Some really good points there m8....ITEK has been together almost 1 year now and in this time we have tried to get something to work as a logo and the only things we get are logo that look like they are stickers and came out of a cereal box. The main reason for this problem is they have always been within a box or a circle etc.....I dont think a logo works well like that with us. So i am stuck for ideas for a logo so i am unsure on what i want myself apart from it not to look cartoony and for it not to be in a circle etc. If i had to pick colors i did want for the logo it would have to be black, red, silver. I am hoping to have a possable new design for ITEK skins within a day or 2 depending on how busy my good friend is but if it works out the way i hope then i will show a screenshot of the skin so who ever is interested can get a better idea, But like i said im not 100% sure if its going to work out so i hope i give enough info. And if there is any questions then just ask....And thanks for the help tweaker
Been a while since anyone posted on this....But i was thinking about doing this myself and wondered if anyone has tried this matrox box out yet? Or is there any other ways around this now?
Well the logo does not have to be the same color as the colors we use at the moment because if the logo is right then we will be changing the skin to suit the logo so we will be building the skin around the logo instead of the other way around like we tried in the past. We are just after a modern looking logo that does not look cartoony....
As most of you all know now we struck a deal with and they are now ITEK's sponsor and thanks to 500servers we are able to put a prize up for these competitions.
Here is the challenges
Challenge 1:
Design a Logo for ITEK Racing Teams skin....This logo will then be used to design the new ITEK skins for 2007.
The Prizes
1st Prize: 23 slot server + 20 slot teamspeak server for 2 months
2nd Prize: 23 slot server for 1 month
3rd Prize: 11 slot server for 1 month
4th Prize: 20 slot teamspeak server for 1 month
Here is one of me drifting with the DFP on 900 deg mode. G25 would be something the same i think only that the wheel is little bigger...And yes i do sit that close to the screen because i aint got much room behind me :P And no i am not a drifter...This movie was requested by one of my team m8s lol
Good luck with this guys...We tried it and did not get a good turn out for it and also the guy who was ment to run it never bothered his ass lol...So gl guys
I scared myself m8...I just hope the team start helping out and start being a team....And its also because of the lfs comunity is the reason we are staying because it can be a really nice place to be.
I guess this can be removed. Thanks all for your help, if it was not for all of you i would not of changed my mind....Can admin please remove this please
All you guys have been great....I did not know so many of you knew of us and some of the comments are really really nice and thats the sort of rep i always wanted with the team. You guys have made me change my mind for what i want with itek. I am going to try my best and keep itek alive and i am going to take onboard alot of what you guys said and think. I hope you all cross your fingers and hope that itek will stay alive because this is the last hope for the team.
You mebe right but the fact that is has been like this before the summber sort of kicks thats out the window. As for kicking some of the member i am giving it some thought trust me.....I dont want to let the team i worked so hard for to go down the drains but some of my members are just not helping
Alot of you may be right about trying to keep it going but alot of you will know its hard enough trying to find more members that have the pace and are going to be online alot. If i was to keep itek running can any of you give me ideas on what i should do? I am still pretty new to running a team but i would like to know what some of you would do if it was your team? And thanks Orion you are right but all my faith is starting to run out
Its based on alot of things....I have also thought about kicking out the members that are very inactive etc but i am such a nice guy i would not kick them lol. I would love to keep ITEK running but i dono...Mebe we will take a break or something.
ITEK Racing created by me back in november 2005 has sadly came to a end. Due to alot of inactivity in the team and alot of drivers loss of interest in the game i am sadly going to close ITEK down. We were a great team while we lasted and i just wish things had of turned out better. I would like to make a post torwards other teams as well.....Alot of work goes into making these teams and all it takes to kill them in inactivity...Please be active for your team. RIP ITEK
We will be having a practice run on the 13th of July at 22:00 CET for a bit of fun. If you want in please post here saying so. It will be 15 min quali and 15 laps of Aston National with 1 pitstop required. This is a fun race so everyone try and make it. Server details and password will be posted 3 hours before the race. Any questions let me or X-Ter know..