and we will see if you got what we are looking for...
S2 licensed
Good luck with your new team m8 i hope it works out for you....
S2 licensed
Ok site problems have been fixed but there is a few teething issues but everything is working. Dates will be set this month for the start of the school so if you are still interested goto our site and sign up and pur your name down.
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Very nice idea! I'd ask for help if I wasn't an absolute total pro in everything not trying to sound full of my self but I am just perfect in every way.

Sure you are Like i said to another guy....Why dont you come along and take on one of our instructors and see how pro you are I am glad we are getting alot of good feedback from this. We are just trying to help the LFS community grow with better drivers.
S2 licensed
Well i hope that we can make it work and i am aware of CRC attemt as well as i did read the post a while back. We just hope there is enough interest for it to work.
S2 licensed
That training does not teach you alot and thats what we aim to do is teach what the lesson dont teach. Since you pretty new yourself Wigga why dont you come along and see if that Live For Speed Practice has done you any good by racing our team just to prove a point
Last edited by B11TME, .
S2 licensed
I am trying to see if there is a fix for the firefox problem so i can get it sorted out. I will keep you posted.
S2 licensed
Humm not bad....But we made a few changed to our site....Tell me what you think of it now? ORION i know you know a good bit about web design but do you know anything about calendar mods and blocks? I am wanting to have a claendar were i have admin control and can add events but i dont have a clue were to start. Can you help?
S2 licensed
if any feedback that is more like it....Kev lets start again m8 eh? And orion i really want ot change the font of my site and make it bigger and diff colors and so on but i dont know how to do it lol....I am a noob so websites and thats the best i could do....Did a little change to it if you go back.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Have to say the tiny text on your main content areas is a pain, but making it all italic is just masochistic. FFS give people something they can read without squinting.

I dont think thats all you said m8. the part before you said ffs was ok but to say ffs is rude and this post was not for sugestions on the site there is a poll on the site witch i see you already found too.
S2 licensed
Can admin delete this wasted thread please?
ITEK Racing Team
S2 licensed
What do you think of our new site?
Last edited by B11TME, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dazza289 :Ok got my rendering Working lueskunk i am doing that skin now dont know if its already been done

Will be done tommorow as i can only render 512 x 348 so i think i need a different version of brazil

Thanks to me
S2 licensed
I had same problem at one time but my problem was i did not know how to apply the skin correctly. Instead of using defuse i used click and drag and it cause lights and windows to go like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from JSPEC N2oxide :This is my try at skinning. This is a Jeff gordon skin
i will upload my suit after i take a pic of it.

Yea wise the hell up and stop stealing skins from others....I rendered this skin for teazR a while back. Skinners put alot of work into making skins so wise the hell up or the like of you will stop skinners from making skins.
S2 licensed
Little update....ITEK Done there Promo movie, find it at
S2 licensed
GL BRT. As a new team myself mebe we can have a team challange in the new year.
S2 licensed
Quote from sdbDrifter :Do I have the milage?

Yea you have enough but not alot of car and track combos...But come visit us at and we will give you a tryout if you are interested. And i totaly agree Orion with what you said.
S2 licensed
We are a new racing team on the scene.

ITEK Racing


[ITEK] Yugo 45

[ITEK] Samyip

S2 licensed
Hi there...I looked at your stats and you have only done 800 miles....I would not take anyone on the team with so little stats. Get some milage under you and more stats then come see me. We are looking for fast clean and also fun drivers to join the team. Thanks for the interest tho...

S2 licensed
Just a little update....ITEK had there first team challange the other day and we won....We are still looking clean and fast drivers so come visit us and post on forum if you are interested or just post here.
S2 licensed
Thanks guys I just hope we get some members now :P
S2 licensed
As shown here and big thanks to teazR for desgin and making of the skins
ITEK Racing Team
S2 licensed
Hey all, I just thought would advertise that ITEK Racing is looking for more drivers. We have 3 at the moment but we want to grow untill about 8. We have own server we have a site (New one is being made as we speak) and a forum (Also getting a new one) We are looking for clean fast drivers so if you think you would be a good asset to ITEK Racing then goto